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Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle is still kicking even if on lower level*

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | indigenous struggles | news report author Tuesday July 12, 2016 18:34author by Ilan S. - AAtW,, Ahdut (Unity)author email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Ma'asara, Nebi Saleh, Qaddum, Shikh Jarrah and the South of Hebron Hills

The joint non armed struggle of the Israeli anarchists against the wall with local activists which confronted the Israeli state forces was unique at the beginning and drew to it less radical Israelis. Along the years were efforts to unite the local struggles and rise the level of activity but both Palestinian and Israeli authorities thwarted it. Alternative projects in the less radical Israeli circles diminish the pool the AAtW recruit. In the Palestinian side some of the successes and softening of the Israeli suppression contributed its share for dropping out of the on going joint struggle. The radical change of suppression of the Friday demos in Bil'in - mainly not shooting us any more with bullets and tear gas grenades, and the Ramadan rose some second thoughts even in the most persistent activists. But, the Tsumud (persistent) moral was regained in the relative big demo of 8 July.


10-6-16 "our Bil'in weekly Friday Occupation Protest Demonstration was quiet for the 3rd week running! We were only 25 in number for Bil'in this week but we showed up! So did 50 Israeli Occupation soldiers! We delivered our message in Peace! Again, we know the occupation wants to tell us we are guests in our own land and we are their prisoners but we are not clear why they show up with 50 combat armed soldiers! There is no threat from our farming village!"
24-6-16 The 590th Friday demo. Bil'in is persisting and will never yield!!! 10 Israelis with the anarchists against the wall and half a dozen internationals joined a dozen of Bil'iners in the never breaking chain of Friday demos. In spite of the state force threatening with arrests we nearly reached the route of the dismantled separation fence and the memorial structure of Bassem (phil).
After a prolonged "communication" with the soldiers we returned to the village.

1.7 Bil'in Friday demo brought us a small victory. About 8 Israeli anarchists and few internationals joined a dozen Bil'iners in the last ramadan Friday demo. The theme of the demo was the commemoration of the second anniversary of the murder of Mohammad Abu Khdeir, the Palestinian child of occupied east Jerusalem who was kidnapped by Israeli fanatics, who tortured him, and burnt him. This was the forth demo without the state forces shooting. From demo to demo we got nearer to the soldiers. .This Friday we were "quarrelling" with them only few meters separating between us. After a long while they force us to retreat about 20 meters by threatening with arrests, got so satisfied that most of them went away leaving few to keep us from going to Bassem memorial. We regrouped a bit back to a shade of an olive tree discussing the future demonstrations and in parallel few kids attacked the remaining soldiers with stones. The soldiers preferred to go away so we took advantage of it and converged at the memorial of Bassem where the soldiers car usually park.
8-7-16 Friday 8-7-16. 6 Israelis with the anarchists against the wall initiative, and about 20 international solidarity activists from various countries joined about 20 bil'iners. As is the ritual the last month the Israeli state forces positioned near the route of the dismantled separation fence "allowed" us to come up to few meters from their position - blocking our way to the new separation wall one kilometre to the west. The soldiers declared the area as closed military zone forbidden to us... even showed the activists that demanded that the document signed by the general commanding the region.
After a long quarrel with the most daring activists they declared they are starting to arrest these too near to them and we started to retreat few meters to be on the safe side. few kids throw few stones tried to provoke the soldiers... but these were not in the mood to use it as a pretext to start shooting us.
Gradually we started to return to the village as we have seen the soldiers will not go away and will not let us have a victory group picture at the memorial of Bassem abu Rahme located near the old route as in the previous Friday.


25-6 israelpnm
1 Jul israelpnm
David Reeb



Don't say we did not know #506

Settlers from the outposts Ahiya and Esh Kodesh never stop harassing the Palestinian farmers of Jalud, whose lands are next to those outposts.

On Sunday, 5th June, 2016, after co-ordinating with the IDF, Jalud farmers went to harvest their crops on fields between the two outposts. Settlers tried to prevent the harvest. This time, the police restrained the settlers, enabling the farmers to complete their harvest (256 dunums).

It should be noted that a settler squatted on the land of a farmer from Jalud – a trespass that was ruled illegal by the court. That settler squatting there has to vacate the land only at the beginning of next year. He won a stay in court - that same court that termed his trespass illegal – so his eviction has been postponed.


On Thursday, 9th June, 2016, government representatives escorted by the police came to demolish El-Araqib, yet again.

Don't say we did not know #507

Recently, Mekorot (the Israeli water carrier) has cut back the amount of water it supplies to Palestinian areas in the northern West Bank. Salem village (east of Nablus), as an example, receives a water supply once a week to each household. The villagers have been informed that from Thursday, 9th June, 2016, Mekorot would be cutting that amount by a further half.

In Umm Jamal, in the north Jordan Valley, there's a spring used by shepherds to water their flocks. The land belongs to the church. On Tuesday, 14th June, 2016, the IDF told the shepherds, via a note posted at the site, that they must appear before a court in Beit El settlement three days later and if they did not present themselves in court, they would be denied access to the spring.

On 14th June, 2016, IDF soldiers confiscated a tractor and a water tank from a Palestinian resident of Samara in the north Jordan Valley.


Don't say we did not know #508

We frequently hear in the media about water supply problems in the Occupied Territories. Here's yet another testimony of harassment of Palestinian farmers:

On Thursday, 23rd June, 2016, Mekorot workers (from the Israeli water company), together with representatives of the Civil Administration, came to the Palestinian village Baq'a (east of Hebron), escorted by soldiers, and destroyed both their agricultural drip irrigation system and fertiliser containers. These were in use for cultivation of an area of nearly 10 dunums of tomatoes (dunum=1000 sq.m.).

We should emphasise the following: all attempts by the villagers to negotiate a water supply with the authorities have failed.

Questions & queries:

Don't say we did not know #509

Herding communities in the West Bank’s Jordan Valley suffer from extreme water restrictions.

A Palestinian from Hadidiyya (near Roee settlement) put in place a water pipe from Tamun village to his village (8 kms) so as to solve the village’s water supply problem. The Israeli Civil Administration cut off the pipe 200 metres from the village. All attempts by Palestinians from the village to reconnect the pipe were blocked by IDF soldiers.

On Thursday, 30th June, 2016, Israeli activists tried to reconnect the pipe but were prevented by soldiers.


On Wednesday, 29th June, 2016, government representatives, escorted by the police, arrived in El-Araqib to demolish it, yet again. For the 100th time!

This was the second time that government representatives have demolished it during this Ramadan.

Questions & queries:

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.

Ahdut (Unity) blog:
Ahdut (Unity) Position paper about the Palestinian struggle
English -
Arabic -

See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution:

Verwandter Link:
author by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionalipublication date Thu Jul 14, 2016 01:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Palestina-Israele, la lotta unitaria è viva anche se meno intensa* (it)

La lotta unitaria non armata degli israeliani di Anarchici Contro il Muro insieme agli attivisti
locali condotta contro le forze di Stato israeliane fu all'inizio un caso unico che attirò
ad essa anche attivisti israeliani meno radicalizzati. Nel corso degli anni ci sono stati tentativi di unificare le lotte locali e
di far crescere il livello di attivismo, ma sia le autorità israeliane che quelle palestinesi lo hanno impedito.
Progetti alternativi sorti nell'ambito dei circoli israeliani meno radicalizzati hanno ridotto il bacino a cui attingeva l'iniziativa di
Anarchici Contro Il Muro. Sul versante palestinese alcuni successi ottenuti ed una attività di repressione più blanda da parte
israeliana hanno contribuito alle defezioni dalla lotta unitaria. Il
cambiamento più radicale nella repressione si è avuto nelle manifestazioni del venerdì a Bil'in - soprattutto con la scomparsa del ricorso all'uso di
proiettili e lacrimogeni, mentre il Ramadan ha influito anche sugli attivisti più tenaci.
Ma, l'etica della persistenza (tsumud) è stata ritrovata nella grande manifestazione dell'8 luglio.


10-6-16 "per la terza settimana di fila la quiete regna sovrana sulle manifestazioni settimanali di protesta contro
l'occupazione! Eravamo solo in 25 a Bil'in questa settimana ma ci siamo fatti vedere! E così pure i 50
soldati israeliani! Abbiamo fatto sentire il nostro messaggio in pace! Lo sappiamo che
l'esercito occupante vuole dirci che siamo solo degli ospiti sulle nostre terre e che siamo loro prigionieri ma
non capiamo perchè devono schierare 50 soldati in tenuta da combattimento! Non vi è alcuna minaccia che
possa arrivare dai nostri villaggi agricoli!"
24-6-16 Manifestazione del venerdì n°590. Bil'in persiste e non cederà mai!!! 10 Israeliani
con gli Anarchici Contro il Muro e mezza dozzina di internazionali si sono uniti ai
residenti di Bil'nell'ininterrotta catena di manifestazioni del venerdì. Nonostante le minacce di arresti da parte
delle forze di stato, abbiamo quasi raggiunto la strada dove passava il muro della separazione poi smantellato
fino al monumento alla memoria di Bassem (phil).
Dopo un lungo "scambio di vedute" con i soldati siamo tornati al villaggio.

1.7 La manifestazione del venerdì ci ha dato una piccola vittoria. Circa 8 anarchici israeliani e pochi
internazionali si sono uniti ad una dozzina di residenti nell'ultima manifestazione del venerdì durante il ramadan. Il tema della
manifestazione era la commemorazione del secondo anniversario dell'uccisione di Mohammad Abu Khdeir,
il bambino palestinese di Gerusalemme Est occupata che era stato rapito da fanatici israeliani,
poi da loro torturato e bruciato. E' stata la quarta manifestazione senza spari da parte delle
forze di stato. Di manifestazione in manifestazione la distanza tra noi ed i soldati si riduce. Questo venerdì siamo arrivati a
"litigare" con loro a solo 20 metri di distanza. Dopo un po' di tempo,
ci hanno costretto a ritirarci di altri 20 metri minacciando arresti, ed erano così soddisfatti che
la maggior parte di loro se ne è andata lasciando solo pochi soldati per impedirci di andare al memoriale di Bassem. Ci siamo ritrovati
un po' più indietro all'ombra di un ulivo per discutere delle prossime manifestazioni mentre in
parallelo pochi ragazzini attaccavano i soldati rimasti con lancio di pietre. I soldati hanno preferito
andarsene e noi ne abbiamo approfittato per convergere sul memoriale di Bassem dove di solito
i soldati parcheggiano i loro mezzi.
8-7-16 Venerdì 6 Israeliani con gli Anarchici Contro il Muro, e
circa 20 attivisti internazionali di diversi paesi si sono uniti ad almeno 20
residenti. Come da rituale dell'ultimo mese, le forze di stato israeliane si sono posizionate vicino alla
strada del muro della separazione smantellato e ci hanno "permesso" di avanzare fino a pochi metri dalle loro
posizioni - bloccandoci la strada verso il nuovo muro della separazione che si trova ad 1 km ad ovest. I
soldati hanno dichiarato l'area zona militare chiusa a noi interdetta....ed hanno persino esibito agli
attivisti che ne facevano richiesta l'ordinanza firmata dal generale comandante della regione.
Dopo una lunga discussione con gli attivisti più baldanzosi, i soldati hanno minacciato di procedere all'
arresto di quelli troppo vicini a loro, così noi ci siamo ritirati di alcuni metri per metterci in sicurezza.
Alcuni ragazzi hanno lanciato dei sassi per provocare i soldati... che però non erano dell'umore di
usare la sassaiola quale pretesto per spararci addosso.
Gradualmente abbiamo fatto ritorno al villaggio dato che i soldati non se andavano via
e non ci permettevano -diversamente dalla settimana scorsa - di farci una foto di gruppo al memoriale di Bassem abu Rahme
che si trova lungo la vecchia strada del muro.


25-6 israelpnm
1 luglio israelpnm
David Reeb



Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°506

I coloni dell'avanposto di Ahiya e di Esh Kodesh non smettono di dare fastidio ai contadini
palestinesi di Jalud, che hanno le loro terre vicino a quegli avanposti.

Domenica 5 giugno, dopo aver preso accordi con l'esercito, i contadini di Jalud sono andati a lavorare
la terra nei campi tra i due avanposti. I coloni hanno cercato di impediglierlo.
Questa volta, la polizia israeliana ha tenuto a bada i coloni, permettendo ai contadini di completare
il raccolto (256 dunums).

Va detto che un colono aveva occupato la terra di un contadino di Jalud – una violazione
ritenuta illegale dal tribunale. Ma quel colono dovrà andar via dalla terra occupata
solo all'inizio del prossimo anno. Infatti ha ottenuto una proroga dal tribunale - quello stesso tribunale che aveva
sentenziato come illegale la sua violazione - per cui la sua rimozione è stata posticipata.


Giovedì 9 giugno 2016, rappresentanti del governo scortati dalla polizia sono giunti al villaggio di
El-Araqib per demolirlo ancora una volta.

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°507

Recentemente, Mekorot (l'acquedotto israeliano) ha ridotto la quantità di acqua che fornisce
alle aree palestinesi nella Cisgiordania settentrionale. Il villaggio di Salem (a est di Nablus), ad esempio,
riceve l'acqua nelle case solo una volta alla settimana. I residenti sono stati
informati che da giovedì 9 giugno 2016, Mekorot dimezzerà ulteriormente la fornitura di acqua.

A Umm Jamal, nel nord della Valle del Giordano, c'è una fonte usata dai pastori per le loro
greggi. La terra appartiene alla chiesa. Martedì 14 giugno 2016, l'esercito ha fatto sapere
ai pastori, con un avviso affisso sul sito, che devono comparire davanti al tribunale dell'insediamento di Beit
El entro 3 giorni pena il ritiro del permesso per accedere alla fonte.

Il 14 giugno 2016, i soldati hanno confiscato un trattore ed un serbatoio di acqua ad un palestinese
residente a Samara nel nord della Valle del Giordano.


Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°508

Sentiamo spesso dire sui media dei problemi per la fornitura dell'acqua nei Territori
Occupati. Ecco qui un'altra testimonianza delle vessazioni contro i contadini palestinesi:

Giovedì 23 giugno 2016, operai di Mekorot (l'acquedotto di Israele),
insieme a rappresentanti della Amministrazione Civile sono giunti nel villaggio palestinese
di Baq'a (a est di Hebron), scortati da soldati ed hanno distrutto gli impianti di
irrigazione agricola ed i containers di fertilizzanti. Che servivano per la coltivazione dei pomodori in un'area
di quasi 10 dunums (dunum=1000 mq).

Va detto che ogni tentativo da parte dei contadini di negoziare con le autorità la fornitura
di acqua non ha avuto alcun successo.

Questions & queries:

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°509

Gli allevatori nella Valle del Giordano in Cisgiordania denunciano la drastiche riduzioni nelle forniture dell'acqua.

Un palestinese di Hadidiyya (vicino all'insediamento di Roee) ha messo un funzione una tubatura di 8 km per portare l'acqua dal villaggio di Tamun
al suo villaggio che soffre per la mancanza di acqua. La
amministrazione civile israeliana ha interrotto la tubatura a 200 metri dal villaggio. Tutti i tentativi
dei Palestinesi per riattivare la tubatura sono stati bloccati dall'esercito.

Giovedì 30 giugno 2016, degli attivisti israeliani hanno tentato di riattivare la tubatura ma sono
stati fermati dai soldati.


Mercoledì 29 giugno 2016, rappresentanti del governo, scortati dalla polizia, sono giunti
ad El-Araqib per demolirlo ancora una volta. La centesima!

E' la seconda volta che rappresentanti del governo demoliscono il villaggio durante il Ramadan in corso.

Questions & queries:

*Ilan Shalif

Anarchici Contro Il Muro

Blog di Ahdut (Unità - organizzazione comunista anarchica israeliana):

(traduzione a cura di ALternativa Libertaria/fdca - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali)

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Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq | Indigenous struggles | News Report | en

Fri 19 Apr, 22:17

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textPalestine-Israel, The Israeli army returned to the joint struggle after its failure to put end to th... 18:29 Thu 24 Aug by Ilan S. 0 comments

Bil'in, the symbol of the popular joint struggle of Palestinians, Israelis (with the anarchists against the wall initiative), and internationals, was a site of a year long experiment. The new war minister of Israel tried to extinguish the joint Friday demos by "neglect". The harassments during the demos diminished (first end to the shooting and later refraining from confronting the demos) but the night invasion to harass the village continued. The number of participants diminished gradually but continued. The fact that Bil'in was the only place Palestine could demonstrate without restriction was unbearable... The experiment ended. The Israeli state force is back in the confronting of demos and the shooting of tear gas resumed.

textPalestine-Israel - One apartheid state nearing 50th birthday and the tension rise* 17:00 Sat 06 May by Ilan S. 1 comments

The focus on the Israel-Palestine one apartheid state is more and more in the world media. The fear of Europe - mainly from the extreme Muslim terror, combined with the B.D.S. movement, increase the pressure on Israel. Even US call for at least partial retreat from 1967 conquest of the remaining Palestinian region. The sham excuse Israel will retreat only with final peace agreement in which the Palestinians renounce the right of return of the 1948 refugees is exposed when even the Hamas agree on 1967 borders. Frustrated from the Palestinian Authority yielding to the Israeli needs the Fatah opposition initiated the prisoners hunger strike of 1700 inmates which may ignite a mass revolt of the Palestinians of the west bank. Meanwhile, the harassment of the non-armed joint struggle of grass root village activists and the Israeli anarchists against the wall, that was a bit dormant seems to be ignited again marked with the use live ammunition in Nabi Saleh (taking advantage of the absent of Israelis).

textPalestine-Israel, Celebrating a 12 years of persistent struggle in Bil'in and a small victory* 15:32 Sat 18 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

Regional change and new Israeli war minister who is clearly against annexation of additional of parts of Palestine (and even for cutting parts annexed 1948) resulted in the diminishing of the suppression of the non armed popular struggle. For months the Israeli forces diminished the harassment of the Friday demos of villages activists and the Israeli anarchists against the wall. In bil'in they nearly stopped entirely any shooting of tear gas and bullets, seldom tried to stop us from approaching the separation wall... The participants of the big demo of the 12th year celebration could not see even one soldier till the end of the demo when kids forced open the gate of the wall and resulted in a mildest ever response. The failure of the big plan of US to subvert the countries of the region as it exported terror (Al Quida, Daesh and Shieh advances) forced it to compromises with Iran, Rojave, (and probably with Syrian Assad, Russia and the Palestinians).

textPalestine-Israel, After 13 years of joint struggle (and 12 in Bil'in), we won the right for the unar... 17:36 Sat 12 Nov by Ilan S. 1 comments

At the beginning, up to 450 Israelis of the radical left joined the hundreds of Palestinians of Bil'in and the region in the struggle against the robbery of the village land for the Modi'in Elit settlement and the separation fence used for that. It took more than 7 years till the state forces stopped to try to prevent activist from joining the Bil'iners in the Friday joint demonstrations. It took another 5 years till they stop to shoot on us tear gas and "non lethal" bullets. Two Bil'iners paid with their life, hundreds of Palestinians and Israelis were injured, detained and even arrested (Palestinians for long time up to a year and a half, Israelis no more than a day or two). Many thousands of international activists participated with us and contributed later for the international struggle against the occupation. The harassment of the village activists at nights mainly continue, but the struggle will not stop.

textPalestine-Israel, The Tsumud/persistence of 13 years of joint struggle will continue as long as it t... 16:13 Sat 01 Oct by Ilan S. 1 comments

It is not because the Jews rule US... It is because Israel play an essential part in the Imperial struggle between US and Russia. Though the oil is less important to US economy it is still important to its partners. The western empire elite came to Peres ceremony because Israel helped to return Egypt to US sphere of influence. Protected Jordan from being taken by pro Russian Syria, Pushed Syria out of Lebanon for a while... and supply important services all over the world. Thus, the struggle against Israel apartheid is going to be much harder than the abolishing of it in Southern Africa. However, we have here the joint non armed struggle, the tens of thousands international activists who come here to participate and return home with the torch of struggle. The Israeli Jews who participate every week in the joint struggle refute the "anti-Semitism" false claims.

textPalestine-Israel, The Israeli "loses management" diminished the intensity of the weekly confrontatio... 15:49 Sun 21 Aug by Ilan S. 1 comments

After so many years it is hard to get used to the replacement of tear gas and bullets with threat of arrests if we cross an imaginary line. For many years we worried about the day when the Israeli state decision makers will minimise or even stop the the harsh repression of the weekly joint demonstrations against the occupation, the settlers and the separation wall. On 27-5-16 was the first demo in Bil'in the state forces did not shoot us. It took a dozen such non shootings to realize it is a real strategic shift. The last Friday they even "invited" us to return the demo to the area near the new separation wall - forbidden for us for about a year. It seems the multi millions invested in the struggle against the B.D.S. recruited a more intelligent managers who was able to force the army to swallow their pride and stop harassing the Friday demos and the international activists participating in them.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the drop out of activists* 03:41 Wed 08 Jun by Ilan S. 1 comments

Two consecutive Fridays without being shot at after 11 years can destabilize even long time activist like me.... For 13 years the anarchists against the wall initiative and Palestinian partners continue the struggle even when the expectation for practical gains diminished. Changes in the separation fence/wall are less likely than ever. The remaining road blocks are the ones which are not just for marginal harassments. The diminishing hardship inflicted on activists opened other personal options than struggle. However, there are still a hard core of old time activists and some new of the younger generation. The contribution of the joint struggle to gains in the international support is more obvious than ever, and even less radical joint struggles continue in parallel like Sheikh Jarakh, Taayush in the south and "militants for peace".

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the huge changes in the region* 04:28 Thu 17 Mar by Ilan S. 1 comments

On the twelfth year of joined struggle in Bil'in it lost its glamour. Many of the activists lost the excitement of the direct action confrontation which is not a new thing any more. The expansion of the joint struggle to other locations and the expanding of the non armed struggle in the west bank contributed to it too. Many of the activists just "moved on" to a less intensive ways of life. But, some old time activists can not "let go". The other day, I searched the for the old site of: "This appeal, the first to call on-line for a boycott against Israel, was posted in April of 2001".( and read again our 35 original signatories of this pre-BDS. The majority are still in the struggle. Looking back on my 65 years of struggle I regard, this petition, the joint struggle in Bil'in and my stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution* as the most significant ones.

textPalestine-Israel, The eleven years joint struggle in Bil'in as a seed for the third youth intifada.* 17:36 Sun 21 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

At the beginning, the joint struggle in Bil'in of the Israeli Anarchists Against The Wall with the local activists differed only with a consisted Fridays direct actions against the construction of the separation fence. The Israeli state response was a prolonged effort to block the participation of the Israeli activists that failed due to geographic conditions, persistence of the Israeli activists, and our ingenuity. One of the restricting factors on the suppression efforts of the state forces was wide spread sympathy for these demos in the Israeli media, and public. In a desperate efforts the army sent covert agents to initiate stone throwing from the demo on the state force. After a long while they succeeded. Youngsters of the village got into the stone throwing habit. For years it was all over the media and contributed to the stone throwing culture of the Palestinian youth. This was a significant contributor factor to the already 4 months old "Children Intifada".

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle in the focus of the extreme right "leftists' bashing"* 16:09 Sun 14 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

The mounting international pressure on Israel with the B.D.S. as catalyst, initiated a rightist onslaught on the activists of the joint struggle. With cooperation of the main TV channel, two activists were arrested - even blamed to be involved in murder of a Palestinian collaborator of settlements... only to be released unconditionally weeks later. As part of the onslaught I got few seconds in the rightist item in the main TV news program summing our position that no state is a solution - not two states and even one democratic state is impossible to achieve before the Zionist settler colonialist project will be defeated by social revolution in the whole region. In another wide distribution of the rightist video item I was presented as claiming that the chant in the joint demos for freedom to Palestine from the river to the see is not a call for a state for the Palestinians, but for a joint secular democratic state for all the inhabitants - Palestinians, Jews, and others... It seems we owe them rightists for the wide publicity.

more >>

textA "Zionist left" and a real left - two parallel lines that will never meet. Apr 30 by Ilan S. 0 comments

The "far-reaching compromise" of the Israeli Communist Party (and its front Hadash) who are pretending to be non-Zionists, and their like on the Zionist left is "two states for two peoples". It means: the existence of the State of Israel within the 1967 borders - the "Green Line", in which the Palestinian citizens are a minority.

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