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Διεθνή / Θρησκεία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday April 14, 2012 20:17 bei Μαύρο Πιπέρι   image 1 image
Πηγή: «Το ρασοφοριάτο και η ημεδαπή πανίδα», στο περιοδικό «Μαύρο Πιπέρι», τεύχος 5, καλοκαίρι 2005 read full story / add a comment
internacional / imperialismo / guerra / other libertarian press Saturday April 14, 2012 07:57 bei Atilio Borón
El entredicho entre el gobierno argentino y la empresa Repsol-YPF ha desencadenado una virulenta reacción de parte de funcionarios del gobierno ultraconservador español. read full story / add a comment
T'as le droit d'être contre la grève, pis on a le droit de te trouver scab!
amérique du nord / mexique / Éducation / article de fond Friday April 13, 2012 19:25 bei Marc-André Cyr   image 1 image
Depuis 2008, partout dans le monde, les classes populaires luttent contre les politiques d’austérité qu’on tente de leur faire avaler à coup de discours serviles et de violence policière. La détermination est grande, les combats sont parfois épiques, mais les victoires sont malheureusement très rares. Les étudiantes et les étudiants québécois ont présentement tout en leurs mains pour créer une brèche dans ce long parcours de défaites populaires et de repli. Voir aussi:
22 mars : Les anarchistes ont fait bloc et la lutte n’est pas prête de s’éteindre!
The role of anarchists in the Quebec student movement
Anarquistas en el movimiento estudiantil de Quebec
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mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday April 13, 2012 19:13 bei Ilan S.
Dopo l'appello per la terza intifada non armata lanciato dal carcere dal dirigente palestinese Marwan Barghouti, la 7a Conferenza della lotta popolare tenutasi a Bil'in è sia la celebrazione del lungo cammino fin qui fatto, sia la commemorazione dei martiri uccisi dalle forze di stato israeliane, sia la solidarietà con gli attivisti in carcere come pure un'opportunità per augurare la guarigione a tutti i feriti durante la lotta che non demorde. [English] read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / repression / prisoners / news report Friday April 13, 2012 17:57 bei   image 1 image
On the 29th of March the Federal Migration Service of Russia gave Finnish citizen Antti Rautiainen, a member of Autonomous Action, an order to leave the Russian Federation within 15 days. According to the order, Rautiainen is suspected of "making statements for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order." Migration authorities have commented, that such decisions are made according to orders from the Federal Security Service (FSB). [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
1º Mayo CNT Madrid
iberia / workplace struggles / other libertarian press Friday April 13, 2012 05:30 bei CNT de Madrid   image 1 image
CNT-AIT Madrid convoca la manifestación del 1º de Mayo en Madrid a las 12h, de Valdeacederas a Cuatro Caminos. read full story / add a comment
Περιδιαβαίνοντας και μόνο στην ιστοσελίδα της ΠΝΟ μπορεί κανείς να ιδεί φαρδιά-πλατιά τη σελίδα για τη δωρεά Λάτση, γνωστού εφοπληστή και πετρελαιά, μαυραγορίτη επί κατοχής. Τι άλλο θα ήθελε κανείς για να σχηματίσει άποψη περί της ΠΝΟ; Με μόνο δυο σωματεία ελεγχόμενα από το ΚΚΕ-ΠΑΜΕ (ΠΕΜΕΝ και ΣΤΕΦΕΝΣΩΝ) ελέγχεται σχεδόν απόλυτα από επιλογές των δυο μεγάλων κομμάτων (ΝΔ-ΠΑΣΟΚ) ενώ ο πρόεδρός της Χαλάς, στέλεχος της Ν.Δ., είναι εδώ και μια 20ετία μόνιμος πρόεδρός της. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Thursday April 12, 2012 20:55 bei Shawn Hattingh   image 1 image
Class war and imperialism have deepened in Greece. The Greek working class has been subjected to further attacks from the local and imperialist ruling classes. To receive the latest ‘bailout’ from the IMF and the ECB, the Greek state was told by the German, French and US ruling classes to again reduce pensions, to fully privatise public utilities, and to again cut social spending and wages. [Nederlands] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / repression / prisoners / news report Thursday April 12, 2012 20:49 bei Amira Hass
Several Israelis have been questioned at length by the security service in recent weeks regarding Sunday's planned 'fly-in'; activists' lawyer says Shin Bet is attempting to deter people from taking part in legal activities. read full story / add a comment
internazionale / economia / opinione / analisi Thursday April 12, 2012 19:40 bei Paul Bowman   image 1 image
Mentre si spengono le fiamme dell'ultimo round di scontri in Grecia, l'incapacità dei principali media di raccontare la storia dell'attuale crisi dell'Eurozona ci lascia in mezzo all'oscurità proprio come un attimo prima che le molotov illuminassero i TG della sera. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / evento comunista anarchico Thursday April 12, 2012 19:22 bei USI   text 1 comment (last - friday april 27, 2012 17:46)   image 1 image
Per il 25 aprile, ora e sempre resistenza, noi non ti dimentichiamo. Sabato 21 aprile 2012 alle ore 17,00 presso la sez. ANPI Trullo/Magliana, piazza Mosca 50, Roma, ci sarà un assemblea/dibattito con la presentazione di dui libri su Valerio Verbano. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / intervista Thursday April 12, 2012 18:28 bei L'Internazionale di Lotta di Classe   image 1 image
"Che il sindacalismo di base sia in crisi o in involuzione è uno dei loci communes più diffusi nel milieu libertario. Ho la sensazione che, fatte salve alcune motivazioni sensate di questa valutazione, si fondi su di un errore di fondo. Se si pensa che il sindacalismo di base avrebbe dovuto essere una riedizione del sindacalismo di azione diretta di oltre un secolo addietro per di più mitizzato è ragionevole affermare che ha fallito l'obiettivo." read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / stampa non anarchica Thursday April 12, 2012 17:27 bei FIOM   image 1 image
Appello per un Assemblea della FIOM, di delegate e delegati, giovani metalmeccanici/che, aperta agli studenti, ai precari, ai disoccupati e inoccupati. Sabato 14 aprile a Bologna, piazza Maggiore, Palazzo Re Enzo, salone del Podestà, dalle 10 alle 14. read full story / add a comment
Σε εκκρεμότητα παραμένει το μέλλον της Βιομηχανίας Φωσφορικών Λιπασμάτων (ΒΦΛ) Καβάλας, ήδη η μονάδα υπολειτουργεί και απειλείται με λουκέτο, αν ο ιδιοκτήτης (όμιλος Λαυρεντιάδη) δεν καταβάλει άμεσα τα ποσά που απαιτούνται για τη συνέχιση της λειτουργίας της. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / la izquierda / non-anarchist press Thursday April 12, 2012 00:06 bei Chris Gilbert
No es difícil palpar las dos tendencias –cualitativamente diferentes y de signo radicalmente opuesto– que se desarrollan en el panorama político colombiano. Por un lado, un régimen que “cambiando todo sin cambiar nada” emplea la demagogia y el populismo para lavarse la cara, mientras profundiza el neoliberalismo en lo económico y el entreguismo en lo político. Por otro lado vemos el crecimiento de las fuerzas de cambio: un movimiento de convergencia entre diversos sectores y agrupaciones sociales incluyendo campesinos, indígenas, afrodesciendientes, sectores urbanos y juveniles, e insurgentes. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Thursday April 12, 2012 00:04 bei Juan Cendales
Cuando en la tarde del pasado martes los diez militares descendían del avión brasileño que los trajo desde las selvas donde estuvieron cautivos durante un poco más de doce años, Colombia parecía estar cerrando uno de los capítulos más duros de la violencia política de estos cincuenta años de confrontación armada. Los diez hombres eran los últimos de más de un centenar de uniformados que cayeron cautivos a manos de las FARC en diversas acciones militares en los años 90, época de granes victorias militares de la guerrilla. El resto de prisioneros ya habían sido liberados, rescatados, uno de ellos murió en cautiverio y otro se fugó. Unos los llamaban retenidos, otros rehenes y otros secuestrados. Después de muchos sufrimientos se fundieron en un abrazo con sus seres queridos. No podemos decir sin embargo que el drama de estos militares y sus familias haya terminado. Una década de cautiverio en la selva deja secuelas físicas y síquicas que pueden ser irreparables. La alegría desbordante del reencuentro suele seguir de separaciones traumáticas. Adaptarse a la sociedad no es fácil y así como el gobierno los ignoró durante tantos años tampoco tiene planes para sus procesos de recuperación. En las filas militares serán despreciados y mirados como traidores, cobardes y hasta de infiltrados de la guerrilla. Ha terminado una parte del drama. Ahora siguen otros. Esperemos que sean los últimos militares en vivir esta situación. La guerrilla anunció hace ya varios días que no volverá a utilizar el secuestro como herramienta política o financiera. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia dell'anarchismo / recensione Wednesday April 11, 2012 23:53 bei Gino   image 1 image
Breve recensione di "Lotta Comunista. Il gruppo originario. 1943-1952", di Guido La Barbera - Edizioni Lotta Comunista, 2012. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Εκπαίδευση / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Wednesday April 11, 2012 20:46 bei Κλαδική Εκπαίδευση της ΑΠ Ροσινάντε   image 1 image
Ανακοίνωση της Κλαδικής Εκπαίδευσης της ΑΠ Ροσινάντε για το κούρεμα των αποθεματικών read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Wednesday April 11, 2012 20:42 bei Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Πρωτοβουλία Ροσινάντε   image 1 image
Ανακοίνωση της Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Πρωτοβουλίας Ροσινάντε για τις πρόσφατες εξελίξεις της «δημοκρατίας» τους read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / community struggles / interview Wednesday April 11, 2012 18:54 bei Janet Biehl   image 1 image
During the past five years, the Kurds of southeastern Turkey have built communalist institutions on a scale unprecedented in the world. Earlier this year (ie., 2011), in “Hasankeyf: A Story of Resistance”, I described the long-term Kurdish resistance to a massive hydroelectric dam project, coordinated by 36-year-old Ercan Ayboga.

After the article was published, Ercan (pronounced AIR-john) wanted to reach out to communalists in other parts of the world, and make the Kurdish achievement in assembly democracy known to them, so we agreed on an interview. We began our conversation the by e-mail. Then in September, I visited Diyarbakir for the Mesopotamian Social Forum, and on a sunny day in Sumer Park, we sat down and continued the interview. His calm determination and clear-headedness, were impressive to me. So was the clear resolve of the Kurdish people to continue their fight for “democratic autonomy,” even under conditions of persecution.

The war between the Turkish state and the PKK guerrillas, which began in 1984, continues to this day. The Turkish state routinely demonizes Kurdish freedom activists as “terrorists” by associating them with the PKK. Tragically, the press of Turkey’s NATO allies is silent, at best, not only on the conflict but on the criminalization of Kurdish political activity. The silence, in my view, must be broken, and the remarkable Kurdish achievement made known to the world. read full story / add a comment

Fri 19 Apr, 00:48

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textPalestina-Israele, la 7a Conferenza di Bil'in della lotta contro il muro della separazione 19:13 Fri 13 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

Dopo l'appello per la terza intifada non armata lanciato dal carcere dal dirigente palestinese Marwan Barghouti, la 7a Conferenza della lotta popolare tenutasi a Bil'in è sia la celebrazione del lungo cammino fin qui fatto, sia la commemorazione dei martiri uccisi dalle forze di stato israeliane, sia la solidarietà con gli attivisti in carcere come pure un'opportunità per augurare la guarigione a tutti i feriti durante la lotta che non demorde. [English]

ar.jpg imageRussian Federal Security Service expelling political activists from Russia 17:57 Fri 13 Apr by 0 comments

On the 29th of March the Federal Migration Service of Russia gave Finnish citizen Antti Rautiainen, a member of Autonomous Action, an order to leave the Russian Federation within 15 days. According to the order, Rautiainen is suspected of "making statements for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order." Migration authorities have commented, that such decisions are made according to orders from the Federal Security Service (FSB). [Italiano]

textShin Bet questions Israeli activists linked to upcoming 'fly-in' protest 20:49 Thu 12 Apr by Amira Hass 0 comments

Several Israelis have been questioned at length by the security service in recent weeks regarding Sunday's planned 'fly-in'; activists' lawyer says Shin Bet is attempting to deter people from taking part in legal activities.

ekpaideusi.jpg imageΝα «κουρέψουμε» το κε... 20:46 Wed 11 Apr by Κλαδική Εκπαίδευση της ΑΠ Ροσινάντε 0 comments

Ανακοίνωση της Κλαδικής Εκπαίδευσης της ΑΠ Ροσινάντε για το κούρεμα των αποθεματικών

34396_457826783577_692448577_5503376_3563617_n.jpg imageΑπό την οικονομική &... 20:42 Wed 11 Apr by Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Πρωτοβουλία Ροσινάντε 0 comments

Ανακοίνωση της Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Πρωτοβουλίας Ροσινάντε για τις πρόσφατες εξελίξεις της «δημοκρατίας» τους

rubro.jpg imageBrasil: Fortalecer regionalmente o Anarquismo 07:26 Wed 11 Apr by Organizações Anarquistas no Nordeste do Brasil 0 comments

Está dado mais um passo no avanço do Anarquismo Especifista no Nordeste do Brasil. Reunidos em Recife, nos empenhamos em aprofundar o debate sobre o especifismo e estruturação dos agrupamentos políticos em nossa região, com vistas ao nosso fortalecimento e consolidação. [English]

textPalestine-Israel, The 7th Bil'in Conference of joint struggle against separation wall + occupation 01:24 Wed 11 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

When the call for the third non armed Intifada is issued by the Palestinian leader Marwan Burguti from his jail cell, the 7th Bil'in Conference of popular struggle is both celebration the log way we made, commemoration the martyrs murdered by the Israeli state forces, solidarity with the activists in jail and opportunity for wishing health for all those injured during the non yielding struggle. Hundreds of internationals, Palestinians from the whole west bank, and two dozen Israeli activists participated in the first day of the conference. It happened after a week and of joint struggles in various locations of the occupied Palestine, and it will end in the Friday demo in Bil'in that symbolize the unyielding joint non armed struggle against the separation fence that now is on the verge of transforming into the much fiercer Intifada. (This explain the vicious attack on the Nabi Saleh, Qaddum villages and Beit Ummar whose struggle is not related to the Wall. [Italiano]

textLa "manifesta insussistenza" della CGIL 14:51 Sun 08 Apr by Commissione Sindacale FdCA 0 comments

La "magnifica riconquista", che ripristina un principio di civiltà giuridica, il prevedere la reintegra nel caso di licenziamenti economici insussistenti, su cui è costruita la nota della segreteria della CGIL, parte da questa modifica introdotta nella stesura definitiva del governo sull'articolo 18: la manifesta insussistenza del licenziamento per motivo economico.

imageH εκκλησία ως τύρανν... Apr 14 by Μαύρο Πιπέρι 0 comments

Πηγή: «Το ρασοφοριάτο και η ημεδαπή πανίδα», στο περιοδικό «Μαύρο Πιπέρι», τεύχος 5, καλοκαίρι 2005

imageΓια την απεργία της ... Apr 12 by Σχεδία 0 comments

Περιδιαβαίνοντας και μόνο στην ιστοσελίδα της ΠΝΟ μπορεί κανείς να ιδεί φαρδιά-πλατιά τη σελίδα για τη δωρεά Λάτση, γνωστού εφοπληστή και πετρελαιά, μαυραγορίτη επί κατοχής. Τι άλλο θα ήθελε κανείς για να σχηματίσει άποψη περί της ΠΝΟ; Με μόνο δυο σωματεία ελεγχόμενα από το ΚΚΕ-ΠΑΜΕ (ΠΕΜΕΝ και ΣΤΕΦΕΝΣΩΝ) ελέγχεται σχεδόν απόλυτα από επιλογές των δυο μεγάλων κομμάτων (ΝΔ-ΠΑΣΟΚ) ενώ ο πρόεδρός της Χαλάς, στέλεχος της Ν.Δ., είναι εδώ και μια 20ετία μόνιμος πρόεδρός της.

imageClass War and Imperialism in Greece Apr 12 by Shawn Hattingh 0 comments

Class war and imperialism have deepened in Greece. The Greek working class has been subjected to further attacks from the local and imperialist ruling classes. To receive the latest ‘bailout’ from the IMF and the ECB, the Greek state was told by the German, French and US ruling classes to again reduce pensions, to fully privatise public utilities, and to again cut social spending and wages. [Nederlands]

imageFiscal Compact: fumo & specchi Apr 12 by Paul Bowman 0 comments

Mentre si spengono le fiamme dell'ultimo round di scontri in Grecia, l'incapacità dei principali media di raccontare la storia dell'attuale crisi dell'Eurozona ci lascia in mezzo all'oscurità proprio come un attimo prima che le molotov illuminassero i TG della sera.

imageΤα εργοστάσια και η ... Apr 12 by Γ.Φ. 0 comments

Σε εκκρεμότητα παραμένει το μέλλον της Βιομηχανίας Φωσφορικών Λιπασμάτων (ΒΦΛ) Καβάλας, ήδη η μονάδα υπολειτουργεί και απειλείται με λουκέτο, αν ο ιδιοκτήτης (όμιλος Λαυρεντιάδη) δεν καταβάλει άμεσα τα ποσά που απαιτούνται για τη συνέχιση της λειτουργίας της.

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imageΝα «κουρέψουμε» το κε... Apr 11 0 comments

Ανακοίνωση της Κλαδικής Εκπαίδευσης της ΑΠ Ροσινάντε για το κούρεμα των αποθεματικών

imageΑπό την οικονομική &... Apr 11 1 of Anarkismo Editorial Group 0 comments

Ανακοίνωση της Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Πρωτοβουλίας Ροσινάντε για τις πρόσφατες εξελίξεις της «δημοκρατίας» τους

imageBrasil: Fortalecer regionalmente o Anarquismo Apr 11 0 comments

Está dado mais um passo no avanço do Anarquismo Especifista no Nordeste do Brasil. Reunidos em Recife, nos empenhamos em aprofundar o debate sobre o especifismo e estruturação dos agrupamentos políticos em nossa região, com vistas ao nosso fortalecimento e consolidação. [English]

textLa "manifesta insussistenza" della CGIL Apr 08 Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

La "magnifica riconquista", che ripristina un principio di civiltà giuridica, il prevedere la reintegra nel caso di licenziamenti economici insussistenti, su cui è costruita la nota della segreteria della CGIL, parte da questa modifica introdotta nella stesura definitiva del governo sull'articolo 18: la manifesta insussistenza del licenziamento per motivo economico.

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