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Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday September 18, 2021 18:34 by Alexander Berkman   image 1 image
Κανένας έξυπνος ριζοσπάστης δεν μπορεί να αποτύχει να συνειδητοποιήσει την ανάγκη της ορθολογικής εκπαίδευσης των νέων. Η ανατροφή του παιδιού πρέπει να γίνει διαδικασία απελευθέρωσης με μεθόδους που δεν θα επιβάλλουν έτοιμες ιδέες, αλλά που θα πρέπει να βοηθούν στη φυσική του αυτοανάπτυξη. Ο σκοπός αυτής της εκπαίδευσης δεν είναι να επιβάλλει την προσαρμογή του παιδιού σε αποδεκτές έννοιες, αλλά να αφήσει ελεύθερο το παιχνίδι στην πρωτοτυπία, την πρωτοβουλία και την ατομικότητά του. Μόνο με την απελευθέρωση της εκπαίδευσης από τον καταναγκασμό και τον κάθε ειδους περιορισμό μπορούμε να δημιουργήσουμε το περιβάλλον για την εκδήλωση του αυθόρμητου ενδιαφέροντος και των εσωτερικών κινήτρων από την πλευρά του παιδιού. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Εκπαίδευση / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday May 14, 2020 20:09 by Alexander Berkman   image 2 images
Τέτοιες μέθοδοι εκπαίδευσης, που ουσιαστικά βοηθούν την παιδική ποιότητα και τη φιλοδοξία της γνώσης, θα αναπτύξουν μια γενιά με υγιή πνευματική ανεξαρτησία. Θα παράγουν άντρες και γυναίκες ικανούς, σύμφωνα με τον Francisco Ferrer, “να εξελίσσονται χωρίς να σταματούν, να καταστρέφουν και να ανανεώνουν το περιβάλλον τους χωρίς διακοπή, ανανεώνοντας και τους εαυτούς τους · πάντοτε έτοιμοι να δεχτούν το καλύτερο, ευτυχισμένοι με το θρίαμβο των νέων ιδεών, που φιλοδοξούν να ζήσουν πολλές ζωές σε μια μόνο”. Σε αυτούς τους άνδρες και γυναίκες στηρίζεται η ελπίδα της ανθρώπινης προόδου. Σε αυτούς ανήκει το μέλλον. Και είναι, σε πολύ σημαντικό βαθμό, με τη δική μας δικαιοδοσία που πρέπει να ανοίξουμε το δρόμο. Ο θάνατος του Francisco Ferrer ήταν μάταιος, η αγανάκτηση, η συμπάθειά μας και ο θαυμασμός μας άχρηστοι, εκτός αν μεταφράσουμε τα ιδεώδη του μαρτυρικού εκπαιδευτικού στην πράξη και στη ζωή και έτσι προωθήσουμε τον ανθρώπινο αγώνα για φώτιση και ελευθερία. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / anti-fascism / interview Thursday April 19, 2018 07:01 by Alex Pirie
This is part 2 of an interview between social activist Alex Pirie and New Zealand based anarchist and Aotearoa Worker's Solidarity Movement (AWSM) member Barrie Sargeant. It discusses anti-fascism. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / anarchist movement / interview Thursday April 12, 2018 09:20 by Alex Pirie
The following is part 1 of a video interview conducted by social activist Alex Pirie with Barrie Sargeant, an anarchist in Aotearoa/New Zealand and member of Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement (AWSM). read full story / add a comment
Foto Archivo: Toma estudiantil de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia con sede en la ciudad de Palmira, departamento del Valle del Cauca
venezuela / colombia / la izquierda / non-anarchist press Saturday December 02, 2017 20:57 by Alexander Escobar   image 1 image
Resistir al sistema es enfrentarse al horror, “al más frío de todos los monstruos fríos”. La comprensión de ello llegó de forma paralela mientras cientos de cuerpos cercenados eran convertidos en cifras e informes de derechos humanos, y miles de rostros que habitaban trochas y ríos eran condenados al humo indiferente de ciudades convertidas en campos de concentración que infamemente pasaron a ser denominadas como “albergues”. read full story / add a comment
internacional / la izquierda / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 22, 2017 06:28 by Alexander Escobar
La democracia, convertida en falsedad política, es mutación de un invento mediático que aplica control social a poblaciones que terminaron creyendo que los países se transforman sin luchas de pueblos y comunidades que arriesgan la vida en acciones de hecho contra el Estado. Así construyeron modelos mentales para sociedades que olvidan las luchas de sus muertos, a quienes en vida solo profesan odio porque osaron profanar al nuevo ídolo de la mansedumbre: aquella democracia virtual que impone pacifismo a sus súbditos.
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venezuela / colombia / cultura / non-anarchist press Sunday November 12, 2017 22:38 by Alexander Escobar   image 1 image
Durante varios días la cineasta Ana González permaneció con los excombatientes de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) realizando talleres y diversas actividades enfocadas a la construcción de archivo audiovisual y fortalecimiento de la memoria. ¿Saldará el cine colombiano su deuda con la memoria, con la historia del país? Es momento que la imagen salga de la quietud y recobre el movimiento en favor de la vida y derrote al silencio, esa petrificación cómplice de quienes se vendieron a la infamia y censura de un modelo político y económico que impone solo muerte y miseria. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Thursday December 03, 2015 06:01 by enato Ramos and Alexandre Samis,   image 2 images

I woke at 5.00 am. Passos, who had been up and about for hours, was sitting on his bed reading Determinism and Responsibility by Hamon. I grabbed a towel and went downstairs to wash my face. When I came back from the yard, after drying off, I saw two individuals. It was a moment or two before I realised who they were. With revolvers drawn they spoke to me and asked me harshly: “Where’s Domingos Passos?”Anticipating another of the attacks that our comrade had been through so often before, I was keen to cover for him and said that he was not around. I told them: “There’s no Domingos Passos living here!
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Δεν ήταν και λίγα αυτά τα στοιχεία για τα οποία ο Domingos Passos χαρακτηριζόταν από τους συγχρόνους του ως ο «Βραζιλιάνος Μπακούνιν». Λίγοι ήταν αφοσιωμένοι όσο αυτός στα ιδανικά τους, υποφέροντας τόσο πολύ, ως αποτέλεσμα αυτής της στάσης ζωής. Έθεσε τη ζωή του στον αγώνα για την χειραφέτηση των εργαζόμενων, γυναικών και των ανδρών. Πέρασε σχεδόν μια δεκαετία στη φυλακή και σε τροπικές συνθήκες ζούγκλας. Ο Passos έγινε ένας μεγάλος φάρος για τους ελευθεριακούς και κοινωνικούς αγωνιστές στην εποχή του αλλά και στη δική μας! read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday September 09, 2015 17:34 by Renato Ramos and Alexandre Samis   image 1 image
We do not know the precise year of Passos’s birth (it was probably towards the end of the 19th century), but, from the books of Edgar Rodrigues, we know that he was born in Rio de Janeiro state. We find his first appearance in social struggles of the time as a UOCC delegate at the 3rd Brazilian Workers’ Congress (1920) at which he was elected as travel secretary for the Brazilian Workers’ Confederation (COB). Passos had been selected for that post because he stood out in the ranks of the organised proletariat on account of his intellect and oratorical gifts which he had honed in the day to day struggles of his trade. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Thursday April 17, 2014 18:43 by Alexandra Nariño
“¡Guerrilla ataca población civil en Caldono, Cauca!” “¡Ejército encontró diez cilindros que iban a ser utilizados en contra de población civil!” Diariamente escuchamos este tipo de noticias por la radio y televisión aquí en Colombia. Sin embargo, la realidad nos muestra un panorama completamente distinto… read full story / add a comment
central america / caribbean / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Thursday August 29, 2013 00:19 by Mark Snyder, Beverly Bell, Alexis Erkert
"Those before you were strong. Now they’re all dead. Stop what you are doing, or the same will happen to you." read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / genero / stampa non anarchica Thursday February 21, 2013 22:17 by Alex Duval Smith
Oscar Pistorius era il perfetto eroe sportivo sud-africano perchè la sua vittoria sulla disabilità lo aveva reso una figura universalmente ammirata in una società ancora divisa.La cultura profondamente maschilista in cui egli è cresciuto si estende ai gruppi razziali e ci dà qualche spiegazione per comprendere lo scioccante tasso di violenza nelle mura domestiche. [English] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / gender / non-anarchist press Tuesday February 19, 2013 19:44 by Alex Duval Smith
Oscar Pistorius was the perfect South African sporting hero because victory over his disability made him a universally admired figure in a still-divided society. The profoundly macho culture he grew up in spans racial groups and provides some explanation for the country's shocking rates of domestic violence. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / entrevista Monday October 29, 2012 22:25 by Alexandre Haubrich   image 1 image
No último dia 7 de outubro tivemos eleições municipais em todo o Brasil. As avaliações dos resultados têm sido as mais distintas, de acordo com as perspectivas abordadas. Bruno Lima Rocha, cientista político e professor da Unisinos, jornalista e editor do portal Estratégia & Análise (, falou com exclusividade ao Jornalismo B sobre os resultados gerais e sobre alguns casos específicos, como Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Salvador. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Tuesday September 11, 2012 16:40 by Alexandra Villacís y Dax Toscano
“En las miradas de mi pueblo brilla la paz, brilla la paz
en las miradas de mi pueblo brilla la paz, brilla la paz
la paz con justicia, la paz con amor
no la de mentiras del explotador
en las miradas de mi pueblo brilla la paz, brilla la paz
paz con dignidad, paz con libertad
paz como es la paz con felicidad
en las miradas de mi pueblo brilla la paz, brilla la paz
la paz verdadera la de la igualdad
la única que puede hermanar la humanidad…” (Julián Conrado)
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central asia / the left / non-anarchist press Tuesday June 19, 2012 23:35 by Alex de Jong
After ten years of Maoist insurgency and a coup d'état by the king in 2005, the Nepali people took to the streets in April 2006, forcing the king to hand power back to the parliament. It was the end of the only Hindu kingdom in the world but only a new step in the country's continuing political crisis. The Maoist party, the UCPN(M) has entered into a crisis itself and a split has become inevitable.
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north america / mexico / anarchist movement / press release Monday April 30, 2012 23:54 by Chris Alexander
Since May 1, 2006 we have seen a slow opening up of mass struggles on a scale not seen in recent memory, amplified by the silent economic crash in 2008. From the massive day without an immigrant to the historic Arab Spring; the Wisconsin workers uprising to the prisoners strikes in Georgia and California; Occupy Wall Street to the rallies for Justice for Trayvon Martin; General strikes of students in Chile and Quebec and of workers in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. People committed to real change cannot help but feel the wind in our sails. People are rising and refusing, struggles are igniting, common ground is revealing itself, we are beginning to feel and take back our power, everywhere.

Despite the rise of new fighting forces, pain is growing not decreasing. Symbolic changes at the peak of empire—codename Obama—have only served to further entrench the direction of decline, with Democrats bringing the stick when the Republicans aren’t there to make their bad cop look good. Deportations have increased, prisons are overflowing, the local face of a global war given new legitimacy, while organized racist violence dares to seize an ever greater public stage. Cutbacks and the destruction of public safety nets pay for corporate welfare and bankers’ bailouts. Ecological destruction continues apace: tar sands mining, fracking, nuclear power, and the daily grind of a system that cannot long coexist with dignified human life on earth. read full story / add a comment
Agendas CSCL
venezuela / colombia / movimiento anarquista / anarchist communist event Wednesday December 21, 2011 22:48 by Alexander Córdoba   image 1 image

Jueves 22 de Diciembre

3:00 pm Taller de Video en Corel VideoStudio

desde 4:30 pm Feria, trueke, videos y Show de Malabares

7:00 pm Lanzamiento de la Agenda Libertaria 2012
habrá Toke acústico en vivo, bebida y comelona read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / miscellaneous / news report Monday August 15, 2011 17:52 by Alex   image 1 image
Workers Solidarity interviewed Hackney local and education worker, Alex Carver, about the roots of the London riots. Alex is a long standing activist in the IWW union, housing struggles in the East End, and the big left events since the start of the recession, most recently the M26 Militant Workers Block and the J30 Strike project. He was a direct witness to the rioting on Monday. Here he tells Workers Solidarity why he thinks that the riots are best understood by loooking at class rather than race. read full story / add a comment
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