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Note: Articles classified as "non anarchist press" are published in this section of the site. They do not usually reflect the opinions of nor of the organizations who run this site and are included by reason of their possible interest to readers. The opinions expressed in any such articles are exclusively those of the articles' authors.
north africa / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday February 27, 2017 - 01:28 byNizar Visram   image 1 image
At the 28th Summit meeting of the African Union (AU) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 30 January 2017, Morocco's readmission to the continental body generated heated discussion. At the end of the day the Kingdom of Morocco managed to win over sufficient member states on its side and it was allowed to join the fold unconditionally. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
África del norte / represión / presos / other libertarian press Monday January 12, 2015 - 03:54 byFuerteventura Limpia
Una plataforma contra la tortura y en defensa de los derechos humanos recoge en un informe anual casos de brutalidad policial en Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Tenerife y Gran Canaria. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
north africa / history of anarchism / other libertarian press Thursday January 08, 2015 - 15:28 byI. U. Parrini   text 3 comments (last - thursday july 02, 2015 - 16:31)
NOTE by Lucien van der Walt: English translation by Nestor McNab of three parts of the historical memoirs of I. U. Parrini – one of the initiators of the anarchist movement in Italy and Egypt, from the days of the First International – which were published in Italian in “La Protesta Umana” of San Francisco, nos. 36, 38 and 40 (21 Nov. and 26 Dec. 1903, and 9 Jan. 1904 respectively). This material is provided for purposes of historical recovery: it must be noted that Parrini was (according to Tony Gorman's 2010 overview of Egyptian anarchism) a "staunch anti-organisationalist, ... notorious for his uncompromising style and ... a persistent obstacle to greater cooperation among anarchists. Not until after his death in 1906 was a national program of action agreed which provided a solid basis for collaboration within the Egyptian movement." His current was in constant conflict with the growing, eventually ascendant, anarcho-syndicalists. Nonetheless, these memoirs -- despite their polemical quality and imbalances -- are a valuable testimony, deserving of wider circulation, not least for their insider view, from the perspective of one current in the movement.

The material is sourced from Leonardo Bettini, "Bibliografia dell'anarchismo, volume 2, tomo 2: periodici e numeri unici anarchici in lingua italiana pubblicati all'estero (1872-1971)" (CP editrice, Firenze, 1976), translation by Nestor McNab. Via Lucien van der Walt. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
north africa / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday October 21, 2013 - 20:21 byChris Stephen
Fighting rages in Benghazi as Tripoli braces for fallout from the kidnapping of prime minister Ali Zaidan. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
north africa / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Wednesday August 21, 2013 - 00:18 byRoger Annis   text 1 comment (last - tuesday august 27, 2013 - 22:10)
The following article is based on a speech given by Roger Annis to a rally in Vancouver on August 17 that was convened by Egyptian-Canadians in the city to condemn the coup d'état in Egypt of July 3 and the police and military violence that has continued in the country. The original speech has been slightly edited to include several additional points. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
África del norte / represión / presos / non-anarchist press Tuesday August 20, 2013 - 22:53 bySantiago Alba Rico
Es difícil no considerar legítimas las protestas de los HHMM y no admirar su coraje y resistencia; y es difícil justificar el golpe de Estado de un ejército que en pocos días ha matado a casi mil personas. Pero por muy difícil que resulte, ése parece el camino elegido, a derecha e izquierda, por las fuerzas políticas locales e internacionales y por los medios de comunicación de todo el mundo. Las protestas vagas y las llamadas a la “autocontención” y al “diálogo” por parte de la UE y los EEUU se conjugan con los titulares de los periódicos y las televisiones, que convierten una y otra vez a los HHMM en sujetos gramaticales de las frases –y en fuente material de los “disturbios”- mientras que la feroz represión y las víctimas de la misma aparecen como complementos circunstanciales o consecuencias colaterales. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
north africa / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Friday July 05, 2013 - 17:55 bySungur Savran
The near equality in strength of the two camps contending for power in Egypt led the army to stage a Bonapartist coup. It is not only the recent episode of unprecedented crowds in the millions coming out on 30 June that has made the army move. This struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood government of now deposed President Mohamed Morsi, on the one hand, and the opposition, represented by the National Salvation Front, and more recently by the Tamerod (Rebel) movement, on the other, has been going on since last November. This is, in fact, the third wave of spectacular demonstrations by the opposition within a cycle of the Egyptian revolution that has been going on since November. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
north africa / community struggles / non-anarchist press Wednesday May 08, 2013 - 02:03 byCorrispondente Infoaut   image 1 image
Ve městě Port Said se odehrává bezprecedentní situace – kompletní samospráva, odmítnutí všeho, co představuje autoritu. To je stav, který se hlavní aktéři současných egyptských bojů – pracující – snaží reprodukovat rovněž v jiných městech.
Port Said je nyní úplně v rukou lidu. U vstupu do města, na místě starých policejních zátarasů, se nachází kontrolní stanoviště, jehož posádku tvoří místní obyvatelé, povětšinou stávkující dělníci, kteří si říkají „lidová policie“. Totéž platí pro dopravu – již zde nejsou dopravní fízlové, ale mladí muži, studenti a dělníci, [Italiano] ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
nordafrika / gemeinschaftliche kämpfe / nichtanarchistische presse Tuesday March 12, 2013 - 01:54 byInfoaut-Korrespondent_in   text 1 comment (last - wednesday march 13, 2013 - 05:03)
Eine noch nie dagewesene Situation besteht derzeit in der Stadt Port Said – komplette Selbstverwaltung, die Zurückweisung von allem, was die Autorität repräsentiert. Es ist eine Situation, die die Hauptakteure – im ägyptischen Kampf derzeit die Arbeiter_innen – versuchen auch in anderen Städten zu reproduzieren.
[English] [Italiano] ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
africa de nord / community struggles / non-anarchist press Monday March 11, 2013 - 21:42 byCorrispondente Infoaut - Infoaut
O situație fără precedent are loc în orașul Port Said din Egipt – completă autogestiune, o respingere a tot ceea ce reprezintă autoritate. Este o situație în care principalii actori în lupta egipteană în acest moment – muncitorii – încearcă să reproducă în alte orașe. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
África del norte / community struggles / non-anarchist press Saturday March 09, 2013 - 07:24 byby Corrispondente Infoaut - Infoaut   image 3 images
Un hecho sin precedentes está teniendo lugar en la ciudad de Port Said: Una completa autogestión, un rechazo de todo lo que representa la autoridad. Una realidad que los protagonistas de las luchas egipcias de estos momentos, los obreros, están tratando de reproducir incluso en otras ciudades. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
north africa / community struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday March 05, 2013 - 19:46 byCorrispondente Infoaut   text 3 comments (last - wednesday may 08, 2013 - 02:00)   image 3 images
An unprecedented situation is taking place in the city of Port Said - complete self-management, a rejection of everything that authority represents. It is a situation that the main actors in the Egyptian struggle at this time - the workers - are trying to reproduce in other cities too. [ ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
nordafrica / lotte sul territorio / stampa non anarchica Friday March 01, 2013 - 19:39 byCorrispondente Infoaut   text 2 comments (last - tuesday march 05, 2013 - 19:48)   image 3 images
Una realtà senza precedenti si sta realizzando nella città di Port Said: una completa autogestione, un rifiuto di tutto ciò che rappresenta l'autorità. Una realtà che i protagonisti delle lotte egiziane di questo momento - i lavoratori - stanno cercando di riprodurre anche in altre città. [Deutsch] [English] [Castellano] [Română] [Deutsch] [Čeština] ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
África del norte / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Saturday February 16, 2013 - 23:31 byRonald León Núñez
El segundo aniversario del inicio de la revolución encontró nuevamente a decenas de miles de manifestantes en las calles de las principales ciudades de Egipto. En los 4 capítulos: "El régimen se mantiene sin Mubarak", "
La experiencia con la Hermandad", "La movilización debe seguir y unificarse", "La revolución es permanente", Ronald León Núñez, analiza la revolución egipcia hasta el 2013, en curso, para su mejor comprension. !Pan, Libertad y Justicia Social! !Fuera el gobierno de Morsi y los militares!, !Abajo la Constitución de Morsi y los militares!, ¡Exijamos una nueva Asamblea Constituyente para instaurar amplias y totales libertades democráticas, para romper todos los acuerdos con el imperialismo, para expropiar los bienes de Mubarak y del conjunto del antiguo régimen, y construir un Egipto socialista al servicio de los trabajadores y del pueblo! ¡Por un aumento inmediato y general de los salarios que corresponda al coste de la canasta familiar! ¡Por un plan económico de emergencia y la reducción inmediata de la jornada de trabajo sin reducción de salario de forma que garantice trabajo para todos! ¡Por la expropiación de las grandes empresas nacionales y multinacionales y del sistema financiero! ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Photo: Reuters
north africa / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Friday January 25, 2013 - 03:01 byJoshua Virasami   image 1 image
Exploiting the latest spillover from the two previous interventions in Libya and Mali, which are a product of AFRICOM intelligence and military assistance, they are making rapid gains in their North Africa advance. For what? One begins to ask, before continuing understanding how profitable chaos is, is crucial to answering the question. The ensuing chaos within Mali, expanding to Algeria and set to encompass North Africa leaves scope for a state of permanent low level war. This low level war is nothing new, it’s taking place as you read this over nearly all of the globalised world claiming millions of lives: described by John Pilger as the Third World War. This expanding theatre of the ‘war on terror’, which I will later explore, provides ample opportunity within its vast marketplace for hordes of corporations to destroy, ravage, rebuild and beautify entire nations. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
África del norte / la izquierda / non-anarchist press Wednesday December 12, 2012 - 20:30 bySantiago Alba Rico   image 1 image
Al hilo de la huelga general convocada para mañana por el más importante sindicato tunecino, el autor critica la participación de la izquierda en una falsa polarización binaria (laicismo versus islam) que podría desembocar en una involución fatal. Tesis exportable también a Egipto.
... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
África del norte / historia / non-anarchist press Monday April 16, 2012 - 22:21 byGuillermo Almeyra
Ahmed Ben Bella acaba de morir a los 96 años, 21 de los cuales los pasó encarcelado por los colonialistas franceses (seis) y después por la burocracia estatal argelina (15). Nació en 1916 en una familia de campesinos marroquíes muy pobres. Durante la guerra contra el nazifascismo combatió como sargento en el regimiento de Tiradores Marroquíes de las Fuerzas Francesas Libres y el general Charles de Gaulle lo condecoró personalmente con la Medalla Militar (ya tenía la Cruz de Guerra) por su valor en la batalla de Montecassino, en la que las tropas coloniales de Francia, los polacos y brasileños tuvieron a su cargo el ataque de infantería contra el inexpugnable monasterio defendido por tropas de elite alemanas que los estadunidenses y británicos sólo se animaban a bombardear. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
afrique du nord / luttes dans la communauté / autre presse libertaire Friday March 16, 2012 - 02:45 byConfederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
La Confédération Générale du Travail de l’état espagnol, devant les événements graves qui se produisent dans la province d’Alhucemas, veut manifester ce qui suit. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
afrique du nord / divers / presse non anarchiste Thursday March 08, 2012 - 20:01 byBrahim Fillali
Ce titre paraît bizarre. Et on peut se poser des questions, alors. Comment parle-t-on de l’informel dans un secteur structuré de l’Etat ? Autrement dit, quels sont les éléments clandestins, invisibles et non reconnus par l’Etat, donc par son établissement dont on parle qui est l’école, mais qui existe en son sein. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
África del norte / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Saturday January 28, 2012 - 12:25 byAgencias
El Gobierno de Libia ha reconocido la administración creada en la ciudad de Bani Walid tras un levantamiento armado protagonizado por la población local, lo que pone de manifiesto el poder de las tribus locales y la debilidad del Consejo Nacional de Transición (CNT) para controlar algunos enclaves. ... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
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textL’Algérie au temps du hirak : contestation et répression 15:25 Tue 15 Jun by COURANT Alternatif 0 comments

Un aperçu du feu social qui couve en Algérie

tahriricn.jpg imageEgitto: Comunicato Tahrir-ICN sulla messa fuori legge dei Fratelli Musulmani 15:19 Sat 18 Jan by TahrirICN 0 comments

Condanna della recente dichiarazione che individua nei Fratelli Musulmani in Egitto una organizzazione terroristica. [English]

tahriricn.jpg imageEgypt: Tahrir-ICN statement on the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization 15:02 Sat 04 Jan by TahrirICN 0 comments

Comdemnation of the recent declaration of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a terrorist organization.

morsiout.jpg imageA rua egípcia mais forte que as urnas! 03:26 Fri 20 Dec by Alternative libertaire 0 comments

O presente texto, traduzido para o português do Brasil, apresenta uma análise feita pelo grupo Alternative Libertarie - AL sobre a questão egípcia.
Propondo como o caminho para o povo egípcio, uma luta que se encaminhe desde as bases, desde a rua, até de modo mais global contra o imperialismo americano e o fascismo religioso que disputam incessantemente o poder. [Français]

latuff_cartoon_hunger_strike_for_palestine.gif imageNumerosas huelgas de hambre en las cárceles de Marruecos 00:52 Thu 05 Dec by Equipo de trabajo para el norte de África de la S. de RR. II 0 comments

Continuamos con las informaciones semanales que nos envía ASDHOM sobre la situación de los presos políticos en las prisiones de Marruecos. Constatamos con preocupación las numerosas huelgas de hambre que se están produciendo, especialmente reclamando una mejora de las condiciones de vida en prisión o la aceleración de los juicios cuando se prolonga excesivamente la prisión provisional.

Estudiantes de la UNEM en las prisiones de Meknes y Marrakech se encuentran en huelga de hambre, así como presos del M 20 de febrero en Casablanca y de la ANDCM en Alhoceima

egipto_golpe.jpg imageEgitto: né con la peste clerico-fascista, né con l'ira dei militari! 16:58 Wed 10 Jul by Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

Per più di 2 anni, in Egitto la contro-rivoluzione ha assunto il potere nella forma duale dello Stato e della borghesia. Da un lato, i Fratelli Musulmani, che rappresentano la ruota di scorta della borghesia mercantile e degli Stati occidentali per prevenire un'eventuale rivoluzione sociale, si erano presi la gestione degli affari sociali. [Français] [English] [Castellano] [Português]

egipto_golpe.jpg imageEgito: Nem praga fascistas religiosos, sem raiva militar! 22:47 Tue 09 Jul by Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

Em mais de dois anos atrás, o contrtarrevolución no Egito manifestou na distribuição de poder entre os dois setores do Estado e da burguesia. Em primeiro lugar, é a Irmandade Muçulmana, que serviu como o Plano B burguesia comercial e os países ocidentais, a fim de evitar uma revolução social, era encarregado de assuntos políticos. Por outro lado, era o exército, a espinha dorsal do estado, que se manteve em posições-chave da economia egípcia através de monopólios, mas também nas estruturas de poder político. [Français] [italiano] [English] [Castellano]

egipto_golpe_2.jpg imageEgipto: ¡Ni la peste fascista-religiosa, ni la cólera militar! 19:54 Tue 09 Jul by Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

De hace más de dos años, la contrtarrevolución en Egipto se ha manifestado en la repartición del poder entre dos sectores del Estado y la burguesía. Por una parte, están los Hermanos Musulmanes, que han servido como el plan B de la burguesía mercantil y de los Estados occidentales con el objeto de prevenir una revolución social, eran los encargados de los asuntos políticos. Por otra parte, estaba el ejército, la columna vertebral del Estado, el cual se mantuvo en posiciones claves de la economía egipcia, a través de los monopolios, pero también en las estructuras del poder político. [Français] [italiano] [English] [Português]

morsiout_2.jpg imageΟι δρόμοι της Αιγύπ&... 06:46 Tue 09 Jul by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Οι δρόμοι της Αιγύπτου είναι πιο ισχυροί από τα εκλογικά κέντρα [Français] [English] [Castellano] [Italiano]

egipto_golpe_1.jpg imageEgypt: Neither the religious-fascist pest, nor military anger! 21:11 Mon 08 Jul by Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

For more than 2 years, the counter-revolution in Egypt has been in the form of power sharing between 2 sectors of the state and the bourgeoisie. On the one side, the Muslim Brotherhood, which represents the spare wheel of the mercantile bourgeoisie and Western states to prevent any social revolution, were running civil affairs. [Français]

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imageNotes towards a history of Italian anarchism in Egypt (by Leonardo Bettini, translation) Jun 12 by Leonardo Bettini 0 comments

English translation of the overview of early Italian anarchists in Egypt, from Leonardo Bettini, "Bibliografia dell'anarchismo, volume 2, tomo 2: periodici e numeri unici anarchici in lingua italiana pubblicati all'estero (1872-1971)" (CP editrice, Firenze, 1976), translation by Nestor McNab. Via Lucien van der Walt. Lucien van der Walt note: This is NOT a history of anarchism in Egypt as a whole, least of all of its important impact on the Arabic-speaking and Greek population, which can be found in work by writers like Tony Gorman. Nonetheless it is valuable, and not previously widely available in English. Worth noting for contemporary reflection is the destructive role of I. Parrini's [aka "Un vecchio” aka L'Orso /"the Bear"],"anti-organizationalism in disorienting the movement in the late 1800s. This was overcome in the 1900s, a period of great advance for the movement in the country. There is also much of interest, even if incomplete, on the role in the unions and popular education, although it grossly underestimates the successes, especially among the indigenous.

imageEarly anarchist periodicals in Tunisia (by Leonardo Bettini, translation) Jan 08 by Leonardo Bettini 0 comments

English translation of the overview of early Italian-language anarchist periodicals in Tunisia, from Leonardo Bettini, "Bibliografia dell'anarchismo, volume 2, tomo 2: periodici e numeri unici anarchici in lingua italiana pubblicati all'estero (1872-1971)" (CP editrice, Firenze, 1976), translation by Nestor McNab. Via Lucien van der Walt.

imageEarly anarchist periodicals in Egypt (by Leonardo Bettini, translation) Jan 08 by Leonardo Bettini 0 comments

English translation of the overview of early Italian-language anarchist periodicals in Egypt, from Leonardo Bettini, "Bibliografia dell'anarchismo, volume 2, tomo 2: periodici e numeri unici anarchici in lingua italiana pubblicati all'estero (1872-1971)" (CP editrice, Firenze, 1976), translation by Nestor McNab. Via Lucien van der Walt.

textThe Narrative of the Egyptian revolution (2011-2013) in the documentary 'Al Midan' (The Square) Dec 13 by Sweatshirt 0 comments

This essay seeks to address the subject of the Egyptian revolution by following the narrative of the revolution in the 2013 documentary Al Midan (The Square) by Jehane Noujaim. [footnote: Jehane Noujaim. 2013. Al-Midan (The Square). [] The question under investigation here is: How is the revolution – its dynamics and its capacity – narrated in this piece of documentary film? Basically, I want to know, how the director and its narrators give meaning to this recent part of Egyptian history.

textSahara occidental Nov 11 by Commission internationale AL 0 comments

Derrière le rêve touristique, le Maroc est en réalité un Etat colon, qui maintient sa domination sur le territoire du peuple sahraoui, en lutte pour son indépendance. La résistance existe malgré la forte répression qui s’abat sur ses militantes et militants.

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imageEgitto: Comunicato Tahrir-ICN sulla messa fuori legge dei Fratelli Musulmani Jan 18 0 comments

Condanna della recente dichiarazione che individua nei Fratelli Musulmani in Egitto una organizzazione terroristica. [English]

imageEgypt: Tahrir-ICN statement on the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization Jan 04 0 comments

Comdemnation of the recent declaration of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a terrorist organization.

imageA rua egípcia mais forte que as urnas! Dec 20 AL 0 comments

O presente texto, traduzido para o português do Brasil, apresenta uma análise feita pelo grupo Alternative Libertarie - AL sobre a questão egípcia.
Propondo como o caminho para o povo egípcio, uma luta que se encaminhe desde as bases, desde a rua, até de modo mais global contra o imperialismo americano e o fascismo religioso que disputam incessantemente o poder. [Français]

imageEgitto: né con la peste clerico-fascista, né con l'ira dei militari! Jul 10 Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes 0 comments

Per più di 2 anni, in Egitto la contro-rivoluzione ha assunto il potere nella forma duale dello Stato e della borghesia. Da un lato, i Fratelli Musulmani, che rappresentano la ruota di scorta della borghesia mercantile e degli Stati occidentali per prevenire un'eventuale rivoluzione sociale, si erano presi la gestione degli affari sociali. [Français] [English] [Castellano] [Português]

imageEgito: Nem praga fascistas religiosos, sem raiva militar! Jul 09 Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes (Francia) 0 comments

Em mais de dois anos atrás, o contrtarrevolución no Egito manifestou na distribuição de poder entre os dois setores do Estado e da burguesia. Em primeiro lugar, é a Irmandade Muçulmana, que serviu como o Plano B burguesia comercial e os países ocidentais, a fim de evitar uma revolução social, era encarregado de assuntos políticos. Por outro lado, era o exército, a espinha dorsal do estado, que se manteve em posições-chave da economia egípcia através de monopólios, mas também nas estruturas de poder político. [Français] [italiano] [English] [Castellano]

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