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iberia / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Friday November 10, 2017 18:02 bei Dick Nichols
Judge Carmen Lamela of Spain's National High Court – direct descendant of the fascist Franco-era Court of Public Order – took the war of the Spanish state against the Catalan pro-independence government to a new level of judicial violence on November 2. read full story / add a comment
iberia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Thursday November 09, 2017 18:14 bei Aitor Tarradellas   image 1 image
An introductory article about the situation of Catalonia and the position of some Catalan anarchists. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Φύλο / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday November 09, 2017 04:11 bei Αναρχική Συλλογικότητα mⒶnifesto   image 1 image
Δεν τρέφουμε αυταπάτες για τους απολογητές της έμφυλης βίας που διατρανώνουν με διάφορα μέσα τον δήθεν αντισεξισμό τους, με σκοπό το «ξέπλυμα» μιας σειράς περιστατικών που συγκαλύπτονται και θάβονται.
Καμιά ανοχή στους θύτες της πατριαρχίας και τους απολογητές τους, είτε δικαστές και μπάτσοι, είτε συγγενείς, φίλοι, γνωστοί, είτε «σύντροφοι», είτε οικογενειάρχες και «καλά» παιδιά. read full story / add a comment
internacional / economia / opinião / análise Wednesday November 08, 2017 21:41 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
As agências de “análise” são empresas privadas dos EUA operando como vetores do cassino financeiro global, gerando a subordinação de sociedades inteiras. Isso ocorre em todos os países do “ocidente” ampliado, sendo que as regiões eurasiáticas sob a influência direta da China, Rússia e Índia conseguem sofrer outras projeções de poder. No caso da América Latina, sofremos hoje uma dupla intervenção, tanto das potências ocidentais – com os Estados Unidos à frente - como da presença chinesa cada vez maior em todas as camadas da economia real. Neste texto, fazemos uma breve digressão no papel de operador político das agências de “análise” na Europa pós-crise de 2008 e depois voltamos ao nosso Continente observando uma das chances desperdiçadas no período anterior. read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / history / opinion / analysis Wednesday November 08, 2017 16:21 bei Jurgo   image 1 image
Kompilaĵo el diversaj verkoj pri la rusa revolucio de anarkiista vidpunkto ĵus esperantigita de Jesús González kaj eldonita de la Biblioteko Mateo Morral (ĜKL de Viladekans', Katalunio) read full story / add a comment
international / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Wednesday November 08, 2017 05:56 bei Wayne Price   text 3 comments (last - wednesday november 15, 2017 20:45)   image 2 images
Some anarchists and libertarian Marxists oppose the concepts of national self-determination and national liberation. They argue that these slogans deny class struggle, endorse nationalism, is contrary to anarchist principles, and lead to Leninism. I respond to these arguments, saying that anarchists should be in solidarity with the people of oppressed nations without endorsing their nationalist leaders. read full story / add a comment
ibérie / divers / communiqué de presse Wednesday November 08, 2017 01:13 bei Several Organizations
Communiqué conjoint entre la CNT-e, la CGT-e et Solidaridad Obrera read full story / add a comment
southern africa / community struggles / news report Tuesday November 07, 2017 23:24 bei Nonzukizo Mute   image 1 image
Political fighting has destroyed the peace in Sebokeng township in the Vaal. Politicians are using government resources for private purposes, and parties and factions are fighting over which politicians get the most. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Tuesday November 07, 2017 23:19 bei Nkululeko Khubisa   image 1 image
South Africa is in a mess. That is clear, more than 20 years since the end of apartheid. We have won many things. It was our struggle that beat apartheid laws and the old government. But we are not free yet. Corruption, poverty, job losses, hatred, violence, the apartheid legacy are all part of the mess.

What is the way forward for South Africa? It is struggle by the masses of the people for a better society.

What does that require? read full story / add a comment
international / history / opinion / analysis Tuesday November 07, 2017 16:22 bei Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The October Revolution in Russia was a momentous event and the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group celebrates its centenary. The Soviets and the Factory Committees were great achievements of the working class and taking power was an even greater achievement. We are angered by the betrayal of the Revolution by Lenin and its total perversion by Stalin, but we are not disillusioned. Rather, we have learned lessons and work in the confident expectation that, if capitalism doesn’t destroy us in the meantime, there will be another revolution, and it will be worldwide. Unlike last time, workers won’t get taken in by the siren song of leaders who tell us fairy tales about a workers’ state. We won’t be fooled again. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Κριτική / Παρουσίαση Tuesday November 07, 2017 15:49 bei ΕΠΙΜΕΛΕΙΑ: ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΤΡΩΑΔΙΤΗΣ   image 1 image
Πιοτρ Κροπότκιν, Το πνεύμα της επαναστάσεως
Μετάφραση Ιωάννη Μαγκανάρα
Επιμέλεια - Εισαγωγή Νίκου Παπαχριστόπουλου
Εκδόσεις opportuna
Πάτρα read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / comunicato stampa Tuesday November 07, 2017 15:17 bei Alternativa Libertaria /fdca
Lo scontro sull'acciaio è una contesa mondiale che vede, oggi come in altre fasi passate, in primo piano l'Europa con al centro gli stabilimenti siderurgici dell'ex-ILVA. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / economy / opinion / analysis Tuesday November 07, 2017 10:45 bei Pink Panther
This article addresses the issue of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in the context of major roading infrastructural work undertaken in Aotearoa/New Zealand, with some comparative reference to the Grenfell Towers disaster in London. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / repressione / prigionieri / comunicato stampa Monday November 06, 2017 18:26 bei Anarkismo Organizations - Anarkismo Network
Solidarietà alla Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG), alla Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) ed al movimento anarchico di Porto Alegre ed in Brasilel!
Solidarietà con gli scioperi dei lavoratori della scuola e del Comune a Rio Grande do Sul!
Per il socialismo e per la libertà! read full story / add a comment
Nous avons appris que le 25 octobre, une grande opération de police appelée « Erèbe » (Érebo en portugais, le nom du dieu grec des ténèbres) a été lancé contre le mouvement anti-autoritaire.
La police civile a envahi au moins 4 lieux libertaires et prétend avoir des mandats contre une douzaine de lieux et environ 30 personnes. Ils ont perquisitionné le squat Pandorga et les locaux de Parrhesia, ainsi que l’espace politique et culturel de l’Athénée Libertaire Batalha da Várzea, qui était connu pour être les locaux officiels de la FAG (ce n’est plus le cas). La Fédération Anarchiste Gaúcha (FAG) est particulièrement ciblée par cette opération : elle est considérée par la police, toujours aussi stupide, comme le cerveau du mouvement anarchiste à Porto Alegre. Les camarades sont accusé-e-s d’association de malfaiteurs dans l’objectif de commettre des dépradations contre des propriétés publiques et privées. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / repression / prisoners / feature Sunday November 05, 2017 21:41 bei Anarkismo Organizations   text 3 comments (last - sunday december 17, 2017 05:38)   image 1 image
We learnt that on October 25th, a large police operation called « Erebus » (Érebo in Portuguese, i.e. the name of the Greek god of darkness) was launched against the anti-authoritarian movement.

The civil police invaded at least 4 libertarian premises and claims to have warrants against a dozen of premises and about 30 people. They raided the occupation Pandorga and the Parrhesia premises as well as the political and cultural space Ateneu Libertário Batalha da Várzea that used to be FAG’s official premises. The Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG) is specifically targeted by this operation as it is considered by the stupid-as-usual police to be the top organization of the anarchist movement in Porto Alegre. They are accused of forming a gang in order to commit crimes against public and private possessions. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / intervista Sunday November 05, 2017 01:22 bei José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
Nel mezzo di una frenetica settimana nella crisi tra il governo centrale di Madrid e il governo catalano, Anarkismo ha parlato con il segretario per le Relazioni Internazionali della Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), Miguel Pérez. In questa intervista, egli illustra la posizione che è stata mantenuta dall'organizzazione anarco-sindacalista in Catalogna e gli scenari che si aprono per i settori di classe, libertari e rivoluzionari in tutto lo stato spagnolo. "Non si tratta solo di ridisegnare un confine, ma di riformulare le strutture e il sistema dello Stato". read full story / add a comment

Fri 19 Apr, 06:44

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122115a1ad15482bbd2649c87bda8a88.jpg imageΔικαίωμα στην αυτο&#... 04:11 Thu 09 Nov by Αναρχική Συλλογικότητα mⒶnifesto 0 comments

Δεν τρέφουμε αυταπάτες για τους απολογητές της έμφυλης βίας που διατρανώνουν με διάφορα μέσα τον δήθεν αντισεξισμό τους, με σκοπό το «ξέπλυμα» μιας σειράς περιστατικών που συγκαλύπτονται και θάβονται.
Καμιά ανοχή στους θύτες της πατριαρχίας και τους απολογητές τους, είτε δικαστές και μπάτσοι, είτε συγγενείς, φίλοι, γνωστοί, είτε «σύντροφοι», είτε οικογενειάρχες και «καλά» παιδιά.

textFace à la situation en Catalogne 01:13 Wed 08 Nov by Several Organizations 0 comments

Communiqué conjoint entre la CNT-e, la CGT-e et Solidaridad Obrera

sebokengphoto0042.jpg imageThe Cheap Politics that Destroy Our Communities 23:24 Tue 07 Nov by Nonzukizo Mute 0 comments

Political fighting has destroyed the peace in Sebokeng township in the Vaal. Politicians are using government resources for private purposes, and parties and factions are fighting over which politicians get the most.

textNella battaglia dell'acciao GENOVA protagonista contro i LICENZIAMENTI! 15:17 Tue 07 Nov by Alternativa Libertaria /fdca 0 comments

Lo scontro sull'acciaio è una contesa mondiale che vede, oggi come in altre fasi passate, in primo piano l'Europa con al centro gli stabilimenti siderurgici dell'ex-ILVA.

textBrasile - Giù le mani dal movimento anarchico! Solidarietà con la FAG e gli anarchici brasiliani! 18:26 Mon 06 Nov by Anarkismo Organizations - Anarkismo Network 0 comments

Solidarietà alla Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG), alla Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) ed al movimento anarchico di Porto Alegre ed in Brasilel!
Solidarietà con gli scioperi dei lavoratori della scuola e del Comune a Rio Grande do Sul!
Per il socialismo e per la libertà!

textBas les pattes du mouvement anarchiste ! Solidarité avec la FAG et les anarchistes au Brésil ! 22:33 Sun 05 Nov by Anarkismo Organizations 0 comments

Nous avons appris que le 25 octobre, une grande opération de police appelée « Erèbe » (Érebo en portugais, le nom du dieu grec des ténèbres) a été lancé contre le mouvement anti-autoritaire.
La police civile a envahi au moins 4 lieux libertaires et prétend avoir des mandats contre une douzaine de lieux et environ 30 personnes. Ils ont perquisitionné le squat Pandorga et les locaux de Parrhesia, ainsi que l’espace politique et culturel de l’Athénée Libertaire Batalha da Várzea, qui était connu pour être les locaux officiels de la FAG (ce n’est plus le cas). La Fédération Anarchiste Gaúcha (FAG) est particulièrement ciblée par cette opération : elle est considérée par la police, toujours aussi stupide, comme le cerveau du mouvement anarchiste à Porto Alegre. Les camarades sont accusé-e-s d’association de malfaiteurs dans l’objectif de commettre des dépradations contre des propriétés publiques et privées.

imageThe anticapitalist movement in the Catalan Republic Nov 09 by Aitor Tarradellas 0 comments

An introductory article about the situation of Catalonia and the position of some Catalan anarchists.

imageAs agências de “análise” de risco e a violação de soberanias Nov 08 by BrunoL 0 comments

As agências de “análise” são empresas privadas dos EUA operando como vetores do cassino financeiro global, gerando a subordinação de sociedades inteiras. Isso ocorre em todos os países do “ocidente” ampliado, sendo que as regiões eurasiáticas sob a influência direta da China, Rússia e Índia conseguem sofrer outras projeções de poder. No caso da América Latina, sofremos hoje uma dupla intervenção, tanto das potências ocidentais – com os Estados Unidos à frente - como da presença chinesa cada vez maior em todas as camadas da economia real. Neste texto, fazemos uma breve digressão no papel de operador político das agências de “análise” na Europa pós-crise de 2008 e depois voltamos ao nosso Continente observando uma das chances desperdiçadas no período anterior.

imageKiel ne endas fari revolucion Nov 08 by Jurgo 0 comments

Kompilaĵo el diversaj verkoj pri la rusa revolucio de anarkiista vidpunkto ĵus esperantigita de Jesús González kaj eldonita de la Biblioteko Mateo Morral (ĜKL de Viladekans', Katalunio)

imageNational Self-Determination, Internationalism, and Libertarian Socialism Nov 08 by Wayne Price 3 comments

Some anarchists and libertarian Marxists oppose the concepts of national self-determination and national liberation. They argue that these slogans deny class struggle, endorse nationalism, is contrary to anarchist principles, and lead to Leninism. I respond to these arguments, saying that anarchists should be in solidarity with the people of oppressed nations without endorsing their nationalist leaders.

imageThe Way Forward for South Africa Nov 07 by Nkululeko Khubisa 0 comments

South Africa is in a mess. That is clear, more than 20 years since the end of apartheid. We have won many things. It was our struggle that beat apartheid laws and the old government. But we are not free yet. Corruption, poverty, job losses, hatred, violence, the apartheid legacy are all part of the mess.

What is the way forward for South Africa? It is struggle by the masses of the people for a better society.

What does that require?

more >>

imageΔικαίωμα στην αυτο&#... Nov 09 0 comments

Δεν τρέφουμε αυταπάτες για τους απολογητές της έμφυλης βίας που διατρανώνουν με διάφορα μέσα τον δήθεν αντισεξισμό τους, με σκοπό το «ξέπλυμα» μιας σειράς περιστατικών που συγκαλύπτονται και θάβονται.
Καμιά ανοχή στους θύτες της πατριαρχίας και τους απολογητές τους, είτε δικαστές και μπάτσοι, είτε συγγενείς, φίλοι, γνωστοί, είτε «σύντροφοι», είτε οικογενειάρχες και «καλά» παιδιά.

textFace à la situation en Catalogne Nov 08 0 comments

Communiqué conjoint entre la CNT-e, la CGT-e et Solidaridad Obrera

textNella battaglia dell'acciao GENOVA protagonista contro i LICENZIAMENTI! Nov 07 Alternativa Libertaria /fdca 0 comments

Lo scontro sull'acciaio è una contesa mondiale che vede, oggi come in altre fasi passate, in primo piano l'Europa con al centro gli stabilimenti siderurgici dell'ex-ILVA.

textBrasile - Giù le mani dal movimento anarchico! Solidarietà con la FAG e gli anarchici brasiliani! Nov 06 0 comments

Solidarietà alla Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG), alla Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) ed al movimento anarchico di Porto Alegre ed in Brasilel!
Solidarietà con gli scioperi dei lavoratori della scuola e del Comune a Rio Grande do Sul!
Per il socialismo e per la libertà!

textBas les pattes du mouvement anarchiste ! Solidarité avec la FAG et les anarchistes au Brésil ! Nov 05 Réseau Anarkismo 0 comments

Nous avons appris que le 25 octobre, une grande opération de police appelée « Erèbe » (Érebo en portugais, le nom du dieu grec des ténèbres) a été lancé contre le mouvement anti-autoritaire.
La police civile a envahi au moins 4 lieux libertaires et prétend avoir des mandats contre une douzaine de lieux et environ 30 personnes. Ils ont perquisitionné le squat Pandorga et les locaux de Parrhesia, ainsi que l’espace politique et culturel de l’Athénée Libertaire Batalha da Várzea, qui était connu pour être les locaux officiels de la FAG (ce n’est plus le cas). La Fédération Anarchiste Gaúcha (FAG) est particulièrement ciblée par cette opération : elle est considérée par la police, toujours aussi stupide, comme le cerveau du mouvement anarchiste à Porto Alegre. Les camarades sont accusé-e-s d’association de malfaiteurs dans l’objectif de commettre des dépradations contre des propriétés publiques et privées.

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