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Note: Articles classified as "non anarchist press" are published in this section of the site. They do not usually reflect the opinions of nor of the organizations who run this site and are included by reason of their possible interest to readers. The opinions expressed in any such articles are exclusively those of the articles' authors.
international / economy / non-anarchist press Tuesday April 28, 2020 - 03:18 byDimitris Fasfalis   text 2 comments (last - sunday march 17, 2024 - 19:10)
What should we think of the recent praise of “the welfare state” and public services coming from different voices among the ruling classes in the world? Their conversion is as sudden as miraculous; they recall much better the holy history of the apostles than the secular history of societies. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
greece / turkey / cyprus / economy / non-anarchist press Thursday September 13, 2018 - 19:04 byVASSILIS K. FOUSKAS and BULENT GOKAY
Mainstream pundits and media commentators see the crisis in US-Turkey relations and the collapse of the Turkish currency as a result of Turkey's refusal to hand over to the US an American Evangelical priest. The analysis here shows that the roots of the conflict in times of crisis, uncertainty and hegemonic instability, go far beyond political epiphenomena. The US, a declining superpower, is trying to use the power of the dollar as a weapon to punish Turkey and other disobedient actors in the international system. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
southern africa / economy / other libertarian press Wednesday September 20, 2017 - 17:53 byPhilip Nyalungu   text 1 comment (last - monday february 05, 2024 - 19:02)
A sharp increase in fuel prices on Wednesday 6 September will hit the working class and poor hardest. The official reasons for the price hike are rising crude oil costs and the weak Rand. Government tax is also rising. Energy Minister Mamoloko Kubayi claims 4.6 cents a litre will go towards salary increases for petrol station workers.

The reality is rising prices get passed directly onto ordinary people by, for example, increases in taxi fares and food prices. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
international / economy / non-anarchist press Tuesday January 26, 2016 - 18:07 byJohn McMurtry
The just-released Oxfam Davos report An Economy For the 1% which the mass media have ignored arrestingly shows that 62 individuals (388 in 2010) now own more wealth than 50 per cent of the world's population. More shockingly, it reports from its uncontested public sources that this share of wealth by half of the world's people has collapsed by over 40 per cent in just the last five years. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
internazionale / economia / altra stampa libertaria Thursday December 24, 2015 - 06:41 byLucio Garofalo
Azzardo alcune riflessioni di tipo filosofico ed esistenziale, quindi politico. La realtà, che supera puntualmente ogni più fervida immaginazione, ispira un'elaborazione critica di straordinaria attualità storica. Il sistema creato dalla borghesia capitalista ha predicato nel mondo, a decorrere dal secondo dopoguerra, quella che è la religione più diffusa e vincente di ogni tempo e luogo: la fede cieca ed incondizionata nel mercato, nel totem della finanza. Il culto idiota e mondano del denaro e del successo. Il feticismo della merce e del profitto. La morale utilitarista dell’avere e dell’apparire ad ogni costo in luogo dell’essere, sacrificando tutto e tutti. Il corollario finale è l’avvento di una sottocultura di massa improntata al consumismo esasperato, acritico ed alienante, all’edonismo ebete, egoista e conformista. Quella che nell’età contemporanea è l’ideologia più ottusa ed onnipotente, una mentalità assai pervasiva e totalitaria, più feroce e persuasiva di qualsiasi tipo di fascismo e di assolutismo che si sia mai visto nella storia millenaria dell’umanità. Negli ultimi decenni, alle popolazioni del mondo occidentale si è imposto uno stile di vita iperconsumista: hanno bombardato i cervelli per convincere la gente che bisognava lavorare e produrre al massimo per guadagnare e consumare il più possibile, con il risultato che gli individui sono nevrotici, insoddisfatti ed infelici... ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
north america / mexico / economy / non-anarchist press Monday June 15, 2015 - 19:33 byStephanie Basile
Change Group workers endured an intense union busting campaign to win their election 17-2. They are now about to engage in a contract fight with the company. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
greece / turkey / cyprus / economy / non-anarchist press Friday February 20, 2015 - 21:22 byLarry Elliot
Athens’ decision to accept a eurozone loan extension shows the troika did not really want to negotiate with Syriza - it wanted capitulation. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
venezuela / colombia / economía / non-anarchist press Tuesday October 07, 2014 - 22:55 byCristina de la Torre
La pataleta que protagonizaron por un ajuste franciscano en impuestos desnuda el alcance de su “Soy Capaz”: autobombo con una campaña publicitaria que convoca reconciliación, pero nada que comprometa su más grosero interés inmediato. Su aporte a la construcción de la paz se contrae a la promesa de enganchar en su firma a algún desmovilizado. Por presumir de dar el empleo que nunca crearon en respuesta a los favores tributarios recibidos una y otra vez. Ni bien se anunciaron medidas para llenar el hueco de $12,5 billones abierto por los regalos concedidos a los ricos en la reforma tributaria de 2012, protestó Luis Carlos Sarmiento, potentado de US$16.000 millones que ocupa el puesto 56 entre los más acaudalados del orbe. Se le oyó reclamar airado el día mismo en que se hacía, de un pastorejo, con $2,5 billones en la bolsa de Nueva York. Como si no le bastara con el poder de su hombre tras el trono, el superministro Néstor Humberto Martínez. También le pareció inconveniente la reforma a María Mercedes Cuéllar, cabeza de una banca glotona que colma sus arcas exprimiendo a los colombianos y expropiando a usuarios de las voraces UPAC. Poco dijo José Félix Lafaurie, portavoz de los señores de la tierra, porque ellos no pagan impuestos. En su lugar, menea la idea de donar, por caridad, una vaquita al campesino sumido en la miseria por sus compadres de la guerra. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
international / economy / non-anarchist press Wednesday September 03, 2014 - 00:01 byLeo Panitch
International attention has been diverted away from this year's G20 meetings in Australia by the declaration from the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, at their meeting in Fortaleza Brazil this July, that they would launch a new “BRICS bank.” ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
international / economy / non-anarchist press Monday July 21, 2014 - 20:35 byMartin Hart-Landsberg   image 1 image
Economists continue to celebrate the free movement of goods, services, and capital. However, faced with slowing economic conditions in core countries, it is now third world growth that is highlighted as proof of the gains from unregulated globalization. As the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development points out: ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
international / economy / non-anarchist press Wednesday May 07, 2014 - 18:34 byMark Weisbrot
As China looks set to overtake the US as the world's largest economy, a multipolar world can only be good for democracy. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
international / economy / non-anarchist press Saturday December 28, 2013 - 08:12 byMario Pianta
Mario Pianta is Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Urbino and a member of the Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. He is among the founders of the civil society campaign ‘Sbilanciamoci!’ on economic alternatives (

Paper delivered at the 19th Conference on Alternative Economic Policy in Europe, London 20-22 September 2013, and originally published on the transform-network website.
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venezuela / colombia / economy / non-anarchist press Monday November 11, 2013 - 21:01 byMark Weisbrot
Predicting a Venezuelan apocalypse won't make it happen: in this oil-rich country the only thing imploding is poverty. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
international / economy / non-anarchist press Wednesday October 02, 2013 - 23:11 byAndreas Bieler
The welfare state has been under pressure since the mid-1980s and the onset of neoliberal economic policies across Europe. Capital has used the current crisis to intensify this pressure further. In Southern Europe, this is often directly enforced through the Troika (European Union, European Central Bank, and International Monetary Fund) in exchange for bailout packages, but in other countries such as the UK too, drastic cuts are justified by reference to increasing national debt and the global financial crisis. Trade unions and civil society organizations have struggled hard to defend the welfare state, but it has been a defensive struggle all the way and many aspects have already been lost. Trade union rights have been curbed in many countries, key industries such as telecommunications and postal services privatized and core services such as health and education increasingly marketized. Full employment policies have been a thing of the past for quite some time. In this blog post, I will reflect on the nature and contents of the welfare state and the possibilities of defending its achievements. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
central america / caribbean / economy / non-anarchist press Wednesday August 21, 2013 - 22:17 byJulie Lévesque
“The international community is so screwed up they’re letting Haitians run Haiti.” –Luigi R. Einaudi, US career diplomat, member of the Council on Foreign Relations and former Assistant Secretary General at the Organization of American States

Haitian author and human rights attorney Ezili Dantò heard Luigi R. Einaudi make this shocking comment in 2004, as Haiti was about to celebrate its 200 years of independence with its first democratically elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Apart from his efforts to raise the minimum wage and other social measures for the majority of Haitians living in extreme poverty, Aristide planned to nationalize his country’s resources, a move which meant more money for Haitians and less for multinationals. One month later, in the name of the “international community”, Aristide was overthrown in a coup d’état orchestrated by the U.S., France and Canada.

Today, the “international community” is running Haiti again, colonial style. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
amérique centrale / caraïbes / Économie / presse non anarchiste Friday July 12, 2013 - 18:06 byLeslie Péan
Création de la première globalisation qui a fait suite à la « découverte » de l’Amérique en 1492, soit 71 ans après le voyage de l’amiral chinois Zheng He (1) en 1421, Haïti constitue en même temps une rupture avec le mouvement de subjugation et de contrôle des peuples par l’Occident chrétien. De la route de la soie empruntée par Marco Polo en 1271 à celle des épices liant l’Europe, l’Afrique et l’Asie va succéder le commerce triangulaire reliant l’Europe, l’Afrique et l’Amérique. Pour des raisons sociohistoriques, Haïti n’a pas pu ouvrir ses frontières pour accueillir les Blancs au cours des 18e et 19e siècles, comme ce fut le cas avec les grandes migrations qui ont contribué au développement de pays tels que les Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Très tôt, des débats ont eu lieu au sein des élites haïtiennes sur l’octroi du droit de propriété aux Blancs. Le racisme anti-noir dominant à l’échelle mondiale place Haïti dès sa naissance dans un univers sans avenir. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
venezuela / colombia / economía / non-anarchist press Wednesday June 26, 2013 - 16:37 byGerardo Esteban Vargas
El TLC entre Colombia y Estados Unidos fue puesto en vigencia el 15 de mayo de 2012. Ya en diciembre de 2007 las compañías más importantes de Estados Unidos entre ellas Microsoft, Coca Cola, General Motors y Wall-Mart, enviaron cartas al Congreso de ese país pidiendo aprobación al TLC 1 , con ello mostraban quienes realmente se verían beneficiados de dicho acuerdo. Durante la campaña presidencial de 2008 en Estados Unidos, el tema fue un punto de discusión, donde el Republicano John McCain manifestaba su total respaldo, y por el otro lado el entonces candidato Demócrata y actual Presidente Barack Obama, manifestaba que no le parecía conveniente mientras en Colombia persistan las violaciones a los Derechos Humanos de los Sindicalistas. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
internazionale / economia / stampa non anarchica Tuesday June 25, 2013 - 18:48 byLucio Garofalo
Ad ascoltare i “soloni” dell’economia politica, o almeno i presunti “esperti” del settore che fanno capo ad alcune scuole di pensiero assertrici del dogma della crescita del PIL “ad oltranza”, la crisi economica internazionale avrebbe risparmiato i paesi “in via di sviluppo” come il Brasile e in generale i cosiddetti BRICS (acronimo che indica Brasile, Russia, India, Cina e Sudafrica), descritti come economie nazionali in fase di ascesa produttiva, caratterizzate da una forte crescita del PIL e delle esportazioni commerciali. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / economía / non-anarchist press Monday June 10, 2013 - 20:30 byRafael Puente
Con ocasión del último congreso petrolero, el Vicepresidente del Estado nos ha confirmado algo que ya se venía cocinando, pero que igual nos ha dejado con escalofríos, y es la decisión de seguir ampliando la frontera hidrocarburífera, de manera que para 2014 llegará a ¡24 millones de hectáreas! ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
américa central / caribe / economía / non-anarchist press Friday April 19, 2013 - 08:09 byMarco A. Gandásegui
La deuda panameña está creciendo a una velocidad que para la mayoría de los observadores pronto nadie podrá controlar. El actual gobierno – y sus asesores en Wall Street - sostiene que la deuda no constituye un riesgo en la medida en que la economía (medido por el producto interno bruto) crece a un ritmo igual o superior. Ambos crecen a una tasa anual del 10 por ciento. Obviamente, cuando la economía se desinfle y deje de crecer, Panamá ya no será un cliente interesante para los prestamistas. Nadie nos querrá prestar. Lo que no consideran los ideólogos incrustados en los puestos gubernamentales es que el país quedará trabado con una deuda gigantesca cuyo ‘servicio’ no se podrá pagar. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
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Thu 18 Apr, 17:04

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metroboulotdodo.png imageMétro, boulot, tombeau : le nouveau confinement 01:28 Sun 01 Nov by Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

La situation sanitaire que nous vivons actuellement est dramatique. Pire qu’au printemps, des milliers de personnes mourront ou garderont des séquelles graves de leur infection au coronavirus, sans compter celles qui ne pourront pas être prises en charge pour d’autres pathologies. Cette crise sanitaire est doublée d’une crise sociale avec l’augmentation des licenciements. Comme si aucune leçon n’avait été tirée du précédent confinement, Macron annonce le 28 octobre un reconfinement qui n’en est pas un mais plutôt un couvre-feu de la vie sociale.

cnt_covid.png image¡Por Nuestra Seguridad, Sólo Actividades Esenciales! 01:42 Fri 24 Apr by CNT 0 comments

Desde la CNT de Zamora nos posicionamos claramente en contra de la reincorporación al trabajo de los sectores no esenciales desde el pasado lunes día 13 de abril de 2020, ya que entendemos que esta vuelta al trabajo solo obedece a criterios económicos. Por eso, exigimos el cese de cualquier actividad no esencial hasta que la situación provocada por el coronavirus sea completamente segura para la clase trabajadora.

79079723_1445463018958623_5419147111390248960_o.jpg imageYoung Workers Association was on the Streets against Economic Crisis 19:22 Mon 09 Dec by Devrimci Anarşist Falliyet 0 comments

As the Young Workers Association, we were at the crisis rally in Bakırköy with our slogans, black flags and rebellion. Last week we have distributed leaflets, made posters on the walls in different parts of the city. To raise the anger of the oppressed ones.

48379723_1174700826034845_8760836494668595200_o.jpg imageYoung Workers Association's in the streets Against Economic Crisis 23:45 Mon 24 Dec by DAF 0 comments

Young Workers Association (GIDER) was in the protests against the economic crisis. GIDER walked with a pancard written "You are Crisis, We are Liberation".

textNO G7, ne G8 o G20 - Vogliamo Libertà, Uguaglianza, Solidarietà. 03:21 Sat 13 May by CIB Unicobas 1 comments

NO G7, ne G8 o G20 - Vogliamo Libertà, Uguaglianza, Solidarietà.

13 MAGGIO 2017, ore 9,00, Largo 2 Giugno (ingresso V.le Einaudi)



textItalia, Bari: NO G7 20:33 Thu 11 May by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

Invitiamo tutte e tutti a mobilitarsi nei prossimi giorni, a partecipare a tutte le iniziative che si terranno in città contro il G7 dei potenti e alla grande manifestazione che si terrà il giorno 13 Maggio.

textBari: NO G7 20:27 Thu 11 May by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 1 comments

il 12 e il 13 maggio si svolgerà al Parco Due Giugno l’ AltroVertice organizzato dal coordinamento Molti più di 7: una due giorni di dibattiti, laboratori, iniziative ludiche anche per i più piccoli,assemblee, concerti.
Saremo studenti, lavoratori, disoccupati, precari, migranti, pensionati, in uno spazio aperto della nostra città nel quale discutere e praticare un modello di sviluppo e un’idea di società differenti da quelli che i 7 grandi della terra discuteranno chiusi nelle loro stanze.

textIRIS, i suoi primi 40 anni 04:21 Tue 28 Feb by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

Dalla fine degli anni settanta, un gruppo di braccianti, manovali e artigiani, in maggioranza donne, ridà senso alla parola cooperazione. "Fanno cose rivoluzionarie tenendo fermi i propri valori fondativi: produzioni biologiche, proprietà collettiva , partecipazione, prassi libertarie e relazioni di economia solidale".

gasolinazo1024x683.jpe imageUn México en las calles, un México en rabia 17:51 Thu 12 Jan by Demián Revart 0 comments

"Desde el Ángel marcharon decenas de miles. Niños, jóvenes, adultos y algunos valientes en su silla de ruedas. La consigna sigue siendo, como desde mayo de 2012: ¡Fuera Peña! Hay que ver más a fondo la problemática, no es el régimen peñanietista, ¡es todo el Estado-Capital! Decimos sin tapujos que nuestra consigna es: ¡Que se vayan todos!"

textROMA 7 MAGGIO - La "strategia di Dracula" trafigge il TTIP! 14:13 Sat 07 May by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA 0 comments

La Commissione europea voleva un divieto di 30 anni sull'accesso pubblico ai testi negoziali del TTIP, ora la "strategia di Dracula" imposta da movimento internazionale STOP TTIP ha esposto il vampiro alla luce del sole. Che muoia!

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imageFrom libertarian communism to corporate socialism Dec 20 by Miguel G. Gómez 10 comments

Alasbarricadas - We echo this historical review on the various positions that the CNT-FAI took along the Spanish Revolution. It is not usually easy to understand the complexity of a historical moment in which so many things were happening at the same time. We consider basic to understand the tactical ups and downs of any revolutionary movement in a historical moment in order to be able to learn something for our future struggles.

The article is not an academic one, but it sheds light on some little-known facts about how the CNT navigated 1938, in terms of tactics and strategy. This period has usually been completely erased, automatically branded as obscure, shameful, claudicating or bureaucratic without any attempt to understand what the libertarian organisations were actually doing. It is assumed that the drift of the war and, as the article says, the pessimism that surrounded the organisation from mid-1937 onwards, resulted in a shift in the strategic line of the libertarian movement to approaches as different from libertarian communism as could be the "trade union state" or corporate socialism.

We know that this article is the tip of the iceberg of a world that cannot be explained in a struggle of the good guys against the bad guys. Everything is full of nuances. We miss an explanation on the opposition to this shift. But to have treated that opposition as it deserves would have diverted the article from conveniently (and at a manageable length) presenting us the official line of the Movimiento Libertario Español (MLE) of '37 and '38.

And by the way, even if this history presents us with an unclear evolution towards bureaucratism and centralism, we are still amazed at with the enormous capacity of those people who built up our organisations and managed the daily lives of millions of people. Because, it must be said, when there was supposedly no social revolution any more, there were still hundreds of thousands of people living in collectivisations and a large part of industry was still under workers' control.

In order to give you an insight into the debates and to be able to elaborate further in-depth studies,

textLas promesas rotas de Vietnam Jun 17 by Mèo Mun 0 comments

Una crítica anarquista vietnamita al llamado “socialismo” de Vietnam. A translation of Mèo Mun's article “The Broken Promises of Vietnam” into Spanish. Translated by Grupo Anarquista Aurora., an anarchist group (linked to IFA/IAF) in Murcia.

imageVietnam : les promesses brisées du Vietnam Jun 11 by Mèo Mun 0 comments

Vietnam 2021, l’humeur général semble être à l’optimisme. La poursuite sans relâche d’une stratégie Zéro-Covid a reçu une approbation répandue autant à l’intérieur du pays qu’à l’international. L’économie a réussi à s’en tirer avec une croissance positive là où ses voisins ont souffert d’un déclin en raison de la pandémie. Mais en dessous de toutes ces fanfaronnades, quelqu’un aurait raison de sentir qu’il y a quelque chose qui cloche. Il y a ce sentiment tenace que personne ne semble être capable de mettre le doigt dessus. Presque comme s’il y avait un spectre qui hantait le Vietnam, le spectre du communisme – le vrai communisme, sans cloche, ni sifflet.

Article de Mèo Mun, traduit par le blogue du Blogue du Collectif Emma Goldman et reproduit ici à leur aimable proposition

imageThe State and the power of Business Mar 08 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

This article is about the relation between the state and business. It shows how powerful the business is by imposing its conditions with the help of the rest of economic and financial institutions on the government and the state. The article also highlights the importance of fighting the state by the anarchists.

imageElementos sobre el salario mínimo para 2021 Jan 26 by ViaLibre 0 comments

Mientras la burguesía se prepara para un nuevo plan de ajuste para salir de la crisis económica profundizando la precarización y explotación laboral, el movimiento obrero y popular se muestra ineficaz y replegado. La síntesis de situaciones que se presentan y desaprovechan en la coyuntura de negociación del salario mínimo sigue siendo excepcional, y hay pocos momentos de mayor y más general politización clasista, sentido de comunidad y crítica antigubernamental entre una clase trabajadora precarizada y dividida, que en su mayoría no participa de negociaciones sectoriales o convenciones colectivas de trabajo y por lo tanto tiene en la negociación del salario mínimo su única instancia reivindicativa. Aprovechar esta coyuntura en un sentido clasista y libertario sigue siendo una tarea urgente, y hacer de esto un elemento clave, para resistir mejor la ofensiva patronal en curso.

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imageMétro, boulot, tombeau : le nouveau confinement Nov 01 0 comments

La situation sanitaire que nous vivons actuellement est dramatique. Pire qu’au printemps, des milliers de personnes mourront ou garderont des séquelles graves de leur infection au coronavirus, sans compter celles qui ne pourront pas être prises en charge pour d’autres pathologies. Cette crise sanitaire est doublée d’une crise sociale avec l’augmentation des licenciements. Comme si aucune leçon n’avait été tirée du précédent confinement, Macron annonce le 28 octobre un reconfinement qui n’en est pas un mais plutôt un couvre-feu de la vie sociale.

image¡Por Nuestra Seguridad, Sólo Actividades Esenciales! Apr 24 Zamora 0 comments

Desde la CNT de Zamora nos posicionamos claramente en contra de la reincorporación al trabajo de los sectores no esenciales desde el pasado lunes día 13 de abril de 2020, ya que entendemos que esta vuelta al trabajo solo obedece a criterios económicos. Por eso, exigimos el cese de cualquier actividad no esencial hasta que la situación provocada por el coronavirus sea completamente segura para la clase trabajadora.

textNO G7, ne G8 o G20 - Vogliamo Libertà, Uguaglianza, Solidarietà. May 13 Bari 1 comments

NO G7, ne G8 o G20 - Vogliamo Libertà, Uguaglianza, Solidarietà.

13 MAGGIO 2017, ore 9,00, Largo 2 Giugno (ingresso V.le Einaudi)



textItalia, Bari: NO G7 May 11 Puglia 0 comments

Invitiamo tutte e tutti a mobilitarsi nei prossimi giorni, a partecipare a tutte le iniziative che si terranno in città contro il G7 dei potenti e alla grande manifestazione che si terrà il giorno 13 Maggio.

textBari: NO G7 May 11 Puglia 1 comments

il 12 e il 13 maggio si svolgerà al Parco Due Giugno l’ AltroVertice organizzato dal coordinamento Molti più di 7: una due giorni di dibattiti, laboratori, iniziative ludiche anche per i più piccoli,assemblee, concerti.
Saremo studenti, lavoratori, disoccupati, precari, migranti, pensionati, in uno spazio aperto della nostra città nel quale discutere e praticare un modello di sviluppo e un’idea di società differenti da quelli che i 7 grandi della terra discuteranno chiusi nelle loro stanze.

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