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venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Monday November 26, 2012 - 22:21 by Juan Carlos Hurtado Fonseca
Movimiento sindical sufre un escalamiento de amenazas y atentados. Más de 400 amenazas en los últimos meses y 15 homicidios en el presente año, con una impunidad del 100%. Mientras gobierno habla de paz, estructuras paramilitares hacen metástasis. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 21, 2012 - 16:09 by Commercial, Stevedoring, Agricultural & Allied Workers Union   image 1 image
For over 2 weeks now, farmworkers in different areas of the Western Cape have been striking. This is a spontaneous strike driven by workers on the ground in response to decades and decades of brutality at the hands of farmers and a government that has thus far refused to listen to workers and transform the rural landscape characterised by dependency master-slave relations, racism, sexism, starvation wages and violations of the limited freedoms won from decades of working class struggle. Farmworkers do backbreaking work sometimes for 12 hours a day to produce food and wine for everybody in this country and countries overseas yet they are forced to work under unsafe and unhealthy conditions, to drink dirty water, live without electricity, live without toilet facilities, on poverty wages, suffer threats of evictions, and violent physical and verbal abuse and intimidation at the hands of the bosses.
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ireland / britain / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 14, 2012 - 23:02 by Cat Wiener
As a nation swooned over a Royal wedding costing an estimated £10 million+, it emerged that cleaners at Buckingham Palace earn only £6.45 an hour, well under the recommended London Living Wage of £7.85ph (shortly to rise to £8.30). ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday November 13, 2012 - 22:27 by Borroka Garaia
Si hay algo que ha sorprendido en mayor o menor medida a muchas de las personas que defendemos y apostamos por Euskal Herria como marco autónomo de la lucha de clases y que por consiguiente entendemos como positiva y necesaria una dinámica de combate soberana y sujeta a la realidad nacional vasca, ha sido la actitud de absolutamente todos los sindicatos vascos ante la jornada de lucha a escala europea convocada para el próximo miércoles. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Friday November 09, 2012 - 13:12 by Commercial, Stevedoring, Agricultural & Allied Workers Union   text 3 comments (last - sunday november 25, 2012 - 15:55)   image 1 image
The Leeuwenkuil farm in Agter-Paarl, Cape Town – one of largest farms in the Western Cape, which produces wine and olives, is one instance of the ongoing intimidation and attacks against workers by bosses on the farms. Here, the farmer, Willie Dreyer, is denying workers’ rights to freedom of association and freedom of speech. The farmer has intimidated workers by dismissing shop stewards and laying false charges of attempted murder against two farm workers, Amos White and Patrick Philander, and charges of assault against CSAAWU’s Assistant General Secretary, Karel Swart. The union has been denied access to the farm on weekends and after hours in the week on a number of occasions. We maintain that workers must be able to meet with any organization or person they choose to in their own time. It should not be the prerogative of the farmer to control workers’ own time and who they can and cannot meet. Workers and their families are standing behind their dismissed leaders. They are sharing what they have with each other – their pain and their strength. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Monday November 05, 2012 - 01:50 by Borroka Garaia
Para el próximo 14 de noviembre hay convocado un “día de acción y solidaridad” en Europa promovido por la CES ( Confederación Europea de Sindicatos) bajo el lema “No a la austeridad, empleo y solidaridad en Europa”. Una protesta de bajo perfil ideológico que intenta “rescatar” el supuesto estado de bienestar en los estados europeos que en sus palabras erosiona el supuesto “modelo social europeo (sic)” de la UE. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / workplace struggles / other libertarian press Saturday October 27, 2012 - 19:30 by Sindicato de Enseñanza e Intervención Social

6 de noviembre, 13:30h, Edificio de Alumnos de la Universidad Complutense.
8 de noviembre, 13:30h, Rectorado de la Universidad Autónoma. (Ante la convocatoria de huelga para ese día puede suspenderse)

13 de noviembre, 12:00h, Rectorado de la Universidad Carlos III (Asamblea). ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Sunday October 21, 2012 - 11:16 by Jared Sacks
The coverage of the Marikana massacre seems to start with the mass killings of 16 August. But that’s not where, or how the violence started, and it wasn’t rivalry between unions, either. Rewind a few days and prepare for goosebumps: you’ll find a web of conspiracy around two murders which were not reported in the media and ended in no arrests, but scared the living daylights out of the workers before the weeks of horror started. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / workplace struggles / other libertarian press Sunday October 21, 2012 - 00:16 by Sindicato de Enseñanza e Intervención Social
Los/as trabajadores/as de la Intervención Social llevamos años en un limbo luchando por tener un justo marco legal y unos derechos dignos a través de un convenio que posibilite ejercer una lucha eficiente y dignifique nuestra profesión, así como nuestra intervención y acción social con aquellas personas empujadas por las desigualdades sociales al abismo de la exclusión. Siempre en nuestro sector se ha trabajado con convenios ajenos a nuestra actividad, como oficinas y despachos, y otros más cercanos, como enseñanza no reglada. Sin embargo, el que no exista un marco legal sobre el cual defendernos de cualquier agresión, tanto de la patronal, como de la administración, en base a despidos, externalizaciones, privatizaciones etc, hace que la administración, la patronal y los sindicatos mayoritarios estén disgregando el sector en múltiples convenios, separando todas nuestras reclamaciones y aumentando la división existente, creando susceptibilidad y envidia entre todos/as nosotros/as, en vez de unificar todos los criterios y unirnos en contra de los ataques que nos afectan tan negativamente tanto a trabajadores/as, como a usuarios/as.
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italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / altra stampa libertaria Monday October 01, 2012 - 17:11 by Centro Documentazione Antagonista - La Talpa
Uno schieramento vario e composito delle sinistre, Di Pietro, Vendola, Ferrero, Diliberto, Bonelli, la Fiom, Alba, due giuslavoristi come Romagnoli e Alleva, altri pezzetti della CGIL, tra cui Gianpaolo Patta e Gianni Rinaldini, ha costituito il Comitato Promotore che ha depositato in Cassazione questi due quesiti referendari relativi all'art.18 L.300/70 (Statuto dei Lavoratori) e dell'art.8 L.138 bis (Manovra Finanziaria). A sostegno di questi Referendum si stanno accodando altri soggetti della sinistra politica, sociale e sindacale. La nostra non sarà un'analisi completa del problema, proviamo però a presentare alcuni aspetti critici secondo noi importanti e, possibilmente contribuire ad una riflessione più generale. Certo queste riflessioni sono un punto di vista di parte, di alcuni compagni attivi sui propri posti di lavoro e nel territorio. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / workplace struggles / other libertarian press Friday September 28, 2012 - 06:32 by Sindicato de Enseñanza e Intervención Social
El Sindicato de Enseñanza e Intervención Social de CNT-AIT Madrid ha mostrado reiteradamente su apoyo a la Asamblea por la Huelga Indefinida que ha organizado todo lo relativo a dicha iniciativa en toda la enseñanza pública en este inicio de curso. ... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / stampa non anarchica Thursday September 20, 2012 - 20:21 by FIOM-CGIL Nazionale   image 1 image
E' urgente che la FIAT dica la verità sullo stato degli investimenti sui modelli, sulla saturazione degli impianti e sull’occupazione in Italia. Serve che il Governo non aspetti «telefonate», non chieda chiarimenti su un piano che, per stessa ammissione dell’azienda, non c’è più, serve invece che il governa dica con chiarezza se considera la difesa e lo sviluppo dell’impresa automobilistica in Iitalia strategico per il nostro paese. ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday September 11, 2012 - 00:19 by USO
La Unión Sindical Obrera de la Industria del Petróleo –USO-, ha liderado desde mediados de 2011 los conflictos laborales que se han generado con la multinacional Pacific Rubiales Energy en el campo rubiales y otras multinacionales que se encuentran en el Departamento del Meta. En la actualidad se desarrolla un conflicto laboral desde el 14 de junio de 2012, con la empresa transnacional CEPCOLSA, filial de CEPSA en Colombia. La USO se ha encontrado con una negativa total a ser reconocida como representante de los trabajadores por parte de la contratista TERMOTECNICA COINDUSTRIAL S.A., así como de ECOPETROL que es la empresa Estatal y la mayor accionista de estos campos. ... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / altra stampa libertaria Thursday September 06, 2012 - 20:49 by Coordinamento lavoratrici e lavoratori autoconvocati
Tre delegati dell’USB sono stati oggetto della richiesta di un provvedimento disciplinare di licenziamento senza preavviso, accusati di aver rotto il “rapporto di fiducia” solo per aver espresso il proprio dissenso sui piani aziendali. Ossia per aver svolto il proprio legittimo ruolo per cui, tra l’altro, sono in regime di distacco! ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Wednesday August 29, 2012 - 23:42 by José Camargo
El Magisterio Colombiano al lado de la Comunidad Educativa se prepara para una nueva jornada de lucha el próximo 4 Y 5 de Septiembre. La Fecode la ubica dentro del contexto de la Defensa de la Educación Pública. El Gobierno Santos sigue empecinado en su tarea de privatizar la Educación Pública, con la consigna de que es política de Estado, no se negocia. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Thursday August 23, 2012 - 21:38 by Leonard Gentle
The story of Marikana has so far been painted shallowly as an inter-union spat. In the first few days after the fateful Thursday and the shock and horror of watching people being massacred on TV there have correctly been howls of anger and grief. Of course no one wants to take responsibility because to do so would be to acknowledge blame. Some pundits have even gone the way of warning at anyone “pointing figures” or “stoking anger.” That buffoon, Julius Malema, stepped forward as if scripted, and promptly lent credibility to those warnings. So Jacob Zuma's setting up of an inquiry and his call for a week of mourning for the deceased and their families could come across as “statesmanlike.” ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday August 21, 2012 - 21:54 by SINALTRAINAL
Un grupo de trabajadores colombianos de GM Colmotores entraron su tercera semana en huelga de hambre con preocupaciones sobre su salud.

Trece trabajadores y extrabajadores de GM están en huelga, con cuatro en su tercera semana sin comida. Siete de los trece cosieron las bocas cerradas. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday August 21, 2012 - 03:15 by Chris Rodrigues
By the time you read these words, the miners of Marikana will have long crossed the river Styx. Contemplate dear reader: These men with dirt in their pockets, their ears ringing with the noise of exploding lead, the holes through their bodies. ... read full story / add a comment
südliches afrika / arbeitskämpfe / nichtanarchistische presse Monday August 20, 2012 - 12:00 by Abahlali baseMjondolo
2010 und 2011 hatten bastatistas vom Wuppertaler Recht auf Stadt Bündnis zweimal Aktivisten und Aktivistinnen der Bewegung der HüttendorfbewohnerInnen – Abahlali baseMjondolo – aus dem südafrikanischen Durban zu Gast, Seither besteht ein guter solidarischer Kontakt nach Südafrika. Nun erreichte uns eine Pressemitteilung von Abahlali baseMjondolo zum grauenvollen Massaker, das die südafrikanische Polizei in der letzten Woche an streikenden Minenarbeitern verübt hat. Für Abahlali baseMjondolo ist laut PM nun endgültig Schluss mit allen illusionen über die ANC-Regierung. Sie erklären, dass sie den Krieg, der gegen die Armen geführt wird, nun annehmen werden.

basta! und das Soli-Komitee Wuppertal erklären auf diesem Weg ihre Solidarität mit den streikenden Minenarbeitern und mit unseren Freunden und Freundinnen von AbM. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Thursday August 16, 2012 - 23:45 by syndicalistnyc
Statement by Metalworkers, NUMSA, on allegations of South African state union deregistration of NUMSA.

Interesting information on what seems to be on-going struggles between their (the unions) maintaining their alliance with the State (the Triple Alliance) and the needs of the working class. ... read full story / add a comment
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