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ireland / britain / imperialism / war Wednesday September 28, 2011 - 05:07 by Sean Matthews   image 1 image
New documents uncovered by the Pat Finucane Centre in Derry reveal the endemic collusion between the British army regiments and loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland. The declassified official documents uncovered highlight that the Ulster Defence Regiment’s (UDR) Belfast battalion was heavily infiltrated by the Ulster Volunteer Force(UVF) in the late 1970s.

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irlanda / gran bretagna / economia Sunday September 11, 2011 - 16:32 by Paul Bowman   image 1 image
Ed eccoci alla fine dell'estate. E' tempo per i politici e per i burocrati dell'Eurozona di far ritorno ai propri uffici e di dare un'occhiata alle cose da fare. Per la stessa ragione è tempo anche per noi, che siamo interessati a lottare contro l'Europa della Austerity, fare il punto della situazione. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / economy Friday September 09, 2011 - 23:14 by PaulB   image 1 image
Here we are at the end of the Summer and it’s time for the politicians and bureaucrats of the Eurozone to come back to the office and take a look at what’s lurking in their in-trays. By the same token, it’s also time for all of us interested in fighting back against a Europe of Austerity, to take stock of the lie of the land. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
Déployement de police anti-émeute à Manchester
irlande / grande-bretagne / crime, prison et punition Wednesday August 24, 2011 - 19:37 by Aidan, Andrew & Dermot - Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM)   image 1 image
Le meurtre de Mark Duggan par la police a engendré quatre nuits d’émeutes dans toute l’Angleterre. Le déclencheur immédiat en a été le meurtre lui-même, mais aussi la goujaterie de la police envers la famille et les amis de Mark. Cependant, les émeutes ont rapidement pris une dimension plus large, exprimant une colère et une aliénation plus générales, colère qui trop souvent a été mal ciblée, frappant les cibles les plus proches et à portée de main. Il y eut par conséquent de grandes destructions de biens, dans des quartiers déjà déshérités, et des attaques anti-sociales contre des riverains. Malgré ces aspects, les racines des émeutes résident dans les conditions économiques et politiques qui régissent ces zones, non pas dans la “piètre éducation” des parents ou dans la “criminalité aveugle”. Ces conditions ont été créées par cette même élite de politiciens et d’hommes d’affaire qui en appellent maintenant à un retour à la normalité et à la répression. Les émeutes surgissent à un moment particulier, qui voit le capitalisme atteint d’une crise profonde. En effet, les émeutes ont eu lieu au même moment qu’un nouveau krach dans les marchés mondiaux. Les deux événements se sont tenus la dragée haute dans les Unes des medias. Il ne s’agit pas d’une coïncidence, car le krach et les coupes budgétaires destinées à rejeter son coût sur les épaules des gens ordinaires, ont non seulement fait monter en flèche le chômage, mais aussi saigné à blanc les services publics. Le montant total des destructions provoquées par les émeutes est estimé à 200 millions de £, chiffre dont l’insignifiance pâlit à côté des destructions de richesses causées par les marchés boursiers. [English] [Română] ... read full story / add a comment
Riot police deploy in Manchester
irlanda / marea britanie / crime prison and punishment Thursday August 18, 2011 - 21:23 by Aidan, Andrew & Dermot   image 1 image
Uciderea lui Mark Duggan de catre politie a rezultat in patru nopti de revolta in Anglia. Declansarea imediata a fost uciderea in sine si lipsa de respect a politiei in legatura cu familia si prieteni lui Mark. Dar revoltele si-au extins exprimarea spre o ura generala si anxietate; o ura prea des nefocalizata care pandea orice oportunitate. Acest fapt a dus la distrugerea resurselor in cartierele deja defavorizate si la atacuri anti-sociale asupra trecatorilor. In ciuda acestui fapt,radacinile rascoalei se regasesc in conditiile economice si politice din aceste cartiere, si nu in “educatia proasta” sau in “criminalitatea fara minte”. Aceste conditii au fost create de catre insusi politicienii si elita de afaceri, care acum fac apel la revenirea la normalitate si represiune. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / repression / prisoners Wednesday August 03, 2011 - 22:16 by Andrew   image 1 image
Last Thursday the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission released an interim report on the Garda rape-threat tape recordings that were revealed last April. GSOC is the official state body to investigate complaints against the police force of southern Ireland (Garda). The GSOC report contains a major error that suggests GSOC are the source of repeated attempts to spin the story in the media as somehow being the fault of the women the Garda were recorded discussing threatening to rape. The timing of the release of the report was also suspect, coming in the week Shell resumed construction and the day before a national day of action in Erris durig which four Shell to Sea campaigners were injured by Garda and/or private security violence. Such was the level of spin applied that some media made the mistake of leading with the news that the Garda had been cleared of something no-one had ever accused them of - directly threatening the two women with rape. ... read full story / add a comment
irlande / grande-bretagne / histoire Tuesday August 02, 2011 - 21:26 by Alan MacSimóin   image 3 images
Quand le drapeau rouge flottait dans la province de Munster... Grèves d'ouvriers agricoles, occupations de laiteries, des drapeaux rouges qui flottent et des constitutions de « soviets ». Pas le genre de choses habituellement associées aux années 1919-1923, les années de la Guerre d'Indépendance et de la Guerre Civile. Ce furent des années parmi les plus inquiétantes pour l'establishment, à tel point que même encore maintenant ils préfèrent que ces évènements demeurent oubliés. Les anarchistes, à l'opposé, sont désireux/ses de voir cette histoire redécouverte parce que cela nous rappelle l'esprit et le pouvoir potentiel qui vit dans la classe ouvrière. ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / repression / prisoners Friday July 22, 2011 - 07:04 by Workers Solidarity Movement PRO   image 1 image
Around 30 Republican prisoners continue to engage in a ‘dirty protest’ in Maghaberry prison over the failure of the Northern Ireland Administration and the Prison Officers Association to implement a facilitated agreement reached between all parties last August. This is part of a wider criminalisation policy to punish, brutalize and isolate prisoners which includes regular beatings and strip-searching - which remains the outstanding issue to be resolved. Similarly to the 1980/81 prison struggles, the prisoners are simply asking for their rights and dignity to be respected. ... read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretagna / la sinistra Sunday July 10, 2011 - 15:38 by Dara MacAoidh   image 1 image
Dopo l'iperbole della campagna elettorale, abbiamo cominciato a capire che le voci di un nuovo giorno nella politica irlandese sono state grandemente esagerate. Ora che la cosa si è un po' sgonfiata, si affonda nuovamente dentro la stessa vecchia crisi. Mentre l'inchiesta Moriarty ci fa conoscere - con parsimonia - come funziona la politica per i ricchi, noi siamo in grado di sapere come funzionano esattamente le cose per tutti noi. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretagna / lotte sul territorio Sunday July 10, 2011 - 14:59 by Liberty & Solidarity   image 1 image
"Sovrebbero gli scioperi arrecare gravi danni al nostro tessuto economico e sociale e dovrebbe crescere in noi la spinta ad agir?." Così Vince Cable ha detto alla conferenza annuale della GMB che lancia il guanto di sfida alla sinistra ed al movimento operaio con la minaccia velata di dure leggi antisindacali. Ora più che mai, la questione "come possiamo sconfiggere i tagli?" ha disperatamente bisogno di una risposta. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles Saturday July 09, 2011 - 00:25 by Liberty & Solidarity   text 2 comments (last - wednesday july 13, 2011 - 07:54)   image 1 image
“Should strikes impose serious damage to our economic and social fabric, the pressure on us to act would ratchet up. ” said Vince Cable at the GMB's annual conference, laying down the gauntlet to the left and the labour movement with the thinly-veiled threat of tougher anti-union laws. Now more than ever the question of “how can we fight back?” needs desperately answered. The left has responded to this question in different ways, from the civil disobedience of UK Uncut to the March 26th mass demonstration in London called by the TUC. Much of the focus was on the June 30th strikes, arguing for even greater, more militant action. But after June 30th, what next? Clearly a single day of action, no matter how militant, has not and can not change government policy, what should our longer-term strategy be against the cuts? [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / the left Thursday July 07, 2011 - 22:02 by Dara MacAoidh   image 1 image
After the hyperbole of the election campaign, we have started to realise that rumours of a new day in Irish politics were greatly exaggerated. Somewhat deflated, we now sink back into the same old crisis. While the limited exposures of the Moriarty tribunal [ed: a public inquiry into political corruption in Ireland] have shown us how politics works for the rich, we are about to learn exactly how it works for the rest of us. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / migration / racism Wednesday June 22, 2011 - 19:15 by Sean Matthews
The cracks beneath the surface in the peace process were once again exposed on the streets of East Belfast last night in the second night of serious sectarian rioting. A UVF led mob numbering in the 100's has been engaged in attacks on catholic homes at the edge of the Short Strand. This is the reality of a peace dividend which has failed to deliver to working-class communities and stands in stark contrast to suburbia only 5 miles away which produced golf champion Rory McElroy.
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ireland / britain / economy Thursday June 16, 2011 - 00:07 by PaulB
Although the global crash and the end of the property bubble has brought severe recession to Ireland with drastic cuts to services, public and private sector wages and rising unemployment, for the capitalist class, the good times still roll. ... read full story / add a comment
Caricatura Política de los '80 mofándose de las declaraciones simbólicas sobre Irlanda del Norte de la Reina... tan relevante para el presente como para entonces
irlanda / gran bretaña / imperialismo / guerra Saturday May 21, 2011 - 19:32 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
Artículo sobre el significado de la costosa y extravagante visita de la reina Isabel II a Irlanda; sobre los esfuerzos de la clase dominante irlandesa por "cerrar un capítulo negro" con gestos simbólicos inútiles y no pidiendo el retiro de las 5.000 tropas británicas en el Norte ni justicia para las víctimas del terrorismo de Estado británico -ilusión invocada en momentos en que el andamiaje de los acuerdos de paz de Viernes Santo comienzan a tambalear-; y sobre la crisis del movimiento republicano en Irlanda y la necesidad de avanzar más allá del romanticismo nacionalista para conseguir la liberación y el socialismo. ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / religion Thursday March 10, 2011 - 00:55 by Francesca Palazzi Arduini   image 1 image
In October 2010, the Irish website Count Me Out, which had until then supplied the forms needed to carry out formal Defection from the Roman Catholic Church, suspended distribution of the forms and its own activity as a result of a statement from the Catholic Church in Ireland regarding the acceptance of defection requests. But was the Archdiocese of Dublin being truthful when it issued its statement? Italian anti-clericalist activist Francesca Palazzi Arduini examines the changes in which led to the Church's statement. ... read full story / add a comment
Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / Ιστορία (γενική) Monday January 24, 2011 - 08:31 by Dmitri (editing)   image 1 image
Η απεργία για 40 Ώρες υπό την ηγεσία της Επιτροπής Εργαζομένων του Κλάιντ ήταν η πιο ριζοσπαστική απεργία που έχει δει το Clydeside τόσο στις τακτικές όσο και στα αιτήματά της. ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender Wednesday December 22, 2010 - 00:56 by Andrew   image 1 image
Last Thursday the European Court of Human Rights found that the Irish government had violated the rights of a woman living in Ireland who was forced to travel to Britain for an abortion. Abortion continues to be unavailable in Ireland and the court ruling was based on the failure of Irish governments to legislate for abortion under the 'X case' an infamous case from 1992 when a 14 year old rape victim X was prevented leaving the country to get an abortion in England. The WSM was centrally involved in the mobilizations that forced the courts to back down and allow X to travel and has continued to be involved in the pro-choice movement since that time. Below is the coverage we provided on Thursday on WSM.IE as the ABC result was revealed. ... read full story / add a comment
Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / oικονομία Tuesday December 21, 2010 - 19:27 by Ronan Mcaoidh   image 1 image
Την Τρίτη 7 Δεκεμβρίου, η ιρλανδική κυβέρνηση οχυρώθηκε στο κοινοβούλιο στο Δουβλίνο, βρισκόμενη εκεί για να ψηφίσει τον προϋπολογισμό με τον οποίο θα εφαρμόζονταν οι περικοπές και τα μέτρα λιτότητας που απαιτούνται από το ΔΝΤ και την Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα (ΕΚΤ). Ο προϋπολογισμός αυτός έρχεται σε μια περίοδο περαιτέρω εμβάθυνσης της κρίσης, καθώς το χρέος της κάποτε ταχύτερα αναπτυσσόμενης οικονομίας της Ευρώπης βρίσκεται πλέον εκτός ελέγχου. Η προφανής ερώτηση με την οποία έρχεται κάποιος αντιμέτωπος είναι “Τι πήγε στραβά; Τι συνέβη σε αυτό το οικονομικό θαύμα;” ... read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretagna / economia Sunday December 19, 2010 - 16:54 by Ronan McAoidh   image 1 image
Martedì 7 dicembre, il governo irlandese si è barricato nel parlamento per votare la legge finanziaria che contiene i tagli e le misure di austerità richieste dal FMI e dalla BCE. La finanziaria giunge alla fine di un anno di crisi profonda, dopo che è andata fuori controllo la spirale del debito di quello che era il paese europeo dalla crescita economica più veloce. L'ovvia domanda che ci si pone è "Cosa è andato storto? Cosa è successo al miracolo economico irlandese?" [English] ... read full story / add a comment
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