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francia / belgio / lussemburgo / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Wednesday March 24, 2021 02:10 byGroupe de Lyon - UCL   text 1 comment (last - thursday november 11, 2021 19:51)
La rete Anarkismo trasmette il comunicato del gruppo di Lione dell'Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL), organizzazione attiva in Francia e in Belgio e che è membro della rete. Esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà ai nostri compagni e alle nostre compagne di Lione e trasmettiamo il loro comunicato e la loro richiesta di solidarietà finanziaria. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
internacional / anti-fascismo / opinião / análise Tuesday February 09, 2021 10:31 byBrunoL
A estupidez dos “red necks” se soma à manipulação grosseira das legiões eleitoras do cinturão bíblico e as distintas formas de conservantismo que defendem, de maneira incondicional, o Apartheid israelense e a presença dos Estados Unidos no Grande Oriente Médio. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
brésil/guyane/suriname/guinée française / anti-fascisme / opinion / analyse Tuesday October 23, 2018 19:07 byCoordination Anarchiste Brésilienne
La séquence politique actuelle au Brésil exige beaucoup de lucidité et de sang-froid, de la part de l’ensemble des personnes impliquées dans les luttes populaires, pour analyser la réalité. En tant que Coordination Anarchiste Brésilienne (CAB), nous cherchons ici modestement à apporter notre contribution à la compréhension de cette séquence politico-sociale chaotique, dont la trame principale est à trouver dans le coup d’État juridico-parlementaire qui a renversé Dilma Rousseff alors qu’elle était aux commandes. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
aotearoa / pacific islands / anti-fascism / interview Thursday April 19, 2018 07:01 byAlex Pirie
This is part 2 of an interview between social activist Alex Pirie and New Zealand based anarchist and Aotearoa Worker's Solidarity Movement (AWSM) member Barrie Sargeant. It discusses anti-fascism. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / cronaca Saturday November 04, 2017 00:40 byBarrie
Il 28 ottobre oltre 200 manifestanti antifascisti ed antinazisti hanno bloccato con successo i cancelli di accesso al parlamento a Wellington, in opposizione ad una provocazione dei fascisti e della destra radicale. Questi ultimi avevano minacciato di marciare verso il parlamento ed erano stati ufficialmente autorizzati a farlo. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
aotearoa / pacific islands / anti-fascism / news report Thursday November 02, 2017 09:23 byBarrie
On 28th October over 200 anti-racist and anti-fascist demonstrators successfully blocked the gates of parliament in Wellington, Aotearoa, in opposition to a provocation by fascists and Alt-Right. The latter had threatened to march into parliament grounds and had been issued an official permit to do so. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
iberia / anti-fascism / press release Tuesday October 03, 2017 08:23 byEmbat
At a juncture of structural crisis, in Spain, there are more and more Catalans who no longer want to be part of this state: today, a country ruled by a corrupt party (The Partido Popular or PP), with a government and a deep state that has not broken with Francoism, of which the monarchy is the faithful representation of this continuity; and this would be added to urbanistic ballots, bank bailouts, austerity policies, high unemployment rates and a lack of guarantees and opportunities. All this is the image and reality of the so-called Regime of ’78; a political framework marked by a pact of silence so that the crimes of the Franco regime did not come to light and were never prosecuted. The remains of Franco were never cleared from the state institutions. It was the time called “Transition” to a democracy that never came and a Constitution that many people have not voted for. Some because we opposed at the time the political reform of Franco, and others because of a mere question of age, since it has been four decades since then.

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iberische halbinsel / antifaschismus / pressemitteilung Tuesday October 03, 2017 08:21 byEmbat
Wir befinden uns an einer Stelle der strukturellen Krise in Spanien, in der es mehr und mehr Katalanen gibt, die nicht mehr Teil dieses Staates sein wollen. Spanien ist heute ein Land, das von einer korrupten Partei regiert wird; ein Land, das einen tiefen Staat und bis heute nicht mit dem Franquismus gebrochen hat; ein Land, in dem die Monarchie die treue Darstellung dieser Realität ist. Es existieren städtische Ballungsgebiete, Bankenrettungs-Pakete, Sparmaßnahmen, eine hohe Arbeitslosenquote und wenig Chancen auf Verbesserung. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
greece / turkey / cyprus / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Friday August 18, 2017 09:15 byansyn
Common Statement of the Anarcosyndicalist Initiative Rocinante and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW Greece) regarding the assassination of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville Virginia, USA. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
international / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Thursday July 13, 2017 10:23 byWayne Price   text 8 comments (last - wednesday december 02, 2020 14:02)
A libertarian Marxist friend sent me a reference to a report on an international gathering of “National Anarchists.” It appeared in Keith Preston’s site, “Attack the System,” at

This is my response.
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italia / svizzera / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Friday May 05, 2017 19:02 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Nel suo ultimo lavoro ‟Il bandito della Guerra Freddaˮ, Pietro Orsatti ripercorre questa storia in occasione del 70° anniversario della strage di Portella della Ginestra, perpetrata il Primo Maggio 1947: strage fascista, strage mafiosa, strage di Stato. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
internazionale / antifascismo / appello / petizione Wednesday April 26, 2017 06:59 byGianni Sartori
Riprendono i bombardamenti contro la popolazione curda da parte dell'aviazione turca leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Monday April 24, 2017 22:18 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Il fascismo si combatte nelle piazze, con l’azione diretta, con la conquista maggiore di nuove libertà, con l’autogestione e con l’organizzazione dal basso. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
southern africa / anti-fascism / press release Wednesday April 12, 2017 01:52 byLucien van der Walt
On 11 February 2016, I issued an initial personal statement on the Michael Schmidt affair.[1] I completely rejected the irredeemable racist and right-wing statements attributed to Schmidt, which were mainly posted under false names online. They represent positions I have consistently opposed, for decades, to the best of my abilities. I noted problems with his explanation, centred on the claim that his posts and false personas were solely means for infiltrating the radical right for undercover research. I raised serious ethical problems with his actions, including his admitted role in repeatedly frustrating earlier investigations into his actions by myself and others. I also laid out my emotional turmoil over the affair, the gulf between the Schmidt I knew and trusted, a man active in left and black working class circles, and another Schmidt, increasingly exposed. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Thursday February 09, 2017 17:42 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA
"L’Antifascismo è pratica quotidiana leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / evento comunista anarchico Saturday October 08, 2016 23:40 byGianni Sartori   text 2 comments (last - saturday february 18, 2017 05:33)
Quindici anni fa, quasi nello stesso giorno (rispettivamente 9 e 11 febbraio 2001), se ne andavano due tra i maggiori esponenti dell'antifascismo militante nel Vicentino.
Il Tar, Ferruccio Manea, a 86 anni; Ferrer Visentini a 90 anni.
Quella della morte quasi sincronica non è stata l'unica coincidenza. Le loro vite in qualche modo si erano già incrociate.
Nato a Trieste, Ferrer Visentini (il nome gli era stato in memoria del pedagogista libertario fucilato a Barcellona nel 1909) mi aveva raccontato con partecipazione, direi anche con orgoglio, di aver conosciuto il fratello maggiore del Tar, Ismene Manea, destinato a perire tragicamente nel 1944 per mano dei nazisti. Avevano combattuto fianco a fianco come volontari internazionali in difesa della Repubblica contro i franchisti (fronte di Caspe e battaglia dell'Ebro).
Sia Ferruccio che Ferrer parteciparono attivamente alla Resistenza, ma in seguito i loro destini personali erano stati diversi: il Tar quasi emarginato per il suo “estremismo” (tacciato a volte di “anarchismo”), Visentini rispettato militante del PCI e consigliere comunale dal 1956 al 1970.
Il saluto al Tar lo avevano dato gli antifascisti dell'Alto Vicentino al Circolo Operaio di Magrè di Schio mentre Ferrer Visentini era stato ricordato nella storica Loggia del Capitanio, in piazza dei Signori. Le note dell'Internazionale e di Bella ciao avevano accompagnato l'ultimo viaggio di entrambi.
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italia / svizzera / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Tuesday August 30, 2016 05:55 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Vittorio Veneto (TV) 2 settembre alle ore 20:30 presso la Biblioteca comunale, “L'Antifascismo oggi”, con l'intervento del giornalista milanese del Manifesto Saverio Ferrari dell'Osservatorio Democratico Sulle Nuove Destre.» leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Wednesday April 27, 2016 18:06 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Il 25 aprile 1945 il Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia proclamava l'insurrezione in tutti i territori italiani ancora occupati dai nazifascisti.
Nel giro di 6 giorni, quasi tutta l'Italia settentrionale era stata liberata dai partigiani.
Così il Primo Maggio si festeggiarono contemporaneamente la liberazione e la giornata internazionale dei lavoratori, leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
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Fri 19 Apr, 12:38

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manif_clment_1.jpg imageProcès des assassins de Clément : l’extrême droite est un poison mortel 19:05 Fri 11 Jun by UCL 0 comments

Vendredi 4 juin, la cour d’assises d’Evry a condamné en appel les deux anciens skinheads néonazis pour la mort de notre camarade Clément Méric à huit et cinq ans d’emprisonnement. Ces peines moins lourdes qu’en première instance, ont néanmoins confirmé que ce sont bien les nervis fascistes qui sont à l’origine de l’attaque et ont porté les premiers coups.

autoc_ucl_antifa.png imageLe fond de l’air est brun 04:59 Fri 14 May by Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

Dans un contexte global, particulièrement propice aux discours autoritaires, nous avons vu ces derniers jours s’accroître les violences émanant de groupes d’extrême droite à Lyon, Orléans, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier, Strasbourg… Ne nous y trompons pas, la politique sécuritaire, répressive et fractionniste du gouvernement, qui préfère de son côté combattre le supposé danger islamo-gauchisme dans les facs ou l’écriture inclusive à l’école, est directement coupable de laisser ces nervis fascistes agir en toute impunité.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_house_of_mesopotamia_2.jpg imageMezopotamya Evi’ne Yapılan Saldırı Sonrası Dayanışma için Basın A... 19:46 Mon 05 Apr by UCL Lyon 0 comments

3 Nisan Cumartesi günü öğleden sonra, Lyon’un 7. bölgesinde bulunan Mezopotamya Evi, aşırı sağcı ülkücülere (Bozkurtlar) mensup bir grup faşist tarafından şiddetli bir şekilde saldırıya uğradı. Mezopotamya Evi, bir yandan IŞİD’e diğer yandan Erdoğan’a karşı uzun yıllardır mücadele eden, bölgede özgürleştirici güç olan Kürt halkının kültürel bir mekanıdır.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_house_of_mesopotamia_1.jpg imagePress release in support to the House of Mesopotamia after the attack 19:43 Mon 05 Apr by UCL Lyon 0 comments

On Saturday April 3rd in the afternoon, the House of Mesopotamia located in the 7th district of Lyon, France, was violently attacked by a group of fascists belonging to the Grey Wolves (Turkish far right movement).

The House of Mesopotamia is a cultural place of the Kurdish community which is a strong emancipatory force that has been fighting for many years against Daech on one hand and Erdogan on the other hand.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_house_of_mesopotamia.jpg imageCommuniqué de soutien après l’attaque de la maison de la Mésopotamie 19:41 Mon 05 Apr by UCL Lyon 2 comments

Samedi 3 avril dans l’après-midi, la Maison de la Mésopotamie située dans le 7e arrondissement de Lyon, a été violemment attaquée par un groupe de fascistes appartenant aux Loups Gris (extrême-droite turque).
La Maison de la Mésopotamie est un lieu culturel de la communauté kurde, force émancipatrice forte qui se bat depuis de nombreuses années contre Daech d’un côté et Erdogan de l’autre.

house_of_mesopotamia.jpg imageΕπίθεση στο “Σπίτι τ... 20:09 Sun 04 Apr by Αλληλέγγυοι 0 comments

Εκφράζουμε την υποστήριξη και την αλληλεγγύη μας στους Κούρδους συντρόφους μας. Θα είμαστε μαζί σας στον αντιφασιστικό αγώνα και, όπως και εσείς, δεν θα κάνουμε ούτε ένα βήμα πίσω, ενάντια στους φασίστες όλων των χωρών.

textGli attacchi fascisti non ci fermeranno! 02:10 Wed 24 Mar by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 1 comments

La rete Anarkismo trasmette il comunicato del gruppo di Lione dell'Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL), organizzazione attiva in Francia e in Belgio e che è membro della rete. Esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà ai nostri compagni e alle nostre compagne di Lione e trasmettiamo il loro comunicato e la loro richiesta di solidarietà finanziaria.

photo_20210323_003333.jpg imageFuera el fascismo de los barrios! NO PASARÁN 05:35 Tue 23 Mar by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 0 comments

Compartimos comunicado de la Unión Comunista Libertaria- Lyon sobre los ataques fascistas este sábado en su local.

photo_20210322_191826.jpg imageFascist attacks will not stop us! 05:27 Tue 23 Mar by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 10 comments

The Anarkismo network relays the communiqué of the Lyon group of the Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL), an organisation active in France and Belgium and which is a member of the network. We express our solidarity with our comrades in Lyon and relay their communiqué and their call for financial solidarity.

1.jpg imageΕπίθεση φασιστών σ&#... 21:05 Mon 22 Mar by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 0 comments

Από τη μεριά μας, συνεχίζουμε να απαιτούμε το κλείσιμο των φασιστικών στεκιών και ειδικά εκείνων των identitaires (βλ. Génération Identitaire). Θα σας ενημερώσουμε άμεσα για τις δράσεις που βλέπουμε ως πολιτική απάντηση σε αυτήν την επίθεση.

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imageLessons from the Historic Fight Against Fascism Nov 16 by Wayne Price 0 comments

A review of the fight against the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany and its lessons for revolutionary anarchists today.

imageΟ μύθος των δύο άκρω... Oct 17 by The Blast 0 comments

Αλήθεια πιστεύουμε ότι αυτό είναι κάτι που επηρέασε αρνητικά τη ψυχολογία των οπαδών της χρυσής αυγής ή άλλων ακροδεξιών γκρουπούσκουλων ή ότι ενίσχυσε έτι περισσότερο την αυτοπεποίθηση τους να δρουν όπως δρούσαν; Ένα χρόνο από την καταδικαστική απόφαση δε βλέπουμε τους φασίστες στις τρύπες τους άλλα έξω από αυτές να αλωνίζουν ελεύθερα ξανά. Να υποθέσουμε επομένως ότι το περιβόητο τοίχος της Δημοκρατίας μάλλον δεν έκανε και τόσο καλή δουλειά ή είναι λίγο νωρίς για τέτοιες εκτιμήσεις;

imageColombia’s democratic facade is crumbling to pieces May 14 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 5 comments

The state’s brutal response to a one-day general strike has sparked weeks of protests in Colombia, resulting in dozens of deaths. The time for dialogue is over.

imageBalas contra piedras – Paro Nacional Indefinido – 28A May 03 by Colectivo Contrainformativo Subversión 0 comments

El uso desmedido de la fuerza es inconcebible, balas contra piedras jamás será proporcional ante comunidades que resisten con alegría y dignidad.

textO estúpido argumento do “Choque de Civilizações” como justificativa imperialista: origens modernas Feb 09 by BrunoL 0 comments

A estupidez dos “red necks” se soma à manipulação grosseira das legiões eleitoras do cinturão bíblico e as distintas formas de conservantismo que defendem, de maneira incondicional, o Apartheid israelense e a presença dos Estados Unidos no Grande Oriente Médio.

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imageProcès des assassins de Clément : l’extrême droite est un poison mortel Jun 11 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

Vendredi 4 juin, la cour d’assises d’Evry a condamné en appel les deux anciens skinheads néonazis pour la mort de notre camarade Clément Méric à huit et cinq ans d’emprisonnement. Ces peines moins lourdes qu’en première instance, ont néanmoins confirmé que ce sont bien les nervis fascistes qui sont à l’origine de l’attaque et ont porté les premiers coups.

imageLe fond de l’air est brun May 14 UCL 0 comments

Dans un contexte global, particulièrement propice aux discours autoritaires, nous avons vu ces derniers jours s’accroître les violences émanant de groupes d’extrême droite à Lyon, Orléans, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier, Strasbourg… Ne nous y trompons pas, la politique sécuritaire, répressive et fractionniste du gouvernement, qui préfère de son côté combattre le supposé danger islamo-gauchisme dans les facs ou l’écriture inclusive à l’école, est directement coupable de laisser ces nervis fascistes agir en toute impunité.

imageMezopotamya Evi’ne Yapılan Saldırı Sonrası Dayanışma için Basın A... Apr 05 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

3 Nisan Cumartesi günü öğleden sonra, Lyon’un 7. bölgesinde bulunan Mezopotamya Evi, aşırı sağcı ülkücülere (Bozkurtlar) mensup bir grup faşist tarafından şiddetli bir şekilde saldırıya uğradı. Mezopotamya Evi, bir yandan IŞİD’e diğer yandan Erdoğan’a karşı uzun yıllardır mücadele eden, bölgede özgürleştirici güç olan Kürt halkının kültürel bir mekanıdır.

imagePress release in support to the House of Mesopotamia after the attack Apr 05 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

On Saturday April 3rd in the afternoon, the House of Mesopotamia located in the 7th district of Lyon, France, was violently attacked by a group of fascists belonging to the Grey Wolves (Turkish far right movement).

The House of Mesopotamia is a cultural place of the Kurdish community which is a strong emancipatory force that has been fighting for many years against Daech on one hand and Erdogan on the other hand.

imageCommuniqué de soutien après l’attaque de la maison de la Mésopotamie Apr 05 Union Communiste Libertaire 2 comments

Samedi 3 avril dans l’après-midi, la Maison de la Mésopotamie située dans le 7e arrondissement de Lyon, a été violemment attaquée par un groupe de fascistes appartenant aux Loups Gris (extrême-droite turque).
La Maison de la Mésopotamie est un lieu culturel de la communauté kurde, force émancipatrice forte qui se bat depuis de nombreuses années contre Daech d’un côté et Erdogan de l’autre.

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