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Hungary / Romania

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hungary / romania / anarchist movement / other libertarian press Thursday May 30, 2013 - 00:41 byBarricade Collective   image 1 image
Barricade Collective has got a new website. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
hungría / rumania / community struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday January 17, 2012 - 20:00 byEduardo Salceda   image 1 image
Miles de rumanos salieron a las calles en todo el país por cuarto día consecutivo para pedir la dimisión del Gobierno y elecciones anticipadas.

Los rumanos están descontentos con el gobierno por sus drásticos recortes sociales, salariales y la subida de los impuestos, parte de sus compromisos de austeridad con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI).

En los últimos tres años, el gobierno rumano ha reducido en un 25% los salarios públicos, recortado buena parte de las ayudas sociales e incrementado los impuestos.

Rumanía es junto a Bulgaria el país más pobre de la Unión Europea y los manifestantes critican que la factura de la crisis ha caído sobre ellos.

A continuación, un artículo de Eduardo Salceda ofreciendo algunas claves para entender lo que está pasando en el país centroeuropeo. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
hungary / romania / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Wednesday September 24, 2008 - 19:54 byAna Cosel
In January 2007 the BBC reported on a strike involving 400 Chinese female textile workers of the Wear Company in Bacau in Eastern Romania. During the strike, Sorin Nicolescu, director of the firm, was physically attacked by about 100 angry women. “Instead of working, they threw themselves at me with forks and spoons. I called the police and security. It’s just not acceptable to be attacked in my own country, in my factory, by female workers, to whom I have made every concession!” said Nicolescu in a statement to the press at the time. After the strike, through which the workers aimed to impose higher wages and better working conditions, significant numbers of women handed in their notice and returned to China. (1)

Beset by the shortage of labour-power in Romania, Wear Company has again hired labour-power from Asia, this time 500 contract-workers from Bangladesh.

The following report is based on personal conversations with some workers. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
hungary / romania / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Thursday September 04, 2008 - 19:20 byAna Cosel
Like many other companies in the Romanian textile and construction sectors, textiles firm Mondostar has had to struggle with a persistent labour shortage for several years. Amongst the local workers hardly anyone is willing to work for the low wages paid in the textile industries. Since three months ago Mondostar has employed 95 women from the Philippines in order to counteract the shrinking supply of labour. Hoping for a good job in Europe, the workers from the Philippines borrowed money while still in their home country. They needed the money in order to be able to pay the high fees of the recruitment agency in Manila. The agency recruited them for Mondostar, signing a contract which entitled the workers to a basicwage of US-Dollar 400 and 100 per cent extra for overtime. In fact the women were never paid this wage. The following report is based on conversations with some of the Filipina workers.

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hungary / romania / anarchist movement / other libertarian press Friday November 16, 2007 - 01:28 byavant-garde
since about 3 months, a new anarcho-communist blog appeared on the web. it focuses on class war issues, including wildcat and general strikes, riots, wider uprisings and of course the organizational forms the struggle takes. though we constantly try to do our best to serve the hungarian speaking public a commented flow of international news, we might not get enough from infos and analyses by libertarian communist points of view. therefore, we ask for help. please post your news, essays or pamphlets regarding class war to:
avant-garde (at) !
(you can visit the blog at, unfortunately it's all in hungarian.)
thank you very much... in solidarity: avant-garde ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Ουγγαρία / Ρουμανία / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Λοιπός Ελευθεριακός Τύπος Friday April 27, 2007 - 18:51 byΝΙΚΟΣ ΤΖ. ΣΕΡΓΗΣ   text 3 comments (last - friday april 27, 2007 - 18:56)
Ο πλήρης τίτλος είναι "Ο Ervin Szabo και η πνευματική πορεία του Gyorgy Lukacs - ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΠΑΤΡΟΤΗΤΑ ΤΗΣ ΟΥΓΓΡΙΚΗΣ ΕΠΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΊΩΝ" ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
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Hungary / Romania

Thu 18 Apr, 16:54

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textThe Rule of Law and The Working Class 04:52 Tue 07 Feb by Ravna 0 comments

An anarchist communist approach of the recent protests in Romania

antieklogiki_teliki_17061201aczppu.jpg imageΑποχή από τις κάλπε&... 06:42 Tue 05 Jun by Συνέλευση Αναρχικών για την Κοινωνική Αυτοδιεύ_ 0 comments

Για να ξεπεράσουμε επιτέλους την αντίληψη που θεωρεί το κράτος ως τη λογική συνέπεια της υποτιθέμενης ανικανότητας όλων μας να αυτοδιευθυνθούμε. Για να ξεπεράσουμε επιτέλους την αντίληψη που θεωρεί τους καπιταλιστές απαραίτητους ως λογική συνέπεια της ανικανότητας όλων μας να μοιράσουμε δίκαια τον πλούτο που παράγουμε. Για να απαντήσουμε στο μοναδικό αληθινό δίλλημα: καπιταλισμός ή επανάσταση.

q24.jpg imageNovità editoriale: Lajos Kassák (1887-1967) 19:19 Mon 08 Sep by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

E' uscito nella collana "I Quaderni di Alternativa Libertaria" l'opuscolo "Barikád Kollektíva ripropone Lajos Kassák (1887-1967)". Il quaderno contiene una biografia di Kassák e una selezione delle sue poesie.

imageRiots in Budapest demand government's resignation 20:13 Tue 19 Sep by Joseph K. 7 comments

Clashes have broken out in Budapest after the ‘Socialist’ Hungarian Prime Minister broke convention and admitted lying to get elected.

textNew pamphlet: "War and Revolution: 17:26 Fri 14 Jul by KSL 0 comments

The latest KSL pamphlet gives you a chance to learn about Hungarian anarchists in the Budapest Commune of 1919, and the stories of figures like Ervin Szabo (anarchist librarian and anti-war conspirator), Otto Korvin (agitator) and Ilona Duczynska (the assassin who didn't).

textStatul de drept și clasa muncitoare Feb 06 by RAVNA 0 comments

În cele ce urmează vom încerca să formulăm câteva idei dintr-o perspectivă anarhist comunistă, în măsura în care se poate realiza într-o manieră coerentă acest lucru în prezent, asupra protestelor recente împotriva deciziilor luate de partidul de guvernământ și percepute ca un atac la adresa „statului de drept”, a parcursului post-decembrist al României și a „progreselor” înregistrate în ultimii 27 de ani.

imageLa classe lavoratrice rumena: come anatre inermi sotto il fuoco del capitalismo May 20 by Iniţiativa Anarho-Sindicalistă din România 0 comments

Ci sono oggi circa 5 milioni di lavoratori in Romania. Altri 3 milioni (un quarto della forza-lavoro locale) lavorano in altri paesi dell'Unione Europea, per lo più in Spagna ed Italia. Il tasso ufficiale dei disoccupati è stimato al 6,7%, ma non è un dato affidabile. Questo dato riguarda solo le persone che sono registrate come disoccupati e non considera il totale di persone che potrebbe lavorare ma viene escluso. Per cui il numero reale dei disoccupati in realtà non è noto (o non viene comunicato dal governo), ma in base a logiche deduzioni, ci sarebbe da contare un ulteriore milione di persone. [Română]

imageLa clase trabajadora rumana: blanco fácil bajo el fuego abierto del capitalismo May 17 by niţiativa Anarho-Sindicalistă din România - IASR 0 comments

Actualmente existen cerca de 5 millones de empleados en Rumania. Otras 3 millones de personas trabajan en otros países de la Unión Europea, sobre todo en España e Italia (un cuarto de la fuerza de trabajo local). Se estima en los datos oficiales que los desempleados representan el 6,7%, pero esto no es exacto. Este número cubre sólo las personas que se han registrado, y no se calcula de acuerdo con la totalidad del número de personas que podrían trabajar, pero que son excluidos. .Por lo tanto, en realidad, el número real de las personas en paro no es conocido (o no es informado por el gobierno), pero la deducción lógica es que el paro es mayor a un millón de personas.

imageThe Romanian working class: sitting ducks in the open fire of capitalism May 16 by noaptefaraluna 0 comments

There are about 5 million employees in Romania, currently. Some other 3 million people (a quarter of the local work force) work in other countries from the European Union, mostly Spain and Italy. The official unemployed people are said to represent 6.7%, but this is not accurate. This number covers only people who have been registered, and it is not calculated according to the entire number of people who could work but are left out. Therefore, the real number of the unemployed people is not really known (or it is not reported by the government), but a logic deduction puts it somewhere at an additional one million people. [Română]

imageΜερικές σκέψεις γι&#... Aug 26 by Methexis 0 comments

Πρέπει επιτέλους να κατανοήσουμε ότι όσο ζούμε στον καπιταλισμό, δεν είμαστε ελεύθεροι, ούτε αυτοδιάθεση έχουμε και αν θέλουμε να τα κατακτήσουμε, δεν χωράνε αντικινηματικές συμπεριφορές. Οι ατομικές μας επιλογές, δεν μπορεί στο όνομα της αυτονομίας να είναι βλαπτικές για το κίνημα.

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imageΑποχή από τις κάλπε&... Jun 05 0 comments

Για να ξεπεράσουμε επιτέλους την αντίληψη που θεωρεί το κράτος ως τη λογική συνέπεια της υποτιθέμενης ανικανότητας όλων μας να αυτοδιευθυνθούμε. Για να ξεπεράσουμε επιτέλους την αντίληψη που θεωρεί τους καπιταλιστές απαραίτητους ως λογική συνέπεια της ανικανότητας όλων μας να μοιράσουμε δίκαια τον πλούτο που παράγουμε. Για να απαντήσουμε στο μοναδικό αληθινό δίλλημα: καπιταλισμός ή επανάσταση.

imageNovità editoriale: Lajos Kassák (1887-1967) Sep 08 FdCA 0 comments

E' uscito nella collana "I Quaderni di Alternativa Libertaria" l'opuscolo "Barikád Kollektíva ripropone Lajos Kassák (1887-1967)". Il quaderno contiene una biografia di Kassák e una selezione delle sue poesie.

textNew pamphlet: "War and Revolution: Jul 14 Kate Sharpley Library 0 comments

The latest KSL pamphlet gives you a chance to learn about Hungarian anarchists in the Budapest Commune of 1919, and the stories of figures like Ervin Szabo (anarchist librarian and anti-war conspirator), Otto Korvin (agitator) and Ilona Duczynska (the assassin who didn't).

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