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international / economy / opinion / analysis Saturday April 26, 2014 10:43 by Wayne Price   text 4 comments (last - monday november 28, 2016 08:54)   image 1 image
There is a lot of evidence that working people can manage workplaces, enterprises, and industries. What kind of self-managed economy would work best? How could it be achieved: by reform or revolution? How could self-management be integrated into the revolutionary program? read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday April 25, 2014 23:31 by CLASS WAR
Rumours of war resound noisily in Europe again, cannons are loaded, fighter-bombers are packed with murderous bullets and bombs, missiles point their nuclear warheads at their future objectives: after wars that caused unrest locally and according to circumstances in Yugoslavia, Georgia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ossetia etc. during this last quarter of century, preconditions for a new war have been intensively maturing in the Ukraine now, a war much more extensive and with unimaginable international effects. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Friday April 25, 2014 21:03 by Dimitris Troaditis   image 1 image
In this article, Troaditis investigates the Democratic Association of People, that was actually the first anarchist organised collective appeared in Greece. A collective that obtained regular contacts with the Jura Federation and agreed with their positions. This was happened in 1875 in Patras, in Western Peloponnese, a city of a big importance, as it was one of the gates to the then Greece from Europe. Is was a significant harbour where a small but active proletariat — especially consisted of the sultana-box makers and other workers- and where the anarchist ideas found a fertile soil to be developed further. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday April 25, 2014 16:57 by Ilan S.
Il prolungarsi dello status quo tra il governo israeliano ed i dirigenti palestinesi ha raggiunto un punto critico. I cambiamenti in corso negli equilibri interni al capitalismo israeliano sono ancora lenti, ma avvertibili. Non si espande la lotta unitaria degli attivisti palestinesi di base e dei radicali israeliani ma sembra ben promettere la nuova ondata di obiettori al servizio militare che ha superato il numero di cento giovani israeliani. Nonostante la dura repressione, resta di tanto in tanto accesa la fiaccola della lotta unitaria a Bil'in, Ni'lin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarrah, le colline a sud di Hebron, Araqeeb (in territorio israeliano) e di altri posti. [English] read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / evento comunista anarchico Friday April 25, 2014 15:16 by USI
Iniziativa pubblica al Quarticciolo organizzata dal Laboratorio sociale, dall'Usi e da altre associazioni ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / imperialism / war / press release Friday April 25, 2014 15:14 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
This morning, the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group distributed the following Anzac Day statement at the 8 Hour Monument in Melbourne:
Please feel free to distribute this further. As next year is the 100th anniversary, expect an unprecedented deluge of nationalist and militarist propaganda. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / anarchist communist event Friday April 25, 2014 06:36 by Syndicalist
Our intention with this call is to create a welcoming space where we can engage in an exchange of ideas with the broader public. We call on groups and individuals from all social anarchist and anti-authoritarian tendencies to join us to help plan and build this contingent. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / movimiento anarquista / opinión / análisis Thursday April 24, 2014 20:43 by Felipe Corrêa   image 1 image
El presente artículo discute, por medio de elementos teóricos e históricos, la relación del anarquismo con el poder, la clase y la transformación social. Partiendo de una definición del anarquismo, sustenta que relacionar anarquismo y poder exige superar una problemática semántica, y propone conceptuar el poder en términos de relación entre fuerzas sociales asimétricas. Sustenta además que los anarquistas tienen una concepción y un proyecto general del poder que subsidia su concepción de clase, establecida por medio de un tipo de poder (la dominación), y constituye las bases de su noción de transformación social, que se caracteriza por: su creencia en la capacidad de la realización de los sujetos que constituyen parte de las distintas clases dominadas, su involucramiento en la transformación de esa capacidad en fuerza social, su intento para que esta fuerza aumente permanentemente, su defensa de un proceso revolucionario que permita superar las fuerzas enemigas y sustituir el poder dominador de la sociedad por le poder autogestionario. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / interview Thursday April 24, 2014 19:40 by Dmitri (republishing)   image 2 images
Michael Schmidt is an investigative journalist, an anarchist theorist and a radical historian based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has been an active participant in the international anarchist milieu, including the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front. His major works include ‘Cartography of Revolutionary Anarchism (2013, AK Press) and, with Lucien van der Walt, ‘Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism’ (2009, AK Press). read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / workplace struggles / opinión / análisis Wednesday April 23, 2014 19:16 by Arturo López   image 1 image
La industria portuaria nacional posee un carácter estratégico para la economía exportadora de Chile, ya que el 95% del comercio exterior pasa necesariamente por los puertos públicos (concesionados) y privados. Por esto, el crecimiento año tras año de esta actividad es casi siempre el doble del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) y las ganancias de las empresas millonarias. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / antifascismo / non-anarchist press Wednesday April 23, 2014 18:51 by Camilo de los Milagros   image 1 image
No voy a participar del linchamiento colectivo cometido con María Fernanda Cabal por sus malos deseos, ni a escribir una carta con falsa inocencia, de poses para quedar bien y de respetuosas recomendaciones, como la que escribió Salcedo Ramos, toda una nota de colegial indignado. Demasiado fácil rezar a los santos y orinar sobre los demonios. Demasiado fácil el oficio de camaleón. Lo difícil es tomar posturas firmes cuando imperan las conveniencias, que cambian según los vientos del que manda. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday April 23, 2014 05:26 by Ilan S.
The prolonged status quo between the Israeli ruling elite and the Palestinian elite reach a climax. Changes in the balances of power within the Israeli capitalist elite is still in slow motion, but you can feel the vibrations. The joint struggle of the Palestinian grass root activists and the Israeli radicals is not expanding, but the new wave of total refusnic military service of Israeli youth - which already passed the hundred seems promising. The joint struggle in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarah, South Hebron Hills, Arkib (within Israel) and other places from time to time keep the flame in spite of the harsh repression. The involvement of Israeli Jews and to a lesser measure international activists still prevent a massive bloody massacre of the unarmed Palestinian demonstrators. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / education / entrevista Wednesday April 23, 2014 01:01 by La Mala   image 1 image
A días de iniciarse un nuevo gobierno de Bachelet, hablamos con Melissa Sepúlveda, presidenta de la FECH, para dilucidar cuáles son los principales lineamientos y perspectivas del movimiento estudiantil.

En pleno verano, mientras todos están hablando del Festival de Viña, nos reunimos en una FECH casi vacía pero que es ya el centro de operaciones de nuestra compañera que, como hemos visto, es muy requerida por los medios de comunicación.

Melissa reconoce la deuda que tiene el movimiento estudiantil y que es trascendental abordar: decir y definir qué es “calidad” en educación o de qué contenidos estamos hablamos. Y es que es aquí donde una mujer libertaria puede hacer una gran diferencia y marcar la pauta en el debate, pues no basta con una educación en la que podamos acceder todos por igual, si esa educación va a seguir reproduciendo los mismos vicios del capitalismo y del patriarcado. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / community struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday April 22, 2014 23:34 by Agencia Prensa Rural
El corregimiento Brisas, de El Patía (Cauca), acogió a unas 1.500 personas durante dos días para sembrar, cosechar y cultivar ideas en torno a la coca, sus usos, las alternativas para “sembrar esperanza, porque la coca representa la vida misma del campesinado”, afirmó uno de los lideres de la zona. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Tuesday April 22, 2014 21:57 by Emma Goldman   image 1 image
Τι είναι ο πατριωτισμός; Είναι αγάπη για το μέρος που γεννηθήκαμε, τον τόπο των παιδικών αναμνήσεων και ελπίδων, ονείρων και φιλοδοξιών; Για τον τόπο, όπου με παιδική αφέλεια παρακολουθούσαμε τα φευγαλέα σύννεφα και αναρωτιόμασταν γιατί και εμείς δεν μπορούμε να πετάξουμε έτσι γοργά; Εκεί, όπου μετρούσαμε τα εκατομμύρια λαμπερά αστέρια, τη στιγμή που αυτά διαπερνούσαν τις παιδικές ψυχές μας και τα αισθανόμασταν σαν μάτια που μας κοιτάνε; Ή εκεί, όπου ακούγαμε τη μουσική των πουλιών και ονειρευόμασταν ότι έχουμε φτερά σαν τα δικά τους για να πετάξουμε σε χώρες μακρινές; read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday April 22, 2014 17:05 by Mehmet Erman Erol
Autonomy, occupation, self-management... these long-forgotten terms are back in Turkey since late 2012-early 2013. There have been several factory occupations since last year. The most prominent ones are, among others, Kazova, Greif, Zentiva, Feniş, Moda Socks Factory, Renault, and Şişecam Topkapı workplace occupations. Although both mainstream media and the trade union bureaucracy try to undermine their significance, recent struggles of the workers necessitate greater scrutiny in the wider political-economic context of Turkey; so the meaning of the occupation as well. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Tuesday April 22, 2014 16:10 by Ilan S.
Sarà perché la Primavera Araba ed i movimenti nei paesi sviluppati avevano sollevato fin troppe speranze di cambiamento seguite poi dalla disillusione. Sarà perché (come il grande movimento che in in Israele aveva mobilitato circa il 10% della popolazione) si trattava di una sorta di valvola a pressione tenuta aperta... La lotta continua, ma il numero dei partecipanti diminuisce ed il morale di coloro che tengono duro non è per niente alto. La flebile fiamma di speranza per un cambiamento radicale nel nostro torturato paese viene alimentata dai cambiamenti all'interno degli equilibri imperialisti, col graduale disimpegno degli USA dalla regione e la crescente pressione per dei cambiamenti che proviene dall'Europa con la campagna B.D.S. innanzitutto. [English] read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico / link a pdf Tuesday April 22, 2014 15:33 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
E' uscito l'ultimo numero di Alternativa Libertaria, foglio telematico della Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici. Il foglio può essere scaricato dal sito della federazione in formato PDF (314 kb), per facile stampa e distribuzione. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / recensione Tuesday April 22, 2014 01:05 by Donato Romito   image 1 image
Un libro da non perdersi: Clash City Workers, Dove sono i nostri. Lavoro, classe e movimenti nell'Italia della crisi, ed. La Casa Usher, Lucca, 2014 - €10,00 read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / cultura / non-anarchist press Sunday April 20, 2014 03:19 by Delegación de Paz de las FARC-EP
Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez, el ‘Gabo’, Premio Nobel de literatura y escritor insigne de Colombia, tomó hoy la senda de la eternidad a los 87 años de una vida prolífica en creatividad, que ha dejado para el mundo una obra maravillosa, que con realismo mágico refleja la presencia de estas tierras de Nuestra América, a las que amó y dedicó su ingenio como narrador y cronista de sus desventuras, esperanzas y sueños. read full story / add a comment

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