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russia / ucraina / bielorussia / movimento anarchico / intervista Saturday August 09, 2014 17:11 by Autonomous Action   image 1 image
La Confederazione Rivoluzionario degli Anarcosindacalisti (RKAS - N. I. Makhno, Революционная конфедерация анархо-синдикалистов им. Н. И. Махно), nata in Ucraina nel1994, fu unadelle più note organizzazioni anarchicha che emersero dall'ex Unione Sovietica. Essenzialmente piattaformista, l'organizzazione è riuscita a raccogliere a sé una schiera di attivisti militanti che adottavano un approccio strategico e responsabile alla questione di come arrivare alla società libertaria. [English] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / anarchist movement / feature Saturday August 09, 2014 15:26 by Autonomous Action   text 2 comments (last - sunday august 17, 2014 18:47)   image 1 image
The Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists - N. I. Makhno (Революционная конфедерация анархо-синдикалистов им. Н. И. Махно), established in Ukraine in 1994, was one of the most famous anarchist organizations which emerged from the former Soviet Union. Platformist in essence, the organization managed to assemble a cohort of vigorous activists who wanted to adopt a strategic and responsible approach to the question of achieving a libertarian society. The RKAS survived many troubles, it was involved in the miners' strike and had several long-tem projects, but it was not without its internal squabbles and splits. Over the past year, however, the organization has been heard from less and less. To find out what had happened to the RKAS, and also hear their opinion on the current events in Ukraine, our Russia-based comrades of Autonomous Action interviewed a comrade from the RKAS, Samurai. [Italiano] [Français] read full story / add a comment
international / history / opinion / analysis Friday August 08, 2014 23:47 by Mark Kosman   image 1 image
In 1871, Karl Marx wrote that governments use war as a fraud, a ‘humbug, intended to defer the struggle of the classes’. In 1914, that fraud was so effective that not only most workers but also most Marxists supported their respective nation’s rush to war. Ever since then, governments have used war to defer class struggle and prevent revolution. But this strategy cannot last forever.[1] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Friday August 08, 2014 21:17 by Persistent Solidarity Forum   image 1 image
For workers at universities, transformation must improve working conditions, raise wages, defend dignity and allow their full participation in governance of these institutions. Outsourcing and the privatisation of services such as cleaning at universities is against transformation because these measures lower labour standards and create a highly unjust system for workers at these institutions. This perpetuates the legacy of colonialism and apartheid.

Like cleaners in other universities, cleaners at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) – organised under the Persistent Solidarity Forum (PSF) – are in a protracted struggle to secure the rights promised in the Constitution, shape the transformation agenda of the institution and reverse outsourcing of cleaning services and other so-called non-core services. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / documento politico Friday August 08, 2014 14:27 by Relations internationales CGA
Dobbiamo fermare questa violenza coloniale, il più presto possibile, le umiliazioni quotidiane, gli espropri, la strategia di isolamento del popolo palestinese e il suo confinamento in una enorme prigione a cielo aperto. Dobbiamo fermare lo strangolamento quotidiano di una popolazione intera punita collettivamente in nome di una presunta "lotta contro il terrorismo". Noi sosteniamo la lotta palestinese ad alta voce per la loro dignità di esseri umani, la libertà di movimento e di insediamento, contro i posti di blocco e contro una politica di espropriazione e di blocco economico che mira a mettere in ginocchio tutta la popolazione. [Français] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Friday August 08, 2014 07:03 by Philip Kleinfield
In Israel, racism and extremism are exploding. It began shortly after the kidnapping of three Israeli boys—Naftali, Gilad and Eyal—in Gush Etzion, that led to the assault in Gaza which has seen over 1,000 killed. A Facebook page calling for the murder of Palestinians went viral. In one photo, a soldier posed broodingly with his gun, the word "vengeance" written on his chest. In another two teenage girls smiled happily with a banner that read: “Hating Arabs is not racism, it’s values.” read full story / add a comment
Θα συνεχίσουμε να συμμετέχουμε, ως οργάνωση αλλά και ατομικά, μαζί με τους Παλαιστίνιους κατοίκους της Δυτικής Όχθης,με Ισραηλινούς και άλλους ακτιβιστές, στον καθημερινό αγώνα ενάντια σε όλες τις πτυχές της κατοχής και της καταπίεσης στα κατεχόμενα εδάφη του 1967. Θα στηρίξουμε και θα συνεργαστούμε όσο καλύτερα μπορούμε με τον αγώνα των κατοίκων της Γάζας ενάντια στις επιθέσεις του Ισραήλ και στην ισραηλο-αιγυπτιακή πολιορκία. Και θα είμαστε ενεργοί εντός των συνόρων του 1948 ενάντια στις διακρίσεις, την καταπίεση και την εκδίωξη των Παλαιστινίων εργατών που έχουν ισραηλινή υπηκοότητα. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Thursday August 07, 2014 16:16 by Shourideh C. Molavi
Today the struggle for people of conscience appears to be less about convincing people that Israel is committing war crimes against Palestinians or grossly violating international law. Instead the struggle has become about convincing the world that Palestinians are human beings too. The ongoing televised genocidal attack of Palestinians in Gaza by the Israeli army makes one wonder what the situation would have been like if global powers and mainstream voices saw Palestinians as human beings. read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / migration / racisme / déclaration de principes Thursday August 07, 2014 10:34 by Relations internationales de la CGA
L'idéologie raciste progresse globalement dans la société française. L'antisémitisme, que certainEs ont considéré à tort comme résiduel et en voie de disparition en France suite à la seconde guere mondiale, retrouve une audience de masse ces dernières années. Pour la première fois en France depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des enfants ont été assassinés parce que juifs, à Ozar Hatorah, à Toulouse. Des synagogues ou des commerces juifs sont attaquées, des cimetières et lieux communautaires vandalisés. read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / déclaration de principes Thursday August 07, 2014 10:24 by Relations internationales CGA
Il faut faire cesser ces violences coloniales au plus vite, les humiliations quotidiennes, les expropriations, la stratégie d'isolement de la population palestinienne et son enfermement dans une immense prison à ciel ouvert. Il faut arrêter l'asphyxie quotidienne de toute une population punie collectivement au nom d'une prétendue "lutte contre le terrorisme". Nous soutenons haut et fort la lutte des PalestinienNEs pour leur dignité d'êtres humains, pour la liberté de circulation et d'installation, contre les check-points et contre une politique d'expropriation et de blocus économique qui vise à mettre à genou une population entière. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / indigenous struggles / press release Thursday August 07, 2014 10:19 by Scott Campbell   image 1 image
Presented by Art Forces, the Estria Foundation and NorCal Friends of Sabeel, the Oakland Palestine Solidarity Mural is a monumental work of public art located in Uptown Oakland on 26th Street between Telegraph and Broadway. The mural pays homage to the history of Bay Area public art and expresses solidarity with Palestinians as bombs continue to fall on Gaza. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Thursday August 07, 2014 06:37 by Mike Carlton
The images from Gaza are searing, a gallery of death and horror. A dishevelled Palestinian man cries out in agony, his blood-soaked little brother dead in his arms. On a filthy hospital bed a boy of perhaps five or six screams for his father, his head and body lacerated by shrapnel. A teenage girl lies on a torn stretcher, her limbs awry, her face and torso blackened like a burnt steak. Mourners weep over a family of 18 men, women and children laid side by side in bloodied shrouds. Four boys of a fishing family named Bakr, all less than 12 years old, are killed on a beach by rockets from Israeli aircraft.

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venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Thursday August 07, 2014 03:51 by Hernán Durango
Hasta las seis de la tarde habían ingresado en el centro de salud de Currulao 18 heridos. Entre los cuales 14 con heridas de bala y un joven de 27 años muerto por impacto en el tórax. Según denuncian los heridos, los agredió la Policía que desde el segundo piso del comando estaba disparando. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / the left / debate Wednesday August 06, 2014 21:58 by Red and Black Action   image 1 image
OVERVIEW: There is a healthy skepticism among many activists about simple grand plans, arising partly from disastrous Marxist experiments like the Soviet Union. But the opposite — faith that struggles spontaneously reach the best outcomes if freed of theory and plans — has serious problems. Many struggles falter or are captured as old mistakes are made again. Capitalism and the state cannot be defeated by a growing wave of loosely linked alternative “spaces” and experiments. These systems are based on coercion and exploitation; their defeat requires large-scale confrontation by a coordinated bottom-up working class counter-power with clear politics. The point of resistance is to change the world: it is not an aim in itself, just a response; a politics fetishising perpetual resistance must rely on a world of oppression. Closing discussion by labeling views “dogmatic” is a recipe for imposing other positions and elites through the backdoor. There is no need to repeat the tragic errors of the past. Other revolutionary theories from working class struggles – like anarchism and syndicalism — share no blame for the failures of vanguardism and reformism, and have valuable insights on building a participatory, transformative, project of “people’s power,” and on moving from resistance to reconstruction.It is important to speak openly about theory, strategy and vision, and to engage openly with the revolutionary traditions of the popular classes, like anarchism and syndicalism, born of our past struggles, and distilled from those struggles. read full story / add a comment
international / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Wednesday August 06, 2014 18:34 by MACG   image 1 image
One hundred years ago today, Germany declared war on Belgium and Britain declared war on Germany. Starting with the assassination of an Archduke in Sarajevo on 28 June, an escalating series of mobilisations and declarations over five weeks ended up being the first truly World War. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Wednesday August 06, 2014 18:07 by Ilan S.
Le lotte unitarie nelle solite località di Bil'in, Ni'lin, Ma'sara, Sheikh Jarrah, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, le colline a ovest di Hebron, svoltesi nel weekend ed in settimana, si sono focalizzate sulla guerra a Gaza e sugli aspetti più evidenti dell'occupazione. Ad oggi, sembra che Israele abbia fallito l'obiettivo di insediare a Gaza un governo di Hamas indipendente ma indebolito, dato che le atrocità commesse su Gaza non sono riuscite a suscitare una pressione internazionale sufficiente a spingere l'Egitto ad allentare l'assedio su Gaza. Pare che tra Hamas e l'Autorità Palestinese in Cisgiordania verrà rinnovato quel patto che Israele ha così strenuamente cercato di sabotare. [English] read full story / add a comment
Vielle en solidarité avec Gaza, à Alep, en Syrie. Photo : Syria Untold
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / opinion / analyse Wednesday August 06, 2014 04:15 by Leila Shrooms   image 1 image
J'ai passé beaucoup de temps à Gaza pendant les deux premières années de la révolution syrienne. Contrairement à d'autres contextes sociaux, où j'ai souvent hésité à parlé de la Syrie par peur d'avoir à faire face à des réactions stupides ou des analyses banales, à Gaza cela n'a pas été un problème avec les personnes que j'ai rencontré. read full story / add a comment
Un convoi de habitants de Deir Al Zour à soutenir la résistance Shueitat. Photo grâce à: Yalla Souriya
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Wednesday August 06, 2014 00:32 by Leila Shrooms   image 1 image
Les syrienNEs ont montré de manière répété qu'ils et elles refusent d'accepter les tyrannies qu'il s'agisse de celle de Bashar Al Assad ou de tout groupe extrémiste qui essaie de leur imposer sa vision. Dans les derniers mois, renforcé par les équipements militaires américains et iaquiens saisis en Irak, « L'Etat Islamique » (Précédement EEIL et connu localement sous le nom de Daesh) a fait des avancées considérables dans le nord et l'est de la Syrie. Là ou il est allé, il a imposé une interprétation haineuse et réactionnaire de la loi islamique et des restrictions sévères à la population locale, a commis des massacres sectaires et d'autres atrocités telles que des crucifixions ou des décapitation, et a assassiné et emprisonné des révolutionnaires. read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Wednesday August 06, 2014 00:30 by KAF   image 1 image
La crise irakienne est continue depuis des décennies, tant sous le régime de Saddam Hussein que sous le « régime démocratique actuel » depuis l'invasion de 2003. Il n'y avait ni de liberté, ni de justice sociale, ni d'égalité et peu de perspectives pour celles et ceux qui étaient indépendant des partis politiques au pouvoir. En plus de la brutalité existante et la discrimination contre les femmes et les genTEs ordinaires, un très grand fossé a été creusé entre les riches et les pauvres, rendant les pauvres de plus en plus pauvres et les riches de plus en plus riches. [English] read full story / add a comment
Ο Ιλάν Σαλίφ (δεξιά) στο Μπιλαΐν, στη διαμαρτυρία ε&#95
Συνέντευξη με τον ισραηλινό Ιλάν Σαλίφ (Ahdut - Aναρχικοί Ενάντια στο Τείχος)
Ο Ιλάν Σαλίφ είναι κάτοικος του Ισραήλ και εδώ και πολλά χρόνια λαμβάνει μέρος στις εβδομαδιαίες πορείες διαμαρτυρίας ενάντια στο Τείχος διαχωρισμού του Ισραήλ και ενάντια στην ισραηλινή κατοχή, στο χωριο Μπιλαΐν. Είναι μέλος της Αναρχοκομμουνιστικής Οργάνωσης "Ahdut" και συμμετέχει, εδώ και 9 χρόνια, στην Πρωτοβουλία "Αναρχικοί Ενάντια στο Τείχος".
Ο Ιλάν μας παραχώρησε τη συνέντευξη αυτή στις 2 Αυγούστου 2014 (μετάφραση-επιμέλεια συνέντευξης: Filistina) read full story / add a comment
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