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mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday February 06, 2013 00:30 by Ilan S.
Though the imperial powers tolerance for the Israeli repression and transfer diminish, Israel mainly respond with uneasy disregard. The world as large and even us within are waiting to see if there really was a shift in the blanc of power within the Israeli ruling elite and if the political turbulence in the region will contribute to any improvement in the Palestine-Israeli struggle. It is not clear if the intensification of Israeli transfer and repression efforts are just the last spasm of a dead end or a more desperate line of disregard of reality. In a month or two the picture may clear and till then, the old Tsumud (persistence) will continue. The intensification of the activities of the higher comity of grass root popular comities - mainly in the weekly "tent villages projects" started in Bab Al-Shams may be more than just an expression of optimism. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday February 01, 2013 21:28 by Ilan S.
Non sono state solo le elezioni politiche nel paese ad intensificare il colonialismo di Israele. Si tratta di una tendenza in corso negli ultimi anni in cui sono aumentati gli sforzi per espandere il progetto coloniale - come se si fosse di fronte all'ultima opportunità. Viene messo in atto all'interno dei confini del 1948, soprattutto con la deportazione dei Beduini del sud. Viene messo in atto dentro Gerusalemme est occupata. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday January 29, 2013 23:31 by Ilan S.
It was not just the coming Israeli elections that Israeli settler colonialism intensified. It is part of the trend of last years in which the efforts to expand the settler colonialist project increase - as if to exploit the last opportunity. It is done within the 1948 borders - mainly with transfer of the Bedouins of the south. It is done within the occupied east Jerusalem. It occur in the C areas mainly near colonialist settlements and more so in areas intended to be annexed to Israel. In response, the third Intifada collect momentum and the anarchists against the wall are invited more and more to locations of joint struggles. The general election revealed that a substantial section of the capitalist elite start to distance itself from the costly settler colonialist project... But, it seems more international pressure is needed for a significant change. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Tuesday January 22, 2013 18:52 by Ilan S.
Un sacco di attivisti israeliani della lotta unitaria con l'iniziativa popolare palestinese erano scettici sul contributo degli Anarchici Contro il Muro. Costoro non riescono a vederne il contributo che si traduce invece nel produrre adesioni ed incoraggiamento tra gli israeliani meno radicalizzati affinché inizino e/o partecipino alle azioni unitarie con i palestinesi. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Monday January 21, 2013 20:39 by Ilan S.
A lot of the Israeli activists in the joint struggle with Palestinian popular initiative were skeptical about the contribution of the Anarchist Against the Wall initiative. They fail to see its contribution to recruiting and encouraging the less radical Israelis into initiating and/or participating in joint actions with Palestinians. They fail to see the contribution and legitimization of the struggle in the world arena; they fail to see the contribution for publicity - both within Israeli mainstream media and the world (Fife Brocken Cameras nominee for Oscar), and most of all the creation of a security net that prevents Israel from suppressing the popular struggle in a bloodbath and the mass arrest of Palestinian activists. The later peaks of Bab al-Shams (the Gate of the Sun) camp in Jerusalem and Al-Karamah (Dignity) at Beit Iksa no-one can ignore. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Monday January 21, 2013 18:53 by Ilan S.
Bab al-Shams (la porta del sole) ha segnato un passo in avanti nelle azioni dirette non-armate organizzate dal comitato unitario dei comitati popolari dei villaggi coinvolti. I partiti politici che sostengono marginalmente la lotta non sono riusciti da tempo a cooptarla. La creatività del comitato unitario si è manifestata ad un livello superiore in questa azione, costringendo lo Stato israeliano a venir meno alle sue pretese di legge ed ordine, ad agire contro la sua stessa Alta Corte ed a distruggere il campeggio. I media mondiali sono stati nuovamente "arruolati" per promuovere la lotta non violenta contro l'occupazione. In ogni villaggio in cui si sono tenute le manifestazioni settimanali, alcuni attivisti sono stati tenuti nelle retrovie per garantire il prosieguo della lotta unitaria. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday January 15, 2013 05:43 by Ilan S.
Bab Al Shams (the gate of the Sun) is a one step higher of the non-armed direct actions the joint comity of the villages popular comities involved in. The political parties that marginally support the struggle failed to co-opt it so far. The creativity of the joint comity rouse to an higher level in this action, forcing the Israeli state to disregard its pretension of law and order, and acted against its own higher court and destroyed the camp. The world media was "recruited" again to promote the non violent struggle against the occupation. In each village where weekly demos are done, few of the activist were left behind to keep the joint struggle going. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Saturday January 12, 2013 18:26 by Ilan S.
Intrecciati con gli interessi imperialistici nella regione, i sionisti nazional-socialisti diedero inizio alla migrazione degli ebrei nazionalisti verso la Palestina. Essa era intrecciata con le dinamiche ottomano-tedesco-britannico-statunitensi e gradualmente prese slancio. In quanto una delle ultime isole rimaste dall'era coloniale (principalmente perché ha coinvolto le grosse comunità di coloni e serviva ad interessi strategici), il suo tempo sta per scadere... ed ancora più velocemente dopo la "Primavera Araba". [English] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Wednesday January 09, 2013 19:43 by Ilan S.
A meno di tre settimane dalle elezioni politiche in Israele, i coloni stanno aumentando il livello di belligeranza con l'intervento delle forze di Stato che tengono a bada... i Palestinesi ed intensificano le aggressioni. Le potenze imperiali internazionali si astengono dal trattenere Israele, in attesa del dopo-elezioni. I dirigenti palestinesi "trattengono il fiato" e cercano di tenere calma la terza Intifada non armata a cui rivolgono apertamente le loro critiche. La pressione internazionale che si fa sentire. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday January 09, 2013 17:01 by Ilan S.
Interwoven with the Western imperial interests in the region, the nationalist-socialists Zionists initiated the immigration of nationalist Jews to Palestine. It interwove with the Ottoman-German-British-US dynamics and gradually collected momentum. As one of the last islands remaining from the colonial era (mainly because it involved the big settlers community and served strategic interests), its time is running out.... and faster since the "Arab Spring". Sensing the end, the die-hard leadership of the Zionist settler colonialists - in a last desperate effort - continue as if the end were not in sight and even increase their onslaught with diminishing restraint. To the background of this month's election, the onslaught is collecting momentum over recent weeks - as if the third Intifada were what the Israeli elite wanted. The popular struggle collects momentum and more so at the weekends. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Monday January 07, 2013 21:58 by Ilan S.
Non è un'eruzione improvvisa come è stato per le precedenti Intifada. Siamo di fronte ad una graduale crescita di attività interconnesse con un movimento a livello mondiale anch'esso in crescita con la campagna di boicottaggio BDS contro Israele. Le forze di sicurezza israeliane giocano la carta della minaccia degli anarchici contro il muro e mettono in guardia per la nostra azione di delegittimazione di Israele. La destra estrema israeliana, che fa sentire le insistenti pressioni sul primo ministro il quale tende a cedere quando la pressione è troppo alta, sposta il suo appoggio verso il partito più a destra e più importante. [English] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / comunicado de imprensa Monday January 07, 2013 02:40 by Coletivo Anarquista Bandeira Negra
Os finais de ano são marcados por festividades cristãs e dedicadas a alimentar a sociedade de consumo. Mas em Joinville, desde 2010, o final de ano passou a ter uma nova característica, já que as empresas Gidion e Transtusa aproveitam o momento para pedir ao prefeito o aumento da tarifa do transporte coletivo read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Thursday January 03, 2013 01:30 by Ilan S.
Less than three weeks to the Israeli elections, the settler colonialists are raising the level of belligerence with state forces restraining... the Palestinians and increasing harassment. The international imperial powers are refraining from restraining Israel, waiting for the post-election era. The Palestinian elite is "holding its breath" and restraining the unarmed third Intifada it criticizes in the open. The approaching international pressure - both formal and non-formal - is making the Israeli elite very uneasy, like a person who is riding a tiger and fears for his life, thinking what will happen when he gets off. The popular struggles and the confrontation with the occupation forces is expanding gradually to more locations than the long-term joint struggles. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday December 26, 2012 00:53 by Ilan S.
It was not a sudden eruption as the previous Intifadas'' uprisings. It is a gradual increasing of activities interwoven with the increased world wide involvement with the B.D.S. calls to boycott Israel. The Israeli security forces focus the threats and warning of the anarchists against the wall activists about our contribution to the de-legitimizing of Israel. The extreme right Israelis who sense the increasing pressures on the prime minister who tend to yield when pressure is too high, shift their support to the more to the right (and principled) party. The activities for the cleansing transfer of Palestinians from the choicest areas continue even when some steps are curtailed due to resistance and international pressure. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday December 20, 2012 19:35 by Ilan S.
Il fallimento di lungo periodo degli sforzi politici da parte dell'Autorità Palestinese per giungere a risultati concreti può far crescere la tanta frustrazione accumulata fino al punto di deflagrazione. L'iniziale incremento delle lotte locali non-armate si sta avvicinando al punto di esplosione nonostante l'appello dell'Autorità Palestinese a limitare la lotta nell'ambito dell'arena politica internazionale. [English] read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / community struggles / news report Thursday December 20, 2012 10:40 by S Nappalos
In a time when people are experiencing unparalleled hardship, Miami-Dade county is ramping up to steamroll more foreclosures. This news comes as rents are rising[1] in Miami spurred on by international speculators and investors, and people losing their homes. Nationally homeless is increasing due to the pervasive unemployment, sub-poverty wages of the lowest tier of the working population, and the multi-decade long attacks on housing safety nets. We are now witnessing a homelessness that includes young able bodied people some of whom are working while homeless[2]. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday December 19, 2012 00:25 by Ilan S.
The failure so far of the political efforts by the Palestinian Authority to bring substantial results may increase the accumulation of frustration to the point that it may explode. The initial increase of non-armed local struggles is approaching explosion point in spite of the call by the Palestinian Authority to limit the struggle to the international political arena. In addition to the locations of the ongoing struggles, other locations are initiating such struggles. Beit Nuba and al-Mufakara are just two examples. The intensification of harassment up to the use of live ammunition during weekday raids in Ni'lin and Nabi Saleh may be part of other harassment by the Israeli state forces, whose escalation seems to ber aimed at initiating a Third Intifada. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sul territorio / comunicato stampa Monday December 17, 2012 00:38 by FdCA-Puglia
Quello che succede a Taranto, non è solo un problema di Taranto, quello che succede all'ILVA non è solo un problema dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici dell'ILVA e delle loro famiglie. E' tutto un paese che deve ripartire dal basso, riguadagnare salute, diritti, lavoro. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday December 14, 2012 14:01 by Ilan S.
Dopo la grossa sconfitta politica di Israele nell'attacco a Gaza e dopo la successiva sconfitta negli USA, la repressione messa in atto dalle forze di stato israeliane nei confronti delle manifestazioni settimanali ha dovuto fare i conti con ordini di contenimento. Lo si è visto in video in alcuni casi in cui piccole unità di soldati si sono date alla fuga di fronte al lancio di pietre dei giovani: un video dei più eloquenti è stato mandato e rimandato in onda sui canali TV israeliani. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday December 11, 2012 15:25 by Ilan S.
After the mainly political defeat of Israel in the attack on Gaza and the following defeat in the US, the Israeli state forces repression of the weekly demonstrations was met with restraining orders. It was expressed in a few cases of small units of soldiers escaping from stone-throwing youth - the video of the most pictorial one played again and again on Israeli TV channels. Rightist "talking heads" complained that the fleeing soldiers insulted Israel and harsher measures must be taken. The more realistic ones pointed to the international loss of respect for Israel that harmed protesters would aggravate. In addition to the usual Beit Ummar, Bil'in, Al-Ma'sara, Nabi Saleh, Ni'lin, Qaddum, South Hebron hills, and Sheikh Jarrah, there was the addition this week of Kufr ad-Dik and Krayut. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
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