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internacional / medio ambiente / non-anarchist press Thursday May 10, 2012 - 08:11 by Carmelo Ruiz Marrero   image 1 image
Puede ser difícil de creer, pero los únicos cultivos de importancia económica oriundos de Norteamérica son el girasol, la cereza azul (blueberry), arándano agrio (cranberry) y la alcachofa (Es cierto que los pueblos originarios del continente cultivaban maíz, papa y frijol, pero éstos venían de Centro y Suramérica). Todos los demás cultivos, como el arroz, el trigo y la soya, fueron importados de otros lares. Sobre esa enorme tarea de importación de materia vegetal, que tomó lugar a lo largo de dos siglos, se fundamenta el progreso industrial de Estados Unidos. No en balde, en el emblema del Departamento de Agricultura de EEUU, fundado en 1862, dice "La agricultura es la base de la manufactura y el comercio". Y dijo una vez Tomás Jefferson que "el mayor servicio que se le puede dar a cualquier país es añadir una planta útil a su cultura."
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Hare Coursing: Please help to end this cruelty
ireland / britain / environment / non-anarchist press Saturday April 07, 2012 - 21:53 by John Fitzgerald   image 2 images
Petitioning against the horrific cruelty of live hare coursing in Ireland ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / medio ambiente / non-anarchist press Wednesday March 21, 2012 - 17:37 by Eduardo Gudynas
Está quedando en claro que para los gobiernos progresistas o de la nueva izquierda, las cuestiones ambientales se han convertido en un flanco de serias contradicciones. El decidido apoyo al extractivismo para alimentar el crecimiento económico, está agravando los impactos ambientales, desencadena serias protestas sociales, y perpetúa la subordinación de ser proveedores de materias primas para la globalización. Se rompe el diálogo con el movimiento verde, y se cae en una izquierda cada vez menos roja porque se vuelve marrón. ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / medio ambiente / non-anarchist press Tuesday February 14, 2012 - 19:46 by No a El Quimbo
De un lado hay cientos de personas, pescadores, constructores, jornaleros y partijeros, acampando a la orilla del río. Del otro lado hay retroescavadoras y bulldozer, luces que alumbran la obra de los italianos y españoles. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / environment / other libertarian press Monday December 12, 2011 - 15:07 by Jared Sacks
Jared Sacks on the civil society/NGO exploitation of grassroots organizations at the United Nations COP 17 meeting on global warming in Durban. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / environment / non-anarchist press Wednesday December 07, 2011 - 06:01 by Niren Tolsi
ANC supporters dressed in the COP17 volunteers' tracksuits tossed stones and water bottles at members of civil society organisations that were marching in protest against climate change, the corporate-funded lack of progress at COP17 and other green issues in Durban on Saturday. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / environment / non-anarchist press Monday December 05, 2011 - 23:44 by Ben Fogel
The civil society march on the COP 17 was attacked by ANC Youth League thugs. This report is from a largely Trotskyist organisation but the eyewitness account of the 'green bombers' of the ANC Youth League attacking the march is important. Other more libertarian orientated organizations have long suffered the same fate in Durban. ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / medio ambiente / non-anarchist press Monday October 17, 2011 - 01:58 by Joan Martínez Alier
Entrevista con Joan Martínez Alier. Contravia TV ... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / ambiente / altra stampa libertaria Sunday July 10, 2011 - 15:07 by CSA Kavarna   image 1 image
Filo spinato, blindati, cellulari, perimetri escludenti, recinzioni, truppe di indifferenza: questo è lo "stato della repressione" che abbiamo visto in Val di Susa. Disciplinati ordinano: c'è la crisi, devi pagarla; c'è lo sviluppo, devi inginocchiarti e se serve, devi anche perirne. Nei giorni successivi allo sgombero della Maddelena del 27 giugno e della guerriglia seguente, è complicato trovare le parole adatte per far conoscere la violenta aggressione che ha subito il movimento No Tav domenica 3 luglio, per mano dell'esercito, di carabinieri, finanzieri e poliziotti. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / environment / non-anarchist press Tuesday July 05, 2011 - 21:01 by Bandile Mdlalose
Climate change is one of the main issues facing the world at this moment. We all know that when things go wrong, like when there is an earthquake or a flood, or a drought, poor people are most vulnerable. And usually the response to these disasters is a second disaster for poor people. For instance in Sri Lanka the so-called ‘development’ after the Tsunami forcibly removed fisherfolk from their coastal land to give it to developers to build hotels. Sometimes the attempts to prevent disaster are also a disaster for the poor. In South Africa when it is acknowledged that we as a country are using too much electricity it is not the big companies or the rich that have the police and the security guards kick down their doors to disconnect them. In some other countries in Africa poor rural people are being forced off their land so that it can be used for bio-fuels. Maybe this will slow down climate change but why must it be the poor people in Africa that must pay the price for this? They are not the ones that caused the problem. The ones that caused this problem are the rich, especially in America and in Europe. ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / medio ambiente / non-anarchist press Monday June 13, 2011 - 23:28 by Alianza por la Biodiversidad en América Latina
Nos dirigimos a Ud. con honda preocupación por la posible apertura de su país a los cultivos transgénicos y por tanto, a la gravísima dependencia de las transnacionales que los controlan. ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / medio ambiente / other libertarian press Saturday June 11, 2011 - 07:38 by Brenda
11 DE JUNIO DEL 2011

La salud del río Tehuantepec está en riesgo. La vena que irriga la sangre de nuestra madre tierra se enferma y con ella nos enfermamos plantas, animales y los hombres que por siglos hemos vivido en armonía con el río Tehuantepec.

Queremos mostrar nuestra preocupación por la salud de nuestro río grande (Tehuantepec) y sus afluentes (La Virgen, Quiechapa, Lachiriega, Huitihuini, Recibimiento, Limón, Narro, etc). Queremos escuchar de otros pueblos la palabra de apoyo para proteger nuestro medio ambiente, así como compartir nuestras riquezas culturales en un ambiente de fiesta.

Es por ello que los invitamos al Primer foro Cultural que se realizará el Sábado 11 de junio del 2011 en la comunidad de Nejapa de Madero.

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iberia / medio ambiente / non-anarchist press Saturday June 11, 2011 - 05:57 by EUSKAL HERRIKO KOMUNISTAK
Lo que está aconteciendo en la Central nuclear de Fukushima en Japón nos debería hacer reflexionar sobre una etapa de nuestro pasado inmediato protagonizado por la irracionalidad humana disfrazada de progreso y desarrollo. Pongamos que hablamos de aquel intento de construir centrales nucleares en Euskal Herria. Pongamos que nos referimos a la Central nuclear de Lemóniz. ... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / ambiente / altra stampa libertaria Friday June 10, 2011 - 16:35 by CUSA - UmanesimoAnarchico
Come libertari non ci facciamo facili illusioni sugli strumenti elettorali o di partecipazione “dal basso” messi a disposizione della società da parte dello Stato, come quello referendario. In quanto non li consideriamo come il mezzo per dare una risposta il più possibile adeguata alle problematiche ed alle necessità della vita su questo pianeta. ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / environment / other libertarian press Friday March 04, 2011 - 16:12 by Jesus
God, what a year.
Federal scientists have concluded that we’ve just come through the warmest six months, the warmest year, and the warmest decade in human history. Nineteen nations have set new all-time temperature records; the mercury in Pakistan reached 129 degrees, the hottest temperature ever seen in Asia. And there’s nothing abstract about those numbers, not with Moscow choking on smoke from its epic heat wave and fires, not with Pakistan half washed away from its unprecedented flooding. ... read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / medio ambiente / other libertarian press Thursday November 25, 2010 - 21:54 by Luis E. Sabini Fernandez *
¿Dialectica o trialectica?

Si la brusca e inesperada desaparición de “la era soviética” nos hizo pensar en algún momento inicial que se simplificaba el panorama ideológico del mundo contemporáneo, el escaso tiempo transcurrido nos ha revelado que de ninguna manera ha sobrevenido una dicotomía política.
Es que, en rigor, el siglo XX vio más a menudo tres actores o más en pugna, por lo menos mucho más frecuentemente que lo que los dictados de una dialéctica presuntamente científica (más bien cientificista) nos autorizaba vislumbrar. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / medio ambiente / non-anarchist press Friday October 29, 2010 - 11:41 by José Miguel García González
Los movimientos ecologistas y su mágica receta de individualismo liberal para salvar al medio ambiente. La tecnocracia y el cinismo del discurso dominante, que evita los desastres ecológicos en el Norte, pero los alienta a través de sus multinacionales en el Sur. El capitalismo en su fase de devastación como la causa principal de los problemas del cambio climático y la degradación ambiental. ... read full story / add a comment
west africa / environment / non-anarchist press Thursday June 03, 2010 - 22:01 by John Vidal
A spokesman for the Stakeholder Democracy Network in Lagos, which works to empower those in communities affected by the oil companies' activities, said: "The response to the spill in the United States should serve as a stiff reminder as to how far spill management in Nigeria has drifted from standards across the world." ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / environment / other libertarian press Monday May 10, 2010 - 04:05 by John E Jacobsen
Eva Rowe’s parents were among the 15 who died that day in Texas City.

“A worker who actually worked at the plant collapsed to the floor crying, telling me he was so sorry that he couldn’t find my parents, that he’d been looking for them since the explosion happened. So then I knew,” she recalled.

“My parents were my best friends, they’re all I had. My life ended that day. BP ruined my life. It ended my life. That day I had to start all over.”
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