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Western Asia

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Ásia ocidental / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Wednesday August 26, 2020 05:47 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
A enorme colônia foi observada através de um conjunto de virtudes além do embranquecimento de uma classe média, média alta e frações de classe dominante cujos mais notáveis membros formam a “vergonha dos árabes”. No texto que segue fazemos uma correlação entre a missão brasileira para a terra ancestral, o papel da solidariedade à Causa Palestina e uma razoável proposta de arranjo e aproximação diplomática, contando tanto com capitais emigrados como os recursos humanos da diáspora e sua descendência. Desenvolvemos o texto como um esforço, grão de areia na (re)construção da tão sonhada esquerda árabe-brasileira. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Map: Areas under the region’s administration
western asia / indigenous struggles / opinion / analysis Wednesday March 20, 2019 19:25 bei Shawn Hattingh   image 1 image
For the past few years, most people would have come across news stories of how Kurdish fighters in Syria, especially women, have been crucial in battling the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Very few, however, would be aware that in the north and eastern parts of Syria these same Kurdish fighters are part of a revolution as progressive, profound and potentially as far-reaching as any in history. In the north and eastern parts of Syria, an attempt to create an alternative system to hierarchical states, capitalism and patriarchy is underway and should it fully succeed it holds the potential to inspire the struggle for a better, more egalitarian Middle East, Africa, South Africa and indeed world. As in any revolution it has had its successes and shortcomings, but it is already an experiment worth reflecting on as it shows a far different world could be built to the extremely unequal and increasingly right-wing and authoritarian one that exists today. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
western asia / indigenous struggles / news report Saturday May 07, 2016 13:26 bei Ilan S.   text 1 comment (last - tuesday may 10, 2016 05:21)
The first years of the joint struggle against the wall had some gains that drew activists to the struggle. However, for years the continuous joint struggle have much more gains, but not on the ground for people to see with their eyes. Gradually both Palestinians and Israeli activists dropped out with not so many to replace them. Still, on the weekly demonstrations the participants - Israelis, internationals, and Palestinians are far from any thought on quitting. We see the changes in the international arena. Taste of it is brought to us by the international activists who keep coming. If the weekly demos reminded activists the activity of Sisyphus of rolling a heavy rock uphill to the summit just to have it down again, it is clear to any one who see the whole picture that the rolling of the rock uphill again and again is decimating the hill and may be we are not so far from the last rolling of the rock up the hill. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
western asia / indigenous struggles / news report Saturday April 02, 2016 18:13 bei Ilan S.
Last Friday (1.4) lot of anarchist flags again in Bil'in challenging the new efforts to put end to the Friday demos in the village. The long range tear gas cannisters prevent any interaction with the Israeli soldiers and stoped the demonstrators from exiting the village - like in the demonstrations in Bil'in eleven years ago before the intense efforts to put end to the demonstrations was replace with the contention of them; and like in the other locations - Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, and Qaddum where the efforts to put end to the demonstrations intensify. (So are with out the success the intense efforts to strangle the south of Hebron hills activities with other means.) People with keen ears can already hear the beginning of the countdown towards the end of the imperial settler colonial project in the East of the Mediterranean sea. May be the acceleration of the process is the result of the accumulation of the fiascos of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya... Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
western asia / imperialism / war / press release Monday August 24, 2015 19:22 bei embatent
Different spanish and catalan organisations have signed a manifest in solidarity of the present struggle in Kurdistan and Turkey. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
asia occidental / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de prensa Monday August 24, 2015 17:19 bei embatent   text 1 comment (last - thursday august 27, 2015 23:36)
Manifiesto a favor y en solidaridad con la lucha kurda y de la izquierda en Turquía Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
A YPG unit outside of Derek, Rojava (Courtesy Rozh Ahmad/MRZine)
western asia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Monday February 16, 2015 00:56 bei Javier Sethness Castro   image 1 image
The devastating civil war that has followed the popular uprising in Syria which began in March 2011 has to an extent drowned out the legitimate grievances of the civil-protest movement against Assad and Ba'athism. This war has been greatly inflamed by support by the U.S. and Israel along with the reactionary Gulf monarchies for anti-Assad rebels on the one hand, and aid provided to the regime by Iran and Russia on the other. In addition, clearly, this geopolitical dynamic has driven the rise of ISIS/Islamic State, and it informs the new war being waged by the NATO-Arab monarch “coalition.” In contrast to the neoliberal authoritarianism of Assad and the reactionary fanaticism of ISIS and associated rebel-groupings, though, the Kurds of northeastern Syria (Rojava) are working to institute a more or less anti-authoritarian society. Hope may be found in this social model, as in the direct action of the uprising. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Baluchi elder at the farm in Dasht. Balochistan 2014
western asia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Wednesday October 08, 2014 13:55 bei Joshua Virasami   image 1 image
“Come here, listen to this”, Ali slowly leafed through the pages of the local newspaper, “look, you see this small paragraph? This is an account from a fighter in the villages.” I asked him if he could translate. “Today we lost several fighters but we killed three Pakistani soldiers and shot down their helicopter”. I asked him whether he had visited the fighters in the Bolan Pass. “Yes, I’ve been there in my role as a government official but also as a Baloch, I negotiated with them on the release of a hostage, but I respect their fight”... Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Syrian banner, “I am truly free when all human beings, men and women, are equally free.” – Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin. Man, Society, and Freedom (1871)
western asia / imperialism / war / policy statement Monday September 09, 2013 00:13 bei Christy Alasdair   text 6 comments (last - tuesday september 17, 2013 17:13)   image 1 image
At the moment, the Middle East (taken broadly, that is, the area from North Africa to Pakistan) is the part of the world experiencing the greatest political instability and undergoing the most rapid change. At the center of the turmoil is Syria, now in its third year of civil war with no sign of any resolution in sight. Given the centrality of Syria to global politics, it is essential that anarchists understand what is going on there and develop a critical attitude toward the events that are unfolding. Unfortunately, we are not experts on the history and current dynamics of Syria and of the Middle East as a whole. The following theses are therefore presented with humility. We would greatly appreciate input from others, particularly those with greater background in the area, especially anarchists living in the region, in the development of our position. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Manifestación contra los bombardeos del Ejército turco en el Kurdistán
asia occidental / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Sunday October 16, 2011 08:10 bei Manu García   image 1 image
Artículo publicado en el nº4 de "La Rosa dels Vents", revista catalana sobre anarquismo y cuestión nacional Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Manifestació contra els bombardejos de l'Exèrcit turc sobre el Kurdistan
Àsia occidental / imperialisme / guerra / opinion/analysis Sunday October 16, 2011 00:29 bei Manu García   image 1 image
Article publicat al número 4 de "La Rosa dels Vents", revista sobre anarquisme i qüestió nacional Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
asie de l'ouest / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Saturday October 08, 2011 21:46 bei Secrétariat international AL   image 1 image
Il y a dix ans que dure la guerre en Afghanistan : dix ans de pertes humaines, dix ans d’escalade, dix ans de destructions, dix ans de corruption. Dix ans de guerre qui nous rappellent que l’armée française ne fait pas que parader, elle est surtout là pour tuer. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
asie de l'ouest / mouvement anarchiste / entrevue Friday April 22, 2011 06:04 bei Blogue du Collectif Emma Goldman
Avec le démantèlement de l’Union soviétique, de multiples petits États déclarèrent leur indépendance. La Géorgie, pays du Caucase de 4,5M d’habitant-e-s situé à la limite entre l’Europe et l’Asie, réinstaura son indépendance en 1991 et vit aujourd’hui des relations diplomatiques avec la Russie très tendues depuis la guerre en Ossétie du sud et en Abkhazie en 2008. Des militant-e-s anarchistes ont créé une section de la Confédération Révolutionnaire des Anarcho-syndicalistes de N.I. Makhno (RKAS) en 2010 dans la capitale de la Géorgie, Tbilissi. Le secrétaire local de la section a accepté de répondre à l’entretien ci-dessous. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
asia occidentale / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Tuesday January 18, 2011 00:44 bei MACG   image 1 image
E' nell'interesse della classe lavoratrice che l'occupazione imperialista in Afghanistan venga sconfitta. Questo non avverrà ad opera dei Talebani (cosa che, dovesse accadere, creerebbe tuttavia i suoi problemi), ma col ritiro dell'appoggio alla guerra da parte delle classi lavoratrici dei paesi occupanti e con la diffusione di una aperta opposizione alla guerra. [English] Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
western asia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Saturday January 15, 2011 17:25 bei MACG   image 1 image
It is in the interests of the working class for the imperialist occupation of Afghanistan to be defeated. This will not be achieved by the Taliban (and, indeed, would create its own problems if it was), but by the withdrawal of support for the war by the working class of the occupying countries and the spread of open opposition. [Italiano] Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Da sinistra a destra. In piedi: Sandro Gabunia, George (Equipo) Gogel, Varlam Cherkezishvili. Seduti: Straume Archil, Michael (Mihako) Tsereteli. Al centro: Dekanozishvili George. (Fotografo: David Ermakov)
asia occidentale / storia dell'anarchismo / opinione / analisi Monday September 06, 2010 19:21 bei RKAS   image 1 image
Il movimento comunista-anarchico in Transcaucasia nel 1904 - articolo da [Castellano] Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
De izquierda a derecha. Se destacan: Sandro Gabunia, George (Equipo) Gogel, Varlam Cherkezishvili. Sentado: Straume Archil, Michael (Mihako) Tsereteli. Centro: Dekanozishvili George. (Fotógrafo: David Ermakov)
asia occidental / historia del anarquismo / opinión / análisis Monday August 16, 2010 05:59 bei PKAC (RKAS)   image 1 image
El movimiento anarco-comunista en Transcaucasia en 1904 -artículo recibido vía Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
asia occidental / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Tuesday August 10, 2010 02:36 bei Noam Chomsky   image 1 image
El lingüista y politólogo libertario Noam Chomsky opina sobre el curso de la guerra imperialista en Afganistán y sus similitudes con la intervención en Vietnam. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
asia occidental / género / entrevista Saturday April 17, 2010 02:03 bei ALB Noticias   image 1 image
RAWA (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan - Asociación de las Mujeres Revolucionarias de Afganistán) es una agrupación clandestina que promueve la defensa de los derechos humanos en un Afganistán dividido entre un gobierno débil y fundamentalista auspiciado por las armas de las potencias occidentales y los talibanes. Con su compromiso por un movimiento popular y democrático, constituido sobre la educación de las mujeres afganas, básicamente analfabetas, RAWA se ha convertido en objetivo a batir para ambos contendientes.

Buscando denunciar la perniciosa invasión y conseguir apoyo y solidaridad de colectivos sociales españoles, una activista de RAWA ha llevado a cabo una gira de charlas por todo el estado español. Se trata de Mariam Rawi (nombre ficticio), una joven periodista y profesora que vive a caballo entre Afganistán y los campos de refugiados de Pakistán. A su paso por Logroño hemos podido conversar brevemente con ella.
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Western Asia

Wed 17 Apr, 08:27

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17632371_1920901691473972_6555681007080527919_o.jpg imageNace la guerrilla anarquista "IRPGF" en Rojava para luchar por la revolución en Kurdistán y el mundo 18:53 Mon 03 Apr by IRPGF 0 comments


textPalestine-Israel, The joint struggle persist in spite of burn-out of veteran activists*. 13:26 Sat 07 May by Ilan S. 1 comments

The first years of the joint struggle against the wall had some gains that drew activists to the struggle. However, for years the continuous joint struggle have much more gains, but not on the ground for people to see with their eyes. Gradually both Palestinians and Israeli activists dropped out with not so many to replace them. Still, on the weekly demonstrations the participants - Israelis, internationals, and Palestinians are far from any thought on quitting. We see the changes in the international arena. Taste of it is brought to us by the international activists who keep coming. If the weekly demos reminded activists the activity of Sisyphus of rolling a heavy rock uphill to the summit just to have it down again, it is clear to any one who see the whole picture that the rolling of the rock uphill again and again is decimating the hill and may be we are not so far from the last rolling of the rock up the hill.

textPalestine-Israel, New people join, some veterans left, pressures intensify... but the joint struggle... 18:13 Sat 02 Apr by Ilan S. 0 comments

Last Friday (1.4) lot of anarchist flags again in Bil'in challenging the new efforts to put end to the Friday demos in the village. The long range tear gas cannisters prevent any interaction with the Israeli soldiers and stoped the demonstrators from exiting the village - like in the demonstrations in Bil'in eleven years ago before the intense efforts to put end to the demonstrations was replace with the contention of them; and like in the other locations - Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, and Qaddum where the efforts to put end to the demonstrations intensify. (So are with out the success the intense efforts to strangle the south of Hebron hills activities with other means.) People with keen ears can already hear the beginning of the countdown towards the end of the imperial settler colonial project in the East of the Mediterranean sea. May be the acceleration of the process is the result of the accumulation of the fiascos of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya...

textFor the victory of the resistance of the turkish and kurdish popular movements 19:22 Mon 24 Aug by embatent 0 comments

Different spanish and catalan organisations have signed a manifest in solidarity of the present struggle in Kurdistan and Turkey.

textPor la victoria de la resistencia de los movimientos populares de Turquía y del Kurdistán 17:19 Mon 24 Aug by embatent 1 comments

Manifiesto a favor y en solidaridad con la lucha kurda y de la izquierda en Turquía

afganistan_soldados.jpg imageAfghanistan. Dix ans déjà… 21:46 Sat 08 Oct by Secrétariat international AL 0 comments

Il y a dix ans que dure la guerre en Afghanistan : dix ans de pertes humaines, dix ans d’escalade, dix ans de destructions, dix ans de corruption. Dix ans de guerre qui nous rappellent que l’armée française ne fait pas que parader, elle est surtout là pour tuer.

emergency.jpg imageGiù le mani da Emergency! 17:47 Thu 15 Apr by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

Chi sceglie le vittime è un complice, chi non è con loro è contro di loro. E come tale va colpito. Con le menzogne, con le pallottole, che importa? Va ridotto al silenzio.

textEn Afghanistan pour défendre les droits des femmes? 01:19 Wed 09 Sep by Cause commune 0 comments

Ça fait combien d’années qu’on nous répète dans tous les médias de masse que la guerre en Afghanistan est noble en opposition aux barbares qui torturaient les femmes et régnaient d’une main de fer sur le pays? Que «nos soldats» donnent leur vie pour la démocratie?

textIran: een 30 jaar oude tragedie 16:43 Sun 19 Jul by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

Het bloedbad dat wordt uitgevoerd door de leiders van de islamitische republiek verplettert de vreedzame oppositie van het volk, wat een einde maakt aan de mythe dat door de islam geïnspireerde staten verschillen van de zogenaamde "seculiere" staten van het Westen: als de klassen die de macht hebben, of het nu een seculiere bourgeoisie of een religieuze bourgeoisie is, door het volk op straat wordt gevraagd verantwoording af te leggen voor hun macht, hun machtsmisbruik, hun voorrechten, hun beperkingen op de vrijheid voor de oppositie, is het gevolg altijd hetzelfde - hevige repressie, mensen worden neergeschoten, veiligheidskrachten keren zich tegen het volk om de demonstranten fysiek te vernietigen, of het nu arbeiders, vrouwen of studenten zijn. [English] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά]

textΙράν: Μια τραγωδία 30 ... 23:00 Thu 09 Jul by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει την κυβερνώσα καπιταλιστική του τάξη, την εκμεταλλευτική μπουρζουαζία του. Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει τον οπισθοδρμικό κλήρο του που σκοτώνει τις ελευθερίες. Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει τον συντριμμένο και καταπιεσμένο της λαό. Τότε λοιπόν, ας αρχίσει μια “Ιντιφάντα” ενάντια στη θεοκρατία της Τεχεράνης. Λαϊκή αντίσταση ενάντια στους καταπιεστές και δολοφόνους. Η Ιρανική εξέγερση είναι μια εξέγερση για την ελπίδα της ελευθερίας και της κοινωνικής δικαιοσύνης. Χρειάζεται όλη τη λαϊκή, αντικρατική, αντιεξουσιαστική, διεθνή αλληλεγγύη που μπορεί να δοθεί!

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imageO Brasil redescobre seu vínculo com o Líbano. Três temas, um apontamento e uma conclusão lógica. Aug 26 by BrunoL 0 comments

A enorme colônia foi observada através de um conjunto de virtudes além do embranquecimento de uma classe média, média alta e frações de classe dominante cujos mais notáveis membros formam a “vergonha dos árabes”. No texto que segue fazemos uma correlação entre a missão brasileira para a terra ancestral, o papel da solidariedade à Causa Palestina e uma razoável proposta de arranjo e aproximação diplomática, contando tanto com capitais emigrados como os recursos humanos da diáspora e sua descendência. Desenvolvemos o texto como um esforço, grão de areia na (re)construção da tão sonhada esquerda árabe-brasileira.

imageA Glimmer of Hope: The extraordinary story of a revolution within the Syrian civil war Mar 20 by Shawn Hattingh 0 comments

For the past few years, most people would have come across news stories of how Kurdish fighters in Syria, especially women, have been crucial in battling the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Very few, however, would be aware that in the north and eastern parts of Syria these same Kurdish fighters are part of a revolution as progressive, profound and potentially as far-reaching as any in history. In the north and eastern parts of Syria, an attempt to create an alternative system to hierarchical states, capitalism and patriarchy is underway and should it fully succeed it holds the potential to inspire the struggle for a better, more egalitarian Middle East, Africa, South Africa and indeed world. As in any revolution it has had its successes and shortcomings, but it is already an experiment worth reflecting on as it shows a far different world could be built to the extremely unequal and increasingly right-wing and authoritarian one that exists today.

imageAn Anti-Authoritarian Analysis of Syria's Uprising and Civil War Feb 16 by Javier Sethness Castro 0 comments

The devastating civil war that has followed the popular uprising in Syria which began in March 2011 has to an extent drowned out the legitimate grievances of the civil-protest movement against Assad and Ba'athism. This war has been greatly inflamed by support by the U.S. and Israel along with the reactionary Gulf monarchies for anti-Assad rebels on the one hand, and aid provided to the regime by Iran and Russia on the other. In addition, clearly, this geopolitical dynamic has driven the rise of ISIS/Islamic State, and it informs the new war being waged by the NATO-Arab monarch “coalition.” In contrast to the neoliberal authoritarianism of Assad and the reactionary fanaticism of ISIS and associated rebel-groupings, though, the Kurds of northeastern Syria (Rojava) are working to institute a more or less anti-authoritarian society. Hope may be found in this social model, as in the direct action of the uprising.

imageBalochistan on the brink Oct 08 by Joshua Virasami 0 comments

“Come here, listen to this”, Ali slowly leafed through the pages of the local newspaper, “look, you see this small paragraph? This is an account from a fighter in the villages.” I asked him if he could translate. “Today we lost several fighters but we killed three Pakistani soldiers and shot down their helicopter”. I asked him whether he had visited the fighters in the Bolan Pass. “Yes, I’ve been there in my role as a government official but also as a Baloch, I negotiated with them on the release of a hostage, but I respect their fight”...

imageInternacionalización de la represión y de los proyectos emancipatorios: el caso del Kurdistán turco Oct 16 by Manu García 0 comments

Artículo publicado en el nº4 de "La Rosa dels Vents", revista catalana sobre anarquismo y cuestión nacional

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imageNace la guerrilla anarquista "IRPGF" en Rojava para luchar por la revolución en Kurdistán y el mundo Apr 03 0 comments


textFor the victory of the resistance of the turkish and kurdish popular movements Aug 24 Embat 0 comments

Different spanish and catalan organisations have signed a manifest in solidarity of the present struggle in Kurdistan and Turkey.

textPor la victoria de la resistencia de los movimientos populares de Turquía y del Kurdistán Aug 24 Embat 1 comments

Manifiesto a favor y en solidaridad con la lucha kurda y de la izquierda en Turquía

imageAfghanistan. Dix ans déjà… Oct 08 Alternative libertaire 0 comments

Il y a dix ans que dure la guerre en Afghanistan : dix ans de pertes humaines, dix ans d’escalade, dix ans de destructions, dix ans de corruption. Dix ans de guerre qui nous rappellent que l’armée française ne fait pas que parader, elle est surtout là pour tuer.

imageGiù le mani da Emergency! Apr 15 FdCA 0 comments

Chi sceglie le vittime è un complice, chi non è con loro è contro di loro. E come tale va colpito. Con le menzogne, con le pallottole, che importa? Va ridotto al silenzio.

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