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Palestine-Israel, The Israeli "loses management" diminished the intensity of the weekly confrontations with the joint struggle demos*

category mashriq / arabia / iraq | indigenous struggles | news report author Sunday August 21, 2016 15:49author by Ilan S. - AAtW,, Ahdut (Unity)author email ilan.shalif at gmail dot comauthor address Tel Aviv Report this post to the editors

Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Ma'asara, Nebi Saleh, Qaddum, Shikh Jarrah and the South of Hebron Hills

After so many years it is hard to get used to the replacement of tear gas and bullets with threat of arrests if we cross an imaginary line. For many years we worried about the day when the Israeli state decision makers will minimise or even stop the the harsh repression of the weekly joint demonstrations against the occupation, the settlers and the separation wall. On 27-5-16 was the first demo in Bil'in the state forces did not shoot us. It took a dozen such non shootings to realize it is a real strategic shift. The last Friday they even "invited" us to return the demo to the area near the new separation wall - forbidden for us for about a year. It seems the multi millions invested in the struggle against the B.D.S. recruited a more intelligent managers who was able to force the army to swallow their pride and stop harassing the Friday demos and the international activists participating in them.


22-7 Bil'in 22-7-16 Friday demo. 6 Israelis and about dozen internationals joined about two dozen Bil'iners. The regional commander tried to show his creativity and change the routine of the relative mild confrontation of the last two weeks. He placed warnings on used cardboard instead of his armed tags - luring us to disregard them and continue to the freed areas beyond the old rote of the dismantled fence. After we disregarded the warnings and nearly reached the new separation wall we were blocked by the soldiers who manoeuvred in order to arrest activists. During our "too slow" retreat 5 were detained but the rest of us just regrouped backwards very slow.... till we decided to return to the village.
5-8-16 Bil'in habibti Friday demo of today - a week before my 79th birthday. 6 Israelis with the anarchists against the wall initiative, joined scores of international activists (Japan and Sweden mainly) and Bil'iners. The Israeli state forces "conquered" again the memorial square of Bassem claiming the are closed by military order.
When we arrived there they threatened participants they will arrest us if we stay there but did not.
After a long verbal confrontation mainly we returned to the village.
(We do miss the smell of the tear gas and the excitement of evading the shooting at us, - which stopped more than a month ago, and the pictures are nearly banal (: but it is better for the health of participants.)
19-8-16 Friday in Bil'in, The 600th demo against the occupation, the settlers, and the separation wall. The first demo after my 79th birthday celebration in Bil'in. 7 Israelis and a dozen of internationals joined 2 dozen Bil'iners in one of the strangest demo. While we were converging in the fringe of the village for the weekly demo, the state force who waited in their usual position near the rote of the dismantled separation fence drove away in a kind of invitation to march toward the forbidden area near the new separation wall. Afraid of a nasty surprise like in a few weeks ago we took the long round about dirt road to the gate in the separation wall. After a long long march we arrived there - where the state forces were waiting for us about 50 meters from the gate - "Allowing us to have the demo there", threatening with arrests if we cross an imaginary line.
After a long time of a low intercity confrontation with advances and retreats we started to return to the village.


15-7 israelpnm
22-7-16 israelpnm
5-8-16 israelpnm
12-8 -israelpnm


Kafr Qaddum demonstrations met with tear gas
On the 15th of July in the afternoon, the people of Kafr Kaddum took part in a demonstration against the Israeli Army’s continuing theft of their road. The soldiers checked cars going in and out of the village, and stationed snipers in the bushes and on top of the hill. The Israeli Army also brought men in dark uniforms, a special unit that is used to quell prison disturbances. They had a Jeep that was loaded with tear-gas. Clearly, their main goal was to intimidate the demonstrators and stop the protest from happening.
Palestinian demonstrators march towards the road
Palestinians, Israelis and internationals alike were in the crowd. After some chanting, the people tried to do a march but as soon as they got close to the hill where soldiers were stationed, stun grenades were thrown at them. The Israeli soldiers also fired rubber coated steel bullets at the Palestinian youth, as well as several volleys of tear-gas towards both them and the rest of the crowd. Although no one was hit by their ammunition, many people suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation.
Before leaving the Israeli Army made sure to destroy the main water pipe of the village, which will cost some 3000 NIS to repair. An overwhelming use of force was employed against a people who are simply fighting for the return of their road, which was illegally stolen from them in 2003.

Nabi Saleh


Don't say we did not know #510

The Palestinian villagers of Burin suffer enormous damage, caused by settlers from the nearby settlement, Yizhar.

For example, on Friday, 1st July, 2016, settlers from Yizhar ploughed a plot of three dunums (3000 sq.m), land belonging to a farmer from Burin.

Don't say we did not know #511

On Tuesday, 12th July, 2016, Israeli security forces came to a Bedouin neighbourhood, north of the Palestinian village 'Anata (north-east of Jerusalem) - and demolished four homes. They also demolished the entire agricultural infrastructure belonging to six families.

On Wednesday, 13th July, 2016, Israeli security forces came to the Palestinian neighbourhood Jabal Mukabar, annexed to Jerusalem, and demolished three homes that were being built there, as well as an agricultural structure.


On Sunday morning, 17th July, 2016, the Jewish National Fund returned its bulldozers to a hill near El-Araqib village in the Negev, where they had previously been used for planting trees near that village.

Don't say we did not know #512

This is what land robbery looks like.

The land ownership of El-Araqib Bedouin village (Inhabitants vs. the State) is still being argued in the District Court. Nevertheless, on Sunday, 17th July, 2016, JNF bulldozers, escorted by the police, started earth-moving works on the village land. The purpose: to complete plantation of a forest of trees on that same land whose ownership is still being disputed in Court. During the week, eight El-Araqib residents were arrested, after they had conducted a protest at the invasion. All those arrested were subsequently released.

On Sunday, 24th July, 2016, the JNF bulldozers started work again on the land. Yet again, eight protesters were arrested, but later released.


On Wednesday, 20th July, 2016, government representatives, under police escort, arrived for a day of demolitions of Bedouin homes in the Negev. At A-Zarnug, near Bir El-Hammam, they demolished a home. In Bir El-Hammam, a home owner demolished his own home. In Wadi El-Na'am, south of Beer Sheva, they demolished two homes. In Laqiyya, they demolished a building.

Don't say we did not know #513

On Thursday, 4th August, 2016, IDF soldiers demolished five homes and a sheep-pen, in the Bedouin village El Mu’arrajat, north of Jericho. Some sheep and cows escaped. Not far away, on the other side of the road, the soldiers demolished tents that were used by village shepherds.


On Wednesday, 3rd August, 2016, JNF heavy machinery entered the lands of Nuri El'Uqbi (near Eshel HaNasi). The land ownership where JNF intruded is currently in dispute in court. Some ten years ago, 12 dunums (dunum = 1000 sq.m) of the land in dispute was confiscated in order to pave Road 310.

On Thursday, 5th August, 2016, government representatives under police escort, came to the Bedouin village Hashem Zane (near Segev Shalom) and demolished the home of a mother and her ten children.


Don't say we did not know #514

Last week, there were many homes demolished all over the West Bank.

I have chosen, instead, to highlight the uprooting of olive trees. The case is one of land proclaimed by the IDF as "survey land." This represents an attempt to steal land from Palestinians by cancelling the Palestinian ownership and handing it over to the state, i.e. Jewish ownership. On Tuesday, 9th August, 2016, IDF soldiers arrived and uprooted some 250 olive trees belonging to villagers of Iskaka, east of the settlement Ariel.


On Monday, 8th August, 2016, government representatives under police escort arrived and demolished a home in Kseife, a Bedouin town in the Negev. Then, due to threats from the government and the police, a Bedouin family demolished two homes belonging to it, in Umm Namila (north of Rahat).

Questions & queries:

* From my blog at:
See at the blog previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in.
See also: Stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution

Ahdut (Unity) blog:
Ahdut (Unity) Position paper about the Palestinian struggle
English -
Arabic -

author by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionalipublication date Mon Aug 22, 2016 03:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Palestina-Israele, un "allentamento" di Israele ha portato ad una calo di intensità
negli scontri settimanali con le manifestazioni della lotta unitaria*

Dopo tanti anni è dura abituarsi alla sostituzione dei lacrimogeni e dei proiettili con
la minaccia di essere arrestati se uno supera una certa linea immaginaria. Per molti anni ci siamo preoccupati di quando sarebbe arrivato il giorno
in cui chi prende le decisioni nello Stato di Israele avrebbe ridotto al minimo e persino interrotto la dura repressione
delle manifestazioni unitarie settimanali contro l'occupazione, contro i coloni e contro il muro della
separazione. Il 27-5-16 a Bil'in fu la prima volta in cui le forze di stato non spararono su una manifestazione. Ce ne vollero
altre dodici così perchè capissimo che eravamo davanti ad un vero cambiamento di strategia. Lo scorso venerdì loro
ci hanno persino "invitato" a tornare a manifestare nell'area del nuovo muro della separazione - proibita
a tutti noi da almeno un anno. Pare che i tanti milioni investiti nella lotta per contrastare la campagna
B.D.S. (boicottaggio, disinvestimento, sanzioni contro le merci israeliana, ndr) siano serviti ad assumere dei managers più intelligenti in grado di costringere l'esercito a ingoiare
il proprio orgoglio ed a smettere di maltrattare le manifestazioni del venerdì e gli attivisti internazionali che
vi prendono parte.


Bil'in manifestazione di venerdì 22-7-16.
6 Israeliani e circa una dozzina di internazionali si sono uniti a quasi
due decine di residenti. Il comandante della regione ha cercato di dar mostra della sua creatività cambiando la
routine dei relativamente blandi scontri delle ultime settimane. Ha fatto mettere degli avvisi di
cartone, con cui ci invitava a non tenere conto dei divieti militari precedenti ed a proseguire il corteo fino
alle aree liberate al di là della vecchia strada del muro smantellato. Dopo aver ignorato gli avvisi
e quasi raggiunto il nuovo muro della separazione siamo stati bloccati da soldati che manovravano
allo scopo di arrestare degli attivisti. Durante la nostra ritirata "troppo lenta" 5 sono stati fermati ma il resto
di noi si è ricompattato dietro molto lentamente... finchè abbiamo deciso di far ritorno al
5-8-16, tranquilla manifestazione del venerdì a Bil'in - una settimana prima del mio 79° compleanno.
6 Israeliani con gli Anarchici Contro il Muro si sono uniti a decine di attivisti internazionali
(soprattutto da Giappone e dalla Svezia) ed ai residenti del villaggio. Le forze di stato israeliane hanno "conquistato" di nuovo
la piazza del memoriale dedicato a Bassem dichiarandola zona militare chiusa.
Quando ci siamo arrivati, ci hanno minacciato di arresto se fossimo rimasti lì
ma non lo hanno fatto.
Dopo un lungo confronto soprattutto verbale siamo ritornati al villaggio.
(Ci manca davvero l'odore dei lacrimogeni e l'eccitazione di evitare i candelotti tiratici addosso
-cosa che non accade da più di un mese e le foto ora sono alquanto banali (: ma è meglio così
per il bene dei partecipanti alle manifestazioni.)
19-8-16, manifestazione del venerdì a Bil'in,
600^ manifestazione contro l'occupazione, contro i coloni e contro il
muro della separazione. La prima manifestazione dopo il cadere del mio 79° compleanno a Bil'in. 7 Israeliani
ed una dozzina di internazionali si sono uniti ad almeno due decine di residenti del villaggio in una delle manifestazioni più strane. Mentre
stavamo convergendo verso la periferia del villaggio per il corteo settimanale, le forze di stato che
attendevano nella loro solita posizione vicino alla strada dello smantellato muro della separazione hanno manovrato
in modo da invitarci a proseguire verso l'area proibita vicino al nuovo muro della separazione.
Timorosi di spiacevoli sorprese come alcune settimane fa, abbiamo fatto un lungo giro su strada sterrata
fino al cancello del muro della separazione. Dopo una lunghissima marcia siamo arrivati alla meta - dove le
forze di stato ci stavano aspettando a circa 50 metri dal cancello - "Concedendoci di fare lì
la manifestazione", ma minacciando arresti se avessimo superato una certa linea immaginaria.
Dopo un lungo tempo di blando confronto di vai e vieni con avanzate e ritirate abbiamo iniziato
a far ritorno al villaggio.


15-7 israelpnm
22-7-16 israelpnm
5-8-16 israelpnm
12-8 -israelpnm


A Kafr Qaddum lacrimogeni sulle manifestazioni
Nel pomeriggio del 15 luglio, il popolo di Kafr Kaddum ha preso parte ad una
manifestazione contro i continui furti di terreni ad opera dell'esercito israeliano. I soldati
controllavano le auto in uscita ed in entrata nel villaggio, hanno posizionato dei cecchini nei cespugli e sulla
cima delle colline. Tra le fila dell'esercito israeliano anche uomini in uniforme scura, un'unità speciale che
viene usata per sedare rivolte nelle carceri. Erano su una Jeep che portava candelotti lacrimogeni.
Chiaramente, la loro presenza serviva principalmente ad intimidire i manifestanti ed a prevenire le proteste.
Manifestanti Palestinesi marciano verso la strada
Palestinesi, Israeliani ed internationali parimenti tra la folla. Dopo qualche slogan,
la gente ha cercato di dare inizio ad un corteo ma appena si sono avvicinati alla collina dove stazionavano
i soldati, sono partiti i primi candelotti. I soldati israeliani hanno sparato anche proiettili
d'acciaio ricoperti di gomma contro i giovani palestinesi, ma anche parecchie raffiche di lacrimogeni
sia verso i giovani che verso tutti gli altri. Sebbene nessuno sia stato colpito,
molte persone hanno sofferto per le inalazioni di gas.
Prima di andarsene, l'esercito israeliano ha provveduto a distruggere la principale condotta d'acqua del villaggio,
la cui riparazione costerà almeno 3000 NIS [circa 700 euro, ndr]. Un eccessivo uso della forza è stato impiegato contro
un popolo che stava semplicemente lottando per riavere la sua strada, illegalmente sottrattagli
nel 2003.

Nabi Saleh


Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°510

I Palestinesi del villaggio di Burin subiscono enormi danni, causati dai coloni del
vicino insediamento di Yizhar.

Per esempio, venerdì 1 luglio 2016, i coloni di Yizhar hanno arato un terreno di tre
dunums (3000 mq), che appartiene invece ad un contadino di Burin.

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°511

Martedì 12 luglio 2016, forze di sicurezza israeliane sono giunte nell'abitato beduino,
a nord del villaggio palestinese di 'Anata (a NE di Gerusalemme) - e vi hanno demolito 4
case. Hanno anche demolito l'intera infrastruttura agricola appartenente a 6 famiglie.

Mercoledì 13 luglio 2016, forze di sicurezza israeliane sono arrivate nell'abitato
palestinese di Jabal Mukabar, annesso a Gerusalemme, e vi hanno demolito 3 case che erano
state costruite lì, insieme ad una struttura agricola.


Domenica mattina, 17 luglio 2016, il Fondo Nazionale Ebraico ha riportato le sue ruspe su una
collina vicina al villaggio di El-Araqib nel Negev, dove avevano già piantato
alberi vicino al villaggio.

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°512

Ecco cos'è un furto di terra.

La controversia sulla proprietà della terra del villaggio beduino di El-Araqib (che vede gli abitanti in causa contro lo Stato) è tuttora pendente
in seno alla Corte Distrettuale. Ciò nonostante, domenica 17 luglio 2016, ruspe del Fondo Nazionale Ebraico,
scortate dalla polizia, hanno iniziato lavori di movimento-terra sui terreni del villaggio. Lo scopo: la
completa plantumazione di una foresta di alberi sulla stessa terra la cui proprietà è tuttora
pendente in tribunale. Durante la settimana, 8 abitanti di El-Araqib erano stati arrestati, dopo che
avevano protestato contro quell'invasione. Tutti gli arrestati sono stati poi rilasciati.

Domenica 24 luglio 2016, le ruspe del Fondo Nazionale Ebraico hanno ripreso il lavoro. Ancora una volta,
8 manifestanti sono stati fermati, ma poi rilasciati.


Mercoledì 20 luglio 2016, rappresentanti governativi, scortati dalla polizia, sono arrivati
per demolire case di Beduini nel Negev. Ad A-Zarnug, vicino Bir El-Hammam,
hanno demolito una casa. A Bir El-Hammam, il proprietario di una casa ha demolito la sua stessa dimora. A Wadi
El-Na'am, a sud di Beer Sheva, hanno demolito 2 case. A Laqiyya, hanno demolito un

Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°513

Giovedì 4 agosto 2016, l'esercito ha demolito 5 case ed un ovile, nel
villaggio beduino di El Mu’arrajat, a nord di Gerico. Alcune pecore ed alcune mucche sono fuggite. Non molto lontano
da lì, sull'altro lato della strada, i soldati hanno demolito delle tende che erano usate dai
pastori del villaggio.


Mercoledì 3 agosto 2016, mezzi pesanti del Fondo Nazionale Ebraico sono entrati nelle terre di Nuri El'Uqbi
(vicino Eshel HaNasi). La proprietà della terra invasa dal FNE è attualmente pendente in
tribunale. Circa 10 anni fa, 12 dunums (dunum = 1000 mq) di terra oggetto di controversia vennero
confiscati per asfaltare la Strada 310.

Giovedì 5 agosto 2016, agenti governativi, scortati dalla polizia, sono giunti al
villaggio beduino di Hashem Zane (vicino Segev Shalom) e vi hanno demolito una casa abitata da una donna con i
suoi 10 figli.


Non dite che non lo sapevamo n°514

La scorsa settimana, ci sono state molte demolizioni di case in tutta la Cisgiordania.

Ho scelto, invece, di mettere in evidenza lo sradicamento di ulivi. Si tratta del caso di
un terreno proclamato dall'esercito come "terreno di sorveglianza". Si tratta di un tentativo di rubare terreni
ai Palestinesi cancellandone la loro proprietà per passarla allo
Stato, cioè alla proprietà degli Ebrei. Martedì 9 agosto 2016, l'esercito ha
sradicato circa 250 ulivi appartenenti al villaggio di Iskaka, ad est dell'insediamento coloniale di Ariel.


Lunedì 8 agosto 2016, agenti governativi, scortati dalla polizia, hanno
demolito una casa a Kseife, una città beduina nel Negev. Poi, in seguito alle minacce ricevute dal
governo e dalla polizia, una famiglia beduina ha demolito le sue 2 case, ad Umm
Namila (a nord di Rahat).

Questions & queries:

*Ilan Shalif

Anarchici Contro Il Muro

Blog di Ahdut (Unità - organizzazione comunista anarchica israeliana):

(traduzione a cura di ALternativa Libertaria/fdca - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali)

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Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq | Indigenous struggles | News Report | en

Tue 16 Apr, 23:54

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textPalestine-Israel, The Israeli army returned to the joint struggle after its failure to put end to th... 18:29 Thu 24 Aug by Ilan S. 0 comments

Bil'in, the symbol of the popular joint struggle of Palestinians, Israelis (with the anarchists against the wall initiative), and internationals, was a site of a year long experiment. The new war minister of Israel tried to extinguish the joint Friday demos by "neglect". The harassments during the demos diminished (first end to the shooting and later refraining from confronting the demos) but the night invasion to harass the village continued. The number of participants diminished gradually but continued. The fact that Bil'in was the only place Palestine could demonstrate without restriction was unbearable... The experiment ended. The Israeli state force is back in the confronting of demos and the shooting of tear gas resumed.

textPalestine-Israel - One apartheid state nearing 50th birthday and the tension rise* 17:00 Sat 06 May by Ilan S. 1 comments

The focus on the Israel-Palestine one apartheid state is more and more in the world media. The fear of Europe - mainly from the extreme Muslim terror, combined with the B.D.S. movement, increase the pressure on Israel. Even US call for at least partial retreat from 1967 conquest of the remaining Palestinian region. The sham excuse Israel will retreat only with final peace agreement in which the Palestinians renounce the right of return of the 1948 refugees is exposed when even the Hamas agree on 1967 borders. Frustrated from the Palestinian Authority yielding to the Israeli needs the Fatah opposition initiated the prisoners hunger strike of 1700 inmates which may ignite a mass revolt of the Palestinians of the west bank. Meanwhile, the harassment of the non-armed joint struggle of grass root village activists and the Israeli anarchists against the wall, that was a bit dormant seems to be ignited again marked with the use live ammunition in Nabi Saleh (taking advantage of the absent of Israelis).

textPalestine-Israel, Celebrating a 12 years of persistent struggle in Bil'in and a small victory* 15:32 Sat 18 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

Regional change and new Israeli war minister who is clearly against annexation of additional of parts of Palestine (and even for cutting parts annexed 1948) resulted in the diminishing of the suppression of the non armed popular struggle. For months the Israeli forces diminished the harassment of the Friday demos of villages activists and the Israeli anarchists against the wall. In bil'in they nearly stopped entirely any shooting of tear gas and bullets, seldom tried to stop us from approaching the separation wall... The participants of the big demo of the 12th year celebration could not see even one soldier till the end of the demo when kids forced open the gate of the wall and resulted in a mildest ever response. The failure of the big plan of US to subvert the countries of the region as it exported terror (Al Quida, Daesh and Shieh advances) forced it to compromises with Iran, Rojave, (and probably with Syrian Assad, Russia and the Palestinians).

textPalestine-Israel, After 13 years of joint struggle (and 12 in Bil'in), we won the right for the unar... 17:36 Sat 12 Nov by Ilan S. 1 comments

At the beginning, up to 450 Israelis of the radical left joined the hundreds of Palestinians of Bil'in and the region in the struggle against the robbery of the village land for the Modi'in Elit settlement and the separation fence used for that. It took more than 7 years till the state forces stopped to try to prevent activist from joining the Bil'iners in the Friday joint demonstrations. It took another 5 years till they stop to shoot on us tear gas and "non lethal" bullets. Two Bil'iners paid with their life, hundreds of Palestinians and Israelis were injured, detained and even arrested (Palestinians for long time up to a year and a half, Israelis no more than a day or two). Many thousands of international activists participated with us and contributed later for the international struggle against the occupation. The harassment of the village activists at nights mainly continue, but the struggle will not stop.

textPalestine-Israel, The Tsumud/persistence of 13 years of joint struggle will continue as long as it t... 16:13 Sat 01 Oct by Ilan S. 1 comments

It is not because the Jews rule US... It is because Israel play an essential part in the Imperial struggle between US and Russia. Though the oil is less important to US economy it is still important to its partners. The western empire elite came to Peres ceremony because Israel helped to return Egypt to US sphere of influence. Protected Jordan from being taken by pro Russian Syria, Pushed Syria out of Lebanon for a while... and supply important services all over the world. Thus, the struggle against Israel apartheid is going to be much harder than the abolishing of it in Southern Africa. However, we have here the joint non armed struggle, the tens of thousands international activists who come here to participate and return home with the torch of struggle. The Israeli Jews who participate every week in the joint struggle refute the "anti-Semitism" false claims.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle is still kicking even if on lower level* 18:34 Tue 12 Jul by Ilan S. 1 comments

The joint non armed struggle of the Israeli anarchists against the wall with local activists which confronted the Israeli state forces was unique at the beginning and drew to it less radical Israelis. Along the years were efforts to unite the local struggles and rise the level of activity but both Palestinian and Israeli authorities thwarted it. Alternative projects in the less radical Israeli circles diminish the pool the AAtW recruit. In the Palestinian side some of the successes and softening of the Israeli suppression contributed its share for dropping out of the on going joint struggle. The radical change of suppression of the Friday demos in Bil'in - mainly not shooting us any more with bullets and tear gas grenades, and the Ramadan rose some second thoughts even in the most persistent activists. But, the Tsumud (persistent) moral was regained in the relative big demo of 8 July.

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the drop out of activists* 03:41 Wed 08 Jun by Ilan S. 1 comments

Two consecutive Fridays without being shot at after 11 years can destabilize even long time activist like me.... For 13 years the anarchists against the wall initiative and Palestinian partners continue the struggle even when the expectation for practical gains diminished. Changes in the separation fence/wall are less likely than ever. The remaining road blocks are the ones which are not just for marginal harassments. The diminishing hardship inflicted on activists opened other personal options than struggle. However, there are still a hard core of old time activists and some new of the younger generation. The contribution of the joint struggle to gains in the international support is more obvious than ever, and even less radical joint struggles continue in parallel like Sheikh Jarakh, Taayush in the south and "militants for peace".

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in spite of the huge changes in the region* 04:28 Thu 17 Mar by Ilan S. 1 comments

On the twelfth year of joined struggle in Bil'in it lost its glamour. Many of the activists lost the excitement of the direct action confrontation which is not a new thing any more. The expansion of the joint struggle to other locations and the expanding of the non armed struggle in the west bank contributed to it too. Many of the activists just "moved on" to a less intensive ways of life. But, some old time activists can not "let go". The other day, I searched the for the old site of: "This appeal, the first to call on-line for a boycott against Israel, was posted in April of 2001".( and read again our 35 original signatories of this pre-BDS. The majority are still in the struggle. Looking back on my 65 years of struggle I regard, this petition, the joint struggle in Bil'in and my stories from the year 2100 - 50 years after the revolution* as the most significant ones.

textPalestine-Israel, The eleven years joint struggle in Bil'in as a seed for the third youth intifada.* 17:36 Sun 21 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

At the beginning, the joint struggle in Bil'in of the Israeli Anarchists Against The Wall with the local activists differed only with a consisted Fridays direct actions against the construction of the separation fence. The Israeli state response was a prolonged effort to block the participation of the Israeli activists that failed due to geographic conditions, persistence of the Israeli activists, and our ingenuity. One of the restricting factors on the suppression efforts of the state forces was wide spread sympathy for these demos in the Israeli media, and public. In a desperate efforts the army sent covert agents to initiate stone throwing from the demo on the state force. After a long while they succeeded. Youngsters of the village got into the stone throwing habit. For years it was all over the media and contributed to the stone throwing culture of the Palestinian youth. This was a significant contributor factor to the already 4 months old "Children Intifada".

textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle in the focus of the extreme right "leftists' bashing"* 16:09 Sun 14 Feb by Ilan S. 1 comments

The mounting international pressure on Israel with the B.D.S. as catalyst, initiated a rightist onslaught on the activists of the joint struggle. With cooperation of the main TV channel, two activists were arrested - even blamed to be involved in murder of a Palestinian collaborator of settlements... only to be released unconditionally weeks later. As part of the onslaught I got few seconds in the rightist item in the main TV news program summing our position that no state is a solution - not two states and even one democratic state is impossible to achieve before the Zionist settler colonialist project will be defeated by social revolution in the whole region. In another wide distribution of the rightist video item I was presented as claiming that the chant in the joint demos for freedom to Palestine from the river to the see is not a call for a state for the Palestinians, but for a joint secular democratic state for all the inhabitants - Palestinians, Jews, and others... It seems we owe them rightists for the wide publicity.

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textA "Zionist left" and a real left - two parallel lines that will never meet. Apr 30 by Ilan S. 0 comments

The "far-reaching compromise" of the Israeli Communist Party (and its front Hadash) who are pretending to be non-Zionists, and their like on the Zionist left is "two states for two peoples". It means: the existence of the State of Israel within the 1967 borders - the "Green Line", in which the Palestinian citizens are a minority.

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