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/ / Tuesday August 29, 2023 05:56 byVarious anarchist organisations
우리의 아나키스트 동지들은 여전히 수단에 남아 있으며 그곳에서 은밀하게 선전 활동을 계속하고자 합니다. 우리는 전쟁 전과 전쟁 초기에도 동지들에 대하여 재정적으로 지원을 제공했습니다. 하지만 상황이 더욱 악화되면서, 수단 내부에서의 사회적 활동이나 정치활동은 불가능한 것이 되었습니다. ‘신속지원군’에게 고향을 약탈당한 일부 회원들은 RSF에 가능한 한 빨리 수단을 떠나기로 결정했습니다. 다른 사람들은 아직 수단에서의 활동을 더 이어가기로 결정했으며 우리도 그들을 돕기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. [عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Português] [Türkçe] read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / environment / other libertarian press Sunday July 30, 2023 15:47 byVarious Turkish anarchiss   text 15 comments (last - thursday april 11, 2024 15:44)   image 1 image
Akbelen forests are trying to be shredded and slaughtered with the cooperation of the capital and the state in Muğla, Turkey.

In order to supply coal to the two thermal power plants owned by Limak Holding and İçtaş Holding, whose association with the government is well known, efforts are being made to expand the coal mine in the region to swallow Akbelen forests. read full story / add a comment
iberia / history of anarchism / press release Friday July 29, 2022 02:10 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 4 comments (last - thursday august 24, 2023 15:12)   image 1 image
When the people rise up, they are unstoppable and capable of changing history. These events are repeated from time to time and call into question the normal development of the capitalist “common sense” that there is no alternative. Of course, there is! The action of the people in rebellion, who put their bodies into overthrowing authoritarian regimes, dictatorships or coups d'état, demonstrates the importance of popular power and revolutionary preparation in order for major social transformations to take place. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
internazionale / imperialismo / guerra / comunicato stampa Saturday June 11, 2022 23:13 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 1 comment (last - thursday june 22, 2023 10:00)   image 1 image
Facciamo appello a tutti i militanti e simpatizzanti di essere presenti e solidali con il movimento curdo, sostenendo:
• la campagna di rimozione del PKK dall’elenco delle organizzazioni terroristiche;
• Il rilascio di Abdullah Öcalan e di tutti i prigionieri politici;
• il ritiro immediato di tutte le forze di occupazione in tutte le aree del Kurdistan;
• il riconoscimento internazionale dell’Amministrazione Autonoma della Siria del Nord e dell’Est, con la fine dell’embargo e l’inclusione nei negoziati di pace;
• Un processo internazionale ai miliziani dell’ISIS e la presa in carico dei loro paesi di origine;

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greece / turkey / cyprus / repression / prisoners / feature Sunday June 05, 2022 23:10 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 373 comments (last - thursday april 18, 2024 13:03)   image 1 image
We have recently sadly learnt that Turkish state repression has struck our comrade, Mahmut Demir – a member of Karala, an organisation which is part of our international coordination – who has been sentenced to 6 months and 7 days in prison without even having a hearing. This prison sentence was imposed following the complaint of a fascist informant, for “Public humiliation of the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the government of the Republic of Turkey and the judicial organs of the state”. Our comrade, who learned of the reasons for the decision via mail delivery, was not even summoned by the police or the prosecutor's office to testify or defend themselves throughout the trial. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / press release Tuesday May 03, 2022 22:39 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 15 comments (last - sunday april 30, 2023 17:23)   image 1 image
1st of May, 1886! 136 years ago today, the American working class created a priceless experience for the upcoming struggles of the working classes of the whole world by saying “this fight is our last fight!”. It remains a victory till our time. The demand of “8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for whatever we want” to replace the 16 hours of work and the assaults of capitalism which targeted the lives of the working classes then in the 19th century turned into a general strike in America. General strike has been one of the most significant weapons of the anarchist action as an earning to the history of the class struggle. For anarchists, the struggle for 8 hours has never been seen as a simple request for reform. Anarchists fought to replace it with a social revolution, with the claim that “Regardless of our working time, whether it be 2 hours or 8 hours, it is slavery if we work for bosses”. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / feature Saturday February 26, 2022 21:41 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 217 comments (last - friday april 12, 2024 23:29)   image 1 image
A proclamation by Russian President, Vladimir Putin, gave the green light for Russia's military invasion of Ukraine. Putin claims that Russia's act of war against Ukraine is aimed at supporting the Russian-occupied Crimea and the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics in Ukraine, which is flirting with NATO membership at Western instigation. On Tuesday, 22 February, Russia recognised the independence of its informal protectorates in Donbas, exacerbating existing tensions with the Euro-Atlantic axis that supports the Ukrainian regime. The Russian army is pounding the entire Ukrainian territory with bombardments. The first casualties of the imperialist war are a fact. The only losers from the war are to be the world working class, especially the proletarians of Ukraine and Russia. They are the ones destined to be the cannon fodder of the states and the capitalists. [Italiano] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / other libertarian press Tuesday February 22, 2022 19:25 byVarious   text 12 comments (last - friday january 19, 2024 07:00)   image 1 image
This text was composed together by several active anti-authoritarian activists from Ukraine. We do not represent one organization, but we came together to write this text and prepare for a possible war.

Besides us, the text was edited by more than ten people, including participants in the events described in the text, journalists who checked the accuracy of our claims, and anarchists from Russia, Belarus, and Europe. We received many corrections and clarifications in order to write the most objective text possible.

If war breaks out, we do not know if the anti-authoritarian movement will survive, but we will try to do so. In the meantime, this text is an attempt to leave the experience that we have accumulated online.

At the moment, the world is actively discussing a possible war between Russia and Ukraine. We need to clarify that the war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on since 2014.

But first things first. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Monday February 07, 2022 20:50 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 26 comments (last - monday january 09, 2023 02:08)   image 1 image
The Covid 19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of human life. It has had a dev-astating effect on people’s physical and mental health, social relations and communities, our livelihoods, and freedom to move about. It has also significantly curtailed our ability to organise effective political protests and strengthened the hand of the State. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Wednesday January 05, 2022 23:48 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 8 comments (last - wednesday january 31, 2024 16:19)   image 1 image
Embargo, cutting off water sources and air strikes against civilians have been some of the war crimes committed by the fascist Turkish state throughout this year against the revolution in Rojava.

While facing the internal political and economic crisis, the Erdogan government has to accept the failure of the military operations in the mountains of Kurdistan, appealing to the use of chemical weapons, in the face of the resistance of the Kurdish warriors of the revolution.

The intensification of the attacks last October, the flyers launched from the aeroplanes and the recent troop movements threaten a new invasion of the autonomous territories in the North and East of Syria.

At this delicate moment, we want to reaffirm our solidarity with our revolutionary comrades and all the peoples of Rojava and condemn once more the occupation of Rojava, the multiple aggressions and war crimes of the Turkish neo-fascist state and its jihadist allies, as well as their preparations for war. read full story / add a comment
internacional / história do anarquismo / opinião / análise Thursday July 22, 2021 01:21 byVarious ANARCHIST ORGANIZATION   text 1 comment (last - thursday july 22, 2021 04:33)   image 1 image

Em 19 de julho de 1936, o povo conseguiu uma vitória histórica frente a um levantamento militar que se organizava contra o governo e a República espanhola. O levante era uma trama militar e civil que contava com o apoio de todos os setores reacionários da sociedade (Igreja, carlistas, falangistas, conservadores, latifundiários e industriais) e com o financiamento de banqueiros direitistas e inclusive da Itália de Mussolini.
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international / histoire de l'anarchisme / opinion / analyse Wednesday July 21, 2021 22:46 byVarious ANARCHIST ORGANIZATION   image 1 image
Le 19 juillet 1936, le peuple a remporté une victoire historique face à un soulèvement militaire qui s’est élevé contre le gouvernement et la République espagnole. Ce complot militaire et civil était soutenu par tous les secteurs réactionnaires de la société (Église, carlistes, falangistes, conservateurs, propriétaires terriens ou industriels) et financé par les banquiers de droite ou encore l’Italie de Mussolini.
Face à ce complot bien organisée visant à renverser un gouvernement, il n’y avait qu’une poignée de soldats loyaux et de forces de l’ordre douteuses. Cependant, le peuple a parfaitement compris son rôle historique et sa résistance a surpassé toutes les prévisions. Les masses populaires ont pris le contrôle de villes entières comme Barcelone, Madrid, Gijón, San Sebastián et Valence. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / feature Tuesday June 29, 2021 06:27 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 37 comments (last - tuesday april 09, 2024 16:29)   image 2 images
Am 28. Juni 1969 trafen Polizisten im Stonewall Inn in New York ein. Diese Bar war in der Schwulen-, Lesben-, Bi- und Trans-Community dafür bekannt, dass sie auch die am meisten Ausgegrenzten willkommen hieß. Wie üblich verdarb die Polizei die Party. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / press release Tuesday June 29, 2021 04:46 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 16 comments (last - tuesday march 19, 2024 22:24)   image 1 image
On 28 June 1969, cops arrived at the Stonewall Inn in New York. This bar is renowned in the gay, lesbian, bi and trans communities for welcoming even the most marginalised. As usual, the police spoils the party. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / miscellaneous / press release Friday May 14, 2021 05:18 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 5 comments (last - friday september 02, 2022 02:27)   image 1 image
Today, the world looks at Colombia, its streets and roads being the stage where people have shown dignified rage in a powerful cry which cannot go unnoticed. Social protests happening uninterruptedly since April 28 are the response to the exacerbation of poverty and the precariousness of life, immediate consequences of neoliberalism. Amid a sanitary, economic, and social crisis, the latter has manifested itself in 1.7 million Colombian families feeding themselves only two meals a day or less, a 14.2% unemployment rate, and nearly half of the population (42.2%) living in poverty. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / kolumbien / verschiedenes / pressemitteilung Friday May 14, 2021 05:08 byVarious anarchist organisations   image 1 image
Die Welt blickt heute auf Kolumbien; seine Straßen und Autobahnen waren die Bühne, auf der das Volk seine würdevolle Wut in einem ungestümen Schrei entlud, der widerhallt und nicht unbemerkt bleiben kann. Der soziale Protest, der seit dem 28. April ununterbrochen andauert, ist die Antwort auf die sich verschlimmernde Armut und die Prekarität des Lebens (unvermeidliche Folgen des neoliberalen Modells), die sich inmitten der Gesundheits-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialkrise niederschlägt in 1,7 Millionen kolumbianischen Haushalten, welche nur zweimal am Tag etwas zu essen haben, in einer Arbeitslosenquote von 14,2% und in einer Armutsquote, die mit 42,4% fast die Hälfte der Bevölkerung umfasst. read full story / add a comment
france / belgium / luxemburg / history of anarchism / press release Thursday March 18, 2021 16:20 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 12 comments (last - tuesday january 30, 2024 00:53)   image 1 image
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the first modern social revolution in the glorious history of oppressed people's struggle, the Paris Commune of 1871. For 72 days, the proletarians of the city of Paris re-organised the social relationships in terms of direct democracy, towards the direction of economic equality, mutual aid and political freedom. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / press release Monday March 08, 2021 02:57 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 8 comments (last - wednesday march 29, 2023 03:35)   image 1 image
Today, March 8, we commemorate International Working Women's Day, a historic date on which we raise the struggle for the political, social, economic, and sexual rights of women, lesbians, and transgender people of the oppressed classes. Today, we aim to put an end to the systematic violence of patriarchy and support the revolutionary workers', popular and anti-colonial struggle. First proposed by a group of socialist women at the Second International Conference of Socialist Women in 1910 in Copenhagen, the day was initially intended to promote women's civil rights. Later, it became a day of agitation, mobilization, protest, and strike for the lives and liberty of women and dissidents of the gender system across the globe. From the protest for women's labor and political rights in the industrial states at the beginning of the 20th century to the revolt for bread and peace by working women that began, along with other strikes and demonstrations, the Russian Revolution of February 1917, March 8 as International Women's Day was slowly consolidated through the active struggle of working-class women. Therefore, we rescue such great attainment that allows us to remember the achievements of the feminist movement against patriarchal oppression. March 8 also allows us to appropriate the debates and proposals our predecessors had and build spaces that enable us to raise our voices against the injustices and violence of this capitalist, patriarchal and colonialist, system of domination. read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / history of anarchism / feature Monday March 01, 2021 19:09 byVarious anarchist organisations   text 4 comments (last - monday august 07, 2023 17:52)   image 1 image
On 1 March, 1921, the Kronstadt Soviet rose in revolt against the regime of the Russian “Communist” Party. The Civil War was effectively over, with the last of the White armies in European Russia defeated in November, 1920. The remaining battles in Siberia and Central Asia were over the territorial extent of what would become the USSR the following year. Economic conditions, though, remained dire. In response, strikes broke out across Petrograd in February, 1921. The sailors of Kronstadt sent a delegation to investigate the strikes. [Castellano] [Català] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] [Deutsch] [Français] read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / repression / prisoners / press release Thursday December 10, 2020 14:30 byVarious anarchist organisations   image 1 image
“The prison does not prevent anti-social acts from taking place. It increases their numbers. It does not improve those who enter its walls. However it is reformed it will always remain a place of restraint, an artificial environment, like a monastery, which will make the prisoner less and less fit for life in the community. It does not achieve its end. It degrades society. It must disappear” (Prisons and Their Moral Influence on Prisoners, Peter Kropotkin, Kropotkin's Revolutionary Pamphlets. Roger N. Baldwin, editor. Vanguard Press, Inc. 1927) "Our companions shall not feel alone. The people with whom they shared joys and sorrows, failures and victories, remain with them more than ever, resisting with a strong passion. Feeling more love and hate each day. The love and hate through which, together, we will change the world from its roots". (Juan C. Mechoso, Acción Directa Anarquista: Una Historia de FAU, 2002) read full story / add a comment
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