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Central Africa

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central africa / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Wednesday April 29, 2015 17:31 byShawn Hattingh   image 1 image
In the heat of the struggle for statues like that of Rhodes – the arch-symbol of British imperialism – to be pulled down, and in the midst of the horror of the recent xenophobic attacks in South Africa, few people seemed to notice an announcement by Jacob Zuma that South African troops will remain at war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for another year. Of course, Zuma made this announcement on behalf of the South African ruling class – comprised today of white capitalists and a black elite mainly centred around the state, Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and ‘traditional’ royal families. In this there was a real irony that while Rhodes’s likeness was falling from its perch at the University of Cape Town, and immigrants from other parts of Africa and Asia were being attacked because of sentiments stoked up by a rehabilitated relic of apartheid (the Zulu king, Zwelithini), the South African ruling class felt brash enough to say they will be continuing their own imperialist war in the DRC. read full story / add a comment
afrique centrale / impérialisme / guerre / opinion / analyse Saturday May 10, 2014 04:22 byLiaison Jura   image 1 image
Retour sur le rôle de l'Etat français dans le génocide Rwandais, 20 ans après read full story / add a comment
afrique centrale / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Saturday December 21, 2013 21:43 byCGA Relations Internationales   image 1 image
L’État français vient d’envoyer plus de 1600 soldats en république centre-africaine. Une nouvelle fois, il tente de masquer sa politique impérialiste sur le continent africain derrière de prétendues considérations « humanitaires », la nécessité de mettre fin aux massacres et de « prévenir un génocide ». read full story / add a comment
Κεντρική Αφρική / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Νέα Saturday January 07, 2012 05:39 byDmitri (republishing)   image 1 image
«Οι διοργανωτές της διαμαρτυρίας έπρεπε να ενημερώσουν την αστυνομία γραπτώς, αναφέροντας την ημερομηνία, την ώρα και το τόπο της διαμαρτυρίας, και να πάρουν την έγκριση της αστυνομίας. Οτιδήποτε λιγότερο από αυτό είναι παράνομο» Εκπρόσωπος των νιγηριανών μπάτσων read full story / add a comment
central africa / miscellaneous / news report Thursday January 22, 2009 15:24 byGuillaume Davranche   text 2 comments (last - tuesday june 23, 2009 02:07)   image 1 image
The arrest of Rwandan Rose Kabuye, the collapse of Bruguière's case and Hubert Védrine's court action against the "Génocide made in France" collective... is the truth finally coming out? [Français] read full story / add a comment
afrique centrale / divers / nouvelles Friday January 09, 2009 07:12 byGuillaume Davranche   text 7 comments (last - thursday december 31, 2009 20:51)   image 1 image
Arrestation de la Rwandaise Rose Kabuye, effondrement du dossier Bruguière, procès intenté par Hubert Védrine au collectif Génocide made in France… la vérité finira-t-elle par éclater ? [English] read full story / add a comment
centraal-afrika / imperialisme / oorlog / opinion/analysis Friday September 19, 2008 22:57 byRonan McAoid
De inzet van een militaire macht van de EU in Tsjaad en de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek (CAR) werd breed afgeschilderd als een humanitaire interventie, om vluchtelingen en humanitaire arbeiders te beschermen tegen aanvallen door milities uit Darfur, maar kunnen we echt verwachten dat ze in het beleid van deze landen een positieve rol spelen? [English] read full story / add a comment
central africa / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Thursday September 11, 2008 23:05 byRonan McAoidh
The deployment of an EU military force to Chad and Central African Republic (CAR) was widely spun as a humanitarian intervention, to protect refugees and humanitarian workers from attacks by Darfur-based militias, but can we really expect them to play a positive role in these countries’ politics? read full story / add a comment
centraal-afrika / imperialisme / oorlog / opinion/analysis Monday September 10, 2007 19:27 bySteffi
Dit artikel geeft aan hoe invloed van buitenaf een hoofdrol heeft gespeeld in de geschiedenis van de Kongo en hoe het nog steeds het leven in de Kongo bepaalt. Het onderzoekt daardoor hoe de natie-staat een middel is om mensen te verdelen langs kunstmatige lijnen, in het bijzonder in Afrika. read full story / add a comment
zentralafrika / imperialismus / krieg / meinung / analyse Friday July 13, 2007 00:40 bySteffi
Immer wieder hören wir in den Medien vom “Ersten Afrikanischen Weltkrieg” oder vom “Herz der Finsternis”, einem westlichen Klischee, das dazu verwendet wurde und wird, um Kolonialismus und post-koloniale Intervention zu rechtfertigen. Wir glauben, dass der Konflikt im Kongo ein weiterer afrikanischer Konflikt sei, der auf alten „Stammesfehden“ beruht oder weil das arme Afrika von gierigen multinationalen Gesellschaften ausgebeutet wird. Aber wenn wir uns die Situation im Kongo näher anschauen erkennen wir, dass dieser Konflikt sehr komplex ist und selbst wenn mensch kein Anarchist ist muss mensch sich eingestehen, dass die großen Probleme im Kongo ihre Wurzeln im kapitalistischen Weltsystem und in der Einteilung der Welt in Nationalstaaten haben, die künstlich Grenzen zwischen Menschen ziehen. read full story / add a comment
África central / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Thursday June 21, 2007 04:34 bySteffi   text 2 comments (last - thursday june 21, 2007 07:21)
Todos hemos alguna vez escuchado de “La Primera Guerra Mundial Africana” [1] o “Heart of Darkness” [2], clichés occidentales usados para justificar al colonialismo y la intervención post-colonial. Todos pareciéramos saber que el conflicto en el Congo es, por una parte, sobre lo que se ha llamado “tribalismo” y, por otra, sobre la explotación de recursos minerales por parte de compañías occidentales. Pero una mirada más minuciosa nos muestra una situación mucho más compleja y aún sin ser anarquista, uno debe reconocer que la raíz de los problemas en el Congo es en realidad el capitalismo y el sistema de Estado-Nación con sus fronteras arbitrarias. read full story / add a comment
africa centrale / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Wednesday June 20, 2007 18:26 bySteffi
Il Congo, un enorme paese nel cuore dell'Africa, costituisce un altro perfetto esempio della necessità di cambiare il sistema politico attuale. Fin da quando è sotto influenze esterne, il Congo ha subito diverse forme di violenza e ne subirà altre nel futuro se non si affaccia all'orizzonte un nuovo sistema globale. Milioni di persone sono morte, ed i loro assassini, la povertà e lo sfruttamento, sono a piede libero. Nessun governo cambierà mai la situazione del popolo del Congo. read full story / add a comment
central africa / imperialism / war / feature Tuesday June 19, 2007 00:57 bySteffi   text 3 comments (last - friday november 16, 2012 01:52)   image 2 images
We all have at least once in our life heard of the “First African World War” or the “Heart of Darkness”, a Western cliché which was used to justify colonialism and post-colonial intervention. We all seem to know that the conflict in the Congo is, on the one hand, about so-called “tribalism” and the exploitation of mineral resources by Western companies on the other hand. But a closer look shows that the situation is much more complex and even if one is not an anarchist one has to agree that the roots of all problems in the Congo are actually capitalism and the nation-state system of arbitrary borders. read full story / add a comment
central africa / anarchist movement / interview Sunday September 18, 2005 15:12 by«Direct Action»,
* Η συνέντευξη έγινε στο Λάγος, με τον Sam. read full story / add a comment
central africa / anarchist movement / interview Saturday September 17, 2005 14:34 by«Direct Action»
Συνέντευξη στο «Direct Action», περιοδικό της αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Solidarity Federation, αγγλικού τμήματος της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Εργαζομένων - IWA - Νο 18 (Άνοιξη 2001) read full story / add a comment
afrique centrale / luttes en milieu de travail / entrevue Thursday September 08, 2005 20:06 byAfrique XX1
L’existence d’un syndicalisme alternatif en République démocratique du Congo est rarement évoquée. Pourtant loin des clichés et sempiternels reportages sur la guerre civile, Lutte ouvrière, tente de changer la donne. Entretien avec son secrétaire général adjoint. read full story / add a comment
Κεντρική Αφρική / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Wednesday July 13, 2005 14:17 byChekov Feeney (WSM)
Greek translation of Ch. Feeney’s “The G8, Live 8 and Africa” read full story / add a comment
central africa / economy / opinion / analysis Thursday June 30, 2005 21:49 byChekov
While neo-liberal reforms have certainly affected workers in the West, it is in Africa where they have had most impact. Neo-liberal policies seek to reduce state control over the national economy in favour of private capitalists - the so-called 'free market'. These policies have been most widely applied in Africa for the simple reason that they are the policies promoted by the International financial institutions (IFI's), the World Bank, IMF and WTO read full story / add a comment
central africa / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 18, 2005 21:40 byjoram jojo
The party system is the modern equivalent of the tribal or sectarian system. A society governed by one party is similar to one which is governed by one tribe or one sect. The party, as shown, represents the perception of a certain group of people, or the interests of one group in society, or one belief, or one region. Such a party is a minority compared with the whole people, just as the tribe and the sect are read full story / add a comment
central africa / miscellaneous / feature Friday March 11, 2005 00:30 byChekov
We had very little prior information about the Central African Republic, commonly known as the CAR. Our guidebook had only a couple of pages about it, most of which seemed to be very out of date, with almost no concrete information. We had heard the tales of the dictator Bokassa who used to publically feed his enemies to his pet lions and crocodiles, who had ordered massacres of protesting primary school kids and who had been rumoured to indulge in cannabalism, but that was in the 1970's. read full story / add a comment

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