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venezuela / colombia / movimiento anarquista / opinión / análisis Tuesday September 29, 2015 12:52 by Colectivo Contrainformativo Subversión   image 1 image
El momento histórico que ha significado la declaración del último pre acuerdo que ha conseguido las FARC frente al Estado, nos hace reflexionar frente a los retos que se vienen para el movimiento social en general y específicamente para el movimiento Anarquista en Colombia. Trataremos de esbozar algunos puntos frente a este acuerdo y la situación de la lucha anticapitalista en estos momentos. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Tuesday September 29, 2015 01:25 by Joe Conlon   image 1 image
Anarchists can learn a great deal from Republicanism, to make inroads to establishing our ideal in working class communities. We need to create a visible presence in all communities, we need to be seen to be believed. People are looking for answers and are falsely thinking it lies in Republicanism. Within Republicanism lies much of the same which lies in bourgeois society – that is hierarchy and privilege for the few. But I believe the secret to the salvation of society also lies within Republicanism. That is the revolutionary tradition of revolting against oppression, tyranny, and exploitation; which the working class, the oppressed and angry, gravitate towards. And likewise I think Republicans can learn a great deal from anarchism. Maybe from working together on community or workplace struggles we could both learn from each other. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / opinion / analysis Tuesday September 29, 2015 01:15 by Fionnghuala Nic Roibeaird   image 1 image
Over 1,000 abortion pills were seized last year at customs, a figure that represents double the amount seized the two years previous. This fact is very much in contradiction with the myth of the anti-choice side that there is no demand for abortion in Ireland. read full story / add a comment
El apretón de manos de Juan Manuel Santos y Timoleón Jiménez, mediado por Raúl Castro.
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / portada Monday September 28, 2015 22:02 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   text 2 comments (last - tuesday september 29, 2015 16:53)   image 1 image
Sea como sea, la firma de un acuerdo de paz, eventualmente, debería ser el comienzo de un nuevo proceso de luchas sociales en donde –si las cosas salen como deberían, algo altamente improbable- la oligarquía debería, en teoría, renunciar a la guerra sucia contra el pueblo. Pero sabemos –y esto lo sabe la comunidad internacional y los burócratas de la resolución de conflictos y construcción de paz- que el gobierno no cumplirá los acuerdos, mentirá y mantendrá niveles importantes de represión, que serán descritos como niveles “aceptables” por los socios en EEUU y la UE, que tienen demasiados intereses estratégicos en Colombia como para montar una alharaca por unos cuantos campesinos masacrados. No hay que caer en esa infantil ilusión burguesa de que con el fin del conflicto armado se le acabará a la oligarquía la “excusa” para criminalizar al movimiento popular y para reprimir. Como lo dijo el revolucionario guineano Amílcar Cabral, bajo las condiciones del capitalismo, toda lucha es armada: sólo que a veces el pueblo tiene armas y a veces no. Pero el Estado siempre las tiene y siempre las utiliza contra el pueblo cuando ve sus intereses estratégicos amenazados. La fuerza organizada del pueblo es la única barrera objetiva que tendrá esa violencia de clase. Hay que estar advertidos y preparados para los conflictos del post-conflicto. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Monday September 28, 2015 19:38 by Επιτροπή Συγκρότησης   image 1 image
Το ζήτημα της οργανωτικής ανασυγκρότησης των αναρχικών στην Ελλάδα έχει τεθεί επιτακτικά και με εμφατικό τρόπο εδώ και αρκετό καιρό. Εκδόσεις βιβλίων, πολιτικές εκδηλώσεις, συζητήσεις σε αμφιθέατρα, δημόσιες, ηλεκτρονικές ή μη αντιπαραθέσεις, δημιουργούσαν αφενός ένα κλίμα κριτικής στις ανεπάρκειες του αφορμαλισμού και του μέχρι τώρα τρόπου οργάνωσης και πολιτικής δράσης και αφετέρου μια διάθεση για να ξεκινήσει να συζητιέται το θέμα με όρους που θα μπορούσαν να οδηγήσουν σε έμπρακτες αλλαγές και ορατά αποτελέσματα. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / opinione / analisi Sunday September 27, 2015 17:31 by Mazen Kamalmaz
Le grandi mobilitazioni che hanno attraversato il Medio Oriente alla fine del 2010 sono state riassorbite se non addirittura trasformate in devastanti conflitti tra forze autoritarie in competizione. Quell'ondata risparmiò il Libano, che dopo il ritiro delle truppe siriane (di Assad) nel 2005 era governato da una classe dirigente che aveva da una parte i filo-iraniani, cioè la coalizione 8 marzo, guidata dagli "sciiti" di Hezbollah e dall'altro i filo-sauditi della coalizione 14 marzo, guidata dall'oligarca "sunnita" Hariri. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Sunday September 27, 2015 07:37 by David Van Deusen
For a decade the Green Mountain Anarchist Collective did its part... This is its story... read full story / add a comment
international / mouvement anarchiste / entrevue Saturday September 26, 2015 13:42 by Corporate Watch
Entrevue du groupe Corporate Watch avec 3 membres de l'organisation turque Devrimci Anarşist Faaliye (DAF).

Traduction du Collectif anarchiste Emma Goldman (Saguenay, Nitassinan). read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Friday September 25, 2015 21:03 by Βιομηχανικοί Εργάτες του Κόσμου (IWW)   image 1 image
Μια νέα Μανωλάδα, βρίσκεται μπροστά μας με ένα ακόμη περιστατικό εργοδοτικής ασυδοσίας και απανθρωπιάς από την περιοχή του Πύργου. Ο εργοδότης, όταν μία εργαζόμενη του, του ζήτησε το ποσό των 120 ευρώ που της χρωστούσε, όχι μόνο δεν της τα έδωσε αλλά εκνευρισμένος για το «θράσος» που επέδειξε διεκδικώντας τα δεδουλευμένα της, έλουσε την ίδια αλλά και το 2χρονο εγγονάκι της, που κρατούσε στην αγκαλιά της, με καυτό καφέ. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday September 25, 2015 18:04 by Ilan S.
Dopo il fallimento dell'offensiva dell'anno scorso contro Hamas a Gaza, lo Stato di Israele vede diminuire il suo potere di contrattazione a livello internazionale, per cui manipola il malcontento interno aumentando l'invasione degli spazi palestinesi, sia quelli del 1967 nella Cisgiordania occupata sia all'interno dei confini del 1948. Il minore sostegno da parte delle classi dirigenti israeliane al primo ministro Netanyahu ed ai suoi accoliti lo inducono a spingere sull'azzardo politico che può trascinarlo nella sua prima grande sconfitta. Il suo fallimento nel far passare lo schema Gas e la causa civile in cui è coinvolta sua moglie, possono essere i primi segni del suo declino imminente. [English] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / economy / opinion / analysis Thursday September 24, 2015 22:51 by andrew
How many could we house, educate and care for with 19 billion? The Irish government is currently furiously fighting the European Union to prevent Apple paying us back taxes it owes us. There has been a lot of ‘concern’ about government plans to spend 48 million looking after 4000 people fleeing warfare in Syria and Iraq. The government and the media defend there ‘our own’ is first - the super rich in Ireland and elsewhere! read full story / add a comment
Corriente Libertaria - Perú
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / movimiento anarquista / comunicado de prensa Thursday September 24, 2015 03:43 by Chilalo   image 1 image
Es así que, creemos oportuno consolidar una corriente de cara al quehacer inmediato que nos toca afrontar tanto como país, región y a nivel internacional. De nada sirven levantar proyectos anclados en el historicismo o el mero romanticismo de tiempos pasados pero que no logran responder tópicos de nuestros contextos, no sirven los idealismos miopes que no generan lecturas de periodo o no interpretan la complejidad de la lucha de clases en cada país. Asimismo, creemos que como socialistas libertarios tenemos mucho de qué aprender de los procesos de liberación que han emprendido distintos pueblos y culturas en nuestra América Morena en su camino contra el imperialismo, así como en otras regiones que hoy vuelven a resurgir bajo banderas redentoras como el Confederalismo Democrático del pueblo kurdo que desde la práctica revolucionaria en pleno siglo XXI están llevando a cabo una lucha ejemplar que merece toda nuestra atención y apoyo. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / feature Wednesday September 23, 2015 20:58 by LCG/GGL   image 1 image
About ten months have now passed since the Libertarian Communist Group (Grŵp Gomiwnyddol Libertaraidd) was formed in Wales, in November 2014. The decision to launch a new organisation last year was borne out of disappointment at the demise of both Collective Action (CA) and its short-lived follow-up, the Libertarian Communist Initiative (LCI). Our consequent frustration was compounded to some extent by the fact that one of our comrades had also been a member of the previously defunct Liberty & Solidarity (L&S). In retrospect we can discern that both of these erstwhile projects - CA/LCI and L&S - failed due to a lack of ideological cohesion and a confusion of political direction. From our perspective such failures can fairly be viewed as epic if one takes into account that these organisations were, on separate occasions, the products of would-be “platformist” splits from the Anarchist Federation (AF). Be that as it may, in the case of CA/LCI, having seen various members and associates drift away, and with our remaining England-based cadre not unreasonably opting to become involved in an accessible and potentially worthwhile enterprise, the Welsh contingent was simply left with a fait accompli. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Μετανάστευση / Ρατσισμός / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Wednesday September 23, 2015 19:53 by Συλλογικότητα για τον κοινωνικό αναρχισμό «Μαύρ   image 1 image
Το πρόβλημα δεν είναι οι μετανάστες- πρόσφυγες, το πρόβλημα είναι που ο καπιταλισμός και τα κράτη διψούν για αίμα, δομώντας μια αναπόδραστη συνθήκη ξενιτιάς, δυστυχίας και μη τόπου για τους κατατρεγμένους αυτής της γης. Φονταμενταλισμός, πόλεμος, κέρδη για τα αφεντικά, πνιγμοί σε υγρά νεκροταφεία, ρατσισμός, κοινωνικός κανιβαλισμός, ναρκοπέδια, σύνορα, στρατιωτικές επιχειρήσεις, πογκρόμ από παρακρατικούς αποτελούν την πραγματικότητα που βιώνουν χιλιάδες μετανάστες- πρόσφυγες καθημερινά στην προσπάθειά τους να βρούν έναν τόπο να ζήσουν αξιοπρεπώς. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Μετανάστευση / Ρατσισμός / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Wednesday September 23, 2015 19:47 by Ελευθεριακή Πρωτοβουλία Θεσσαλονίκης   image 1 image
Στο φράχτη του Έβρου, στον πάτο του Αιγαίου…
Στηρίζουμε τη διαδήλωση του No Lager Θεσσαλονίκης ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 24/9, 19:00, ΚΑΜΑΡΑ

Τους τελευταίες μήνες οι μεταναστευτικές ροές βρίσκονται σε έξαρση, κυρίως από την μαζική μετακίνηση πληθυσμών από την Συρία προς την Ευρώπη. Λόγω της κτηνωδίας του Ισλαμικού Κράτους στα εδάφη που ελέγχει, λόγω των εμπόλεμων συνθηκών που έχουν επιβάλει άμεσα ή έμμεσα τα Δυτικά κράτη ή λόγω της φτώχειας, άνθρωποι από μία σειρά χώρες της Ασίας και της Αφρικής συνεχίζουν εδώ και χρόνια να εγκαταλείπουν τις εστίες τους σε αναζήτηση στοιχειωδώς ανθρώπινων συνθηκών διαβίωσης. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Monday September 21, 2015 22:54 by Ilan S.
The Israeli state which failed in its year ago offensive on the Hamas in Gaza, suffer also from its diminishing bargain power in the international arena, manipulate the internal discomfort of public opinions by increasing the encroachment on Palestinian spaces - both in the 1967 occupied west bank and within the 1948 borders. The diminishing in the support of the Israeli elite to the prime minister Netaniahu and his group push him to increase his political gambling that can crash him in the first big loss. His failure to pass his Gas scheme and the civil case in court in which his wife is grilled, may be the first signs of his approaching doom. In spite the efforts to lower the social pressure in the west bank by increasing the employment of west-bakers within Israel the popular resistance increase both in the occupied Jerusalem and in the west bank. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / review Monday September 21, 2015 11:23 by Barrie
Book Review of 'Ruth, Roger and Me: Debts and Legacies' by Andrew Dean (Wellington, 2015)

This is a review of a book about the lasting effects of neo-liberalism in New Zealand/Aotearoa and how it has impacted later generations. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turchia / cipro / imperialismo / guerra / stampa non anarchica Sunday September 20, 2015 15:17 by Sungur Savran
La città curda di Cizre, un insediamento con una popolazione di circa 150000 anime nella Turchia sud-orientale si trova per la seconda volta sotto assedio delle forze armate turche e delle cosiddette "forze operative speciali" della polizia, dopo che il precedente assedio era stato tolto per una tregua di due giorni. Oltre al coprifuoco ci sono tagli all'erogazione di elettricità e vige l'interruzione di tutti i mezzi di comunicazione, compresi i telefoni mobili ed Internet. Dopo il primo assedio è venuta fuori tutta l'evidenza del terribile dramma umano. Uccisi oltre 30 civili, di età compresa fra i 35 giorni di vita di un bambino ed i 75 anni di un anziano. Prima che l'assedio fosse tolto, fonti governative dichiaravano che le forze di sicurezza avevano ucciso più di una dozzina di combattenti del PKK, negando vittime civili. Come un neonato ed un vecchio possano aver contribuito alla lotta del PKK rimane un mistero irrisolto da parte dei portavoce governativi, di fronte all'evidenza del fatti. [English] read full story / add a comment
international / environment / review Sunday September 20, 2015 09:55 by Wayne Price   image 1 image
Pope Francis’ encyclical speaks both to global climate change and to global inequality and poverty, arguing that they are intertwined and require a common response. The strengths and limitations of his letter are discussed from an eco-socialist and anarchist perspective. read full story / add a comment
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