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Διεθνή / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday October 12, 2023 06:55 byTommy Lawson   text 1 comment (last - wednesday october 25, 2023 19:29)

Επιπλέον, οι κοοπερατίβες δε θα πρέπει να στοχεύουν στο κράτος να ενσωματώσει τους εργαζόμενους στη διοίκηση. Οι ουσιαστικές κατακτήσεις των εργατών θα είναι το αποτέλεσμα του αγώνα που δίνουν στους χώρους εργασίας, μέσα από μορφές άμεσης δράσης που έρχονται σε ευθεία αντιπαράθεση με το κεφάλαιο. Οι σοσιαλιστές που στρέφονται στην εργασία σε συνεταιρισμούς μπορεί κάλλιστα να είναι σοσιαλιστές στην καρδιά και την πρόθεση, αλλά δεν ακολουθούν επαναστατική στρατηγική.

Κάθε τόσο το ζήτημα των κοοπερατίβων εγείρεται στο επαναστατικό σοσιαλιστικό κίνημα. Αισιόδοξες θέσεις υποστηρίζουν ότι οι συνεταιρισμοί μπορούν να αποτελέσουν τη βάση για την αντικατάσταση του καπιταλισμού με μια νέα οικονομία που θα βασίζεται στην αλληλεγγύη και την εργασία, όπου οι εργαζόμενοι θα έχουν τον «έλεγχο». Μάλιστα, αυτές οι απόψεις υποστηρίζουν ότι οι κοοπερατίβες αποτελούν ζωτικό μέρος της επαναστατικής στρατηγικής. Αυτές οι θέσεις έχουν διατυπωθεί ήδη στο παρελθόν, υπάρχουν στο παρόν και θα αναπαράγονται και στο μέλλον. Ωστόσο, τα θετικά χαρακτηριστικά των συνεταιρισμών δεν μπορούν να αντικαταστήσουν την επαναστατική στρατηγική και την οικοδόμηση της δύναμης της εργατικής τάξης ενάντια στον καπιταλισμό.

Οι συζητήσεις σχετικά με τον ρόλο των συνεταιρισμών στην επαναστατική στρατηγική μπορούν να ανιχνευθούν πίσω στη δεκαετία του 1850 και στην Α’ Διεθνή, όταν οι μουτουαλιστές όπως ο Πιέρ Ζοζέφ Προυντόν και ο κομμουνιστής Τσαρλ Μπίσλεϊ υποστήριζαν τις συνεταιριστικές οικονομίες. Πίστευαν ότι καθώς οι εργάτες συγκέντρωναν τα δικά τους κεφάλαια και τα επένδυαν από κοινού, οι συνεταιρισμοί θα μπορούσαν σιγά-σιγά να αντικαταστήσουν τις ατομικές καπιταλιστικές επιχειρήσεις. Ενώ πρότειναν μια ποικιλία σχεδίων, για να κάνουν αυτό το σχέδιο να καρποφορήσει, η πραγματικότητα ήταν ότι το κεφάλαιο δεν μπορούσε να προσαρμοστεί, για να εξυπηρετήσει την εργατική τάξη. Οι ρεφορμιστικές θέσεις των μουτουαλιστών αμφισβητήθηκαν από ανθρώπους όπως ο Ζοζέφ Ντεζάκ και ο Ευγένιος Βαρλέν, οι οποίοι κατανοούσαν ότι το κεφάλαιο πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστεί και να ανατραπεί με μαχητικό, ένοπλο αγώνα της εργατικής τάξης.

Σήμερα στην Αυστραλία οι θιασώτες της συνεταιριστικής οικονομίας αναφέρονται στην Earthworker. Η Earthworker κατασκευάζει «συσκευές και εξαρτήματα ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας» και βλέπει τον εαυτό της ως «μέρος της διασφάλισης μιας δίκαιης μετάβασης για τις κοινότητες που επηρεάζονται από τη μετάβαση από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα στις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας…» Αυτό ισχύει τουλάχιστον για το αρχικό εγχείρημα της Earthworker, η οποία ανέλαβε ένα εργοστάσιο που έκλεισε μετά το τέλος της βιομηχανίας ηλεκτροπαραγωγής από άνθρακα στην κοιλάδα Λα Τρόουμπ, στη Βικτώρια. Η Earthworker έχει έκτοτε επεκταθεί σε υπηρεσίες καθαρισμού και είναι ανοιχτή στην επέκταση σε νέα έργα.

Η Earthworker σημειώνει ότι «πιστεύει ότι η κοινωνική και η περιβαλλοντική εκμετάλλευση είναι αλληλένδετες και ότι τα προβλήματα της κλιματικής αλλαγής, της εργασιακής ανασφάλειας και της αυξανόμενης ανισότητας πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστούν ταυτόχρονα, μέσω μεγαλύτερης από τα κάτω οικονομικής ιδιοκτησίας». Ωστόσο, πρέπει να τεθεί το ερώτημα πόσο μακριά φτάνει η «μεγαλύτερη από τα κάτω οικονομική ιδιοκτησία» απέναντι στη γιγαντιαία δύναμη της βιομηχανίας ορυκτών καυσίμων και των διεθνών εταιρειών. Η δύναμη μερικών εργαζομένων που είναι ενωμένοι σε μια μικρή επιχείρηση ωχριά απέναντι στο οργανωμένο εργατικό κίνημα, δηλαδή τη μοναδική δύναμη που μπορεί να αντιμετωπίσει το κεφάλαιο. Ιστορικά, ακόμη και όταν οι εργαζόμενοι ενώνουν τους πόρους τους και προσπαθούν να δημιουργήσουν «εναλλακτικές» οικονομίες, αυτές καταλήγουν είτε να αποτυγχάνουν είτε να αναγκάζονται να προσαρμοστούν στις παραδοσιακές επιχειρηματικές πρακτικές, προκειμένου να είναι ανταγωνιστικές.

Όλα αυτά δεν έχουν σκοπό να υποτιμήσουν τις προσπάθειες ούτε τους ανθρώπους που συμμετέχουν σε μια συνεταιριστική επιχείρηση όπως η Earthworker. Η γέννηση της Earthworker ήταν μια οργανική απάντηση στην απώλεια θέσεων εργασίας και στην κάλυψη μιας κενής θέσης στην αγορά. Εντούτοις, τμήματα της ριζοσπαστικής αριστεράς στην Αυστραλία και η υποστήριξή της στις κοοπερατίβες πρέπει πάραυτα να επικριθούν. Στο τελευταίο πρόγραμμα των Σοσιαλιστών της Βικτώριας, στη θεματική ενότητα «Εργαζόμενοι και συνδικάτα» παρουσιάζεται μια πολιτική που στοχεύει στην «εισαγωγή μέτρων που ενθαρρύνουν τον εργατικό έλεγχο και τη συμμετοχή των εργαζομένων στη λήψη αποφάσεων στον χώρο εργασίας…» μέσω νομικών μεταρρυθμίσεων που διασφαλίζουν ότι οι εργαζόμενοι λαμβάνουν δικαιώματα διοίκησης, μερίδιο στα κέρδη και το πρόσθετο μέτρο της επιβολής υψηλότερων φόρων μισθοδοσίας στις μη συνεργατικές επιχειρήσεις. Θα προσφέρουν, επίσης, φορολογικές ελαφρύνσεις στους συνεταιρισμούς ενθαρρύνοντάς τους ως «κανονική μορφή ιδιωτικής επιχείρησης». Λες και η εργατική τάξη επωφελείται από την ιδιωτική επιχειρηματικότητα και τον περισσότερο ανταγωνισμό!1 Ο σοσιαλισμός της αγοράς μπορεί να προκύψει από μια ατελή ή αποτυχημένη προσπάθεια επανάστασης, αλλά δεν είναι κάτι για το οποίο πρέπει να αγωνιστούμε ενεργά.

Τέτοιες ιδέες είναι πραγματικά άσχετες με το σημερινό πλαίσιο της οικονομίας και της ταξικής πάλης. Ο καπιταλισμός έχει ήδη αναπτύξει τόσο τεράστιες παραγωγικές δυνάμεις, ώστε μια μελλοντική επανάσταση θα πρέπει να λάβει σοβαρά υπόψη της το καθήκον της κατάργησης της παραγωγής για ανταλλακτική αξία. Τα εμπορεύματα που παράγονται για μια αγορά εξακολουθούν να απαιτούν από τον εργάτη να υπόκειται στην έλλειψη ορθολογικού σχεδιασμού. Ως αποτέλεσμα, πρέπει να «πειθαρχήσουν» τον εαυτό τους αποδεχόμενοι μειώσεις μισθών και αυξήσεις στην ένταση της εργασίας, προκειμένου να διατηρήσουν ένα ανταγωνιστικό καθεστώς στην αγορά. Ακόμη και αν αυτές οι αποφάσεις λαμβάνονται δημοκρατικά, δεν υπάρχει πραγματική ανατροπή των καπιταλιστικών σχέσεων.

Όπως σημείωσε ο Καρλ Μαρξ στην Κριτική του Προγράμματος της Γκότα, οι κοοπερατίβες, που ιδρύθηκαν στον αγώνα με την κατάληψη των καπιταλιστικών επιχειρήσεων, έχουν «αξία μόνο στον βαθμό που είναι ανεξάρτητο δημιούργημα των εργατών και όχι προστατευόμενοι είτε της κυβέρνησης είτε των αστών». Έτσι, το μεταβατικό πρόγραμμα ενός πολιτικού κόμματος που θέλει να εντάξει τους εργαζόμενους στη διαχείριση του κράτους και της καπιταλιστικής οικονομίας δεν είναι επαναστατικό. Σε ένα άρθρο του 1897 στην εφημερίδα L’Agitazione, με τίτλο «Οι πειραματικές αναρχικές αποικίες», ο Ερρίκο Μαλατέστα σημείωνε, επίσης, την αντίφαση πως όσοι ζουν ή εργάζονται σε συνεταιριστικές σχέσεις πρέπει αναγκαστικά να πειθαρχήσουν, προκειμένου να διατηρήσουν το κέρδος, παρέχοντας έτσι φτηνή εργασία στην αγορά, η οποία υποτιμά το υπόλοιπο προλεταριάτο.

Επομένως, το ζήτημα των θετικών ή αρνητικών πτυχών των συνεταιρισμών είναι αμφισβητήσιμο. Ακόμα και αν η εργασία των ατόμων μπορεί να μετασχηματιστεί ελαφρώς με το να έχουν δικαίωμα ψήφου για τις μεθόδους και τους στόχους της παραγωγής, η ίδια η φύση των συνεταιρισμών ως θεσμών για την παραγωγή εμπορευμάτων τούς καθιστά ένα επαναστατικό αδιέξοδο. Ακόμα και οι επιχειρήσεις που καταλαμβάνονται από τους εργάτες κατά τη διάρκεια του αγώνα και μετατρέπονται σε συνεταιριστική παραγωγή αντιμετωπίζουν αδιέξοδο, αν ο ευρύτερος αγώνας σε ολόκληρη την κοινωνία δε συνεχίσει να προχωράει μπροστά. Έτσι, αν και αλληλένδετες, οι υποκειμενικές και αντικειμενικές συνθήκες της καπιταλιστικής κρίσης και της σοσιαλιστικής συνείδησης αναδεικνύονται περισσότερο από τη συνεχιζόμενη σύγκρουση και την ταξική πάλη ενάντια στις υπάρχουσες συνθήκες παρά από τη συνεταιριστική παραγωγή.

Δύο μικρά παραδείγματα μπορούν να καταδείξουν την επαναστατική θέση. Κατά τη διάρκεια του Biennio Rosso (Κόκκινη Διετία) της Ιταλίας, εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες εργάτες κατέλαβαν τα εργοστάσια στη βόρεια Ιταλία. Οι επαναστάτες αναρχικοί της Ιταλικής Αναρχικής Ένωσης (UAI) και της Ιταλικής Συνδικαλιστικής Ένωσης (USI) σημείωσαν ότι τα κατειλημμένα εργοστάσια στα χέρια των ίδιων των εργατών δεν αποτελούσαν από τη φύση τους μια επαναστατική κατάσταση. Το καπιταλιστικό κράτος πρέπει να αμφισβητηθεί και να ανατραπεί. Υποστήριξαν ότι οι εργάτες πρέπει να ξαναρχίσουν την παραγωγή, προκειμένου να τραφούν όλοι. Άλλωστε, η επανάσταση δε γίνεται από τη μια μέρα στην άλλη. Όμως, οι Ιταλοί εργάτες χρειάζονταν όπλα και οργάνωση, για να προωθήσουν περαιτέρω τον αγώνα. Δυστυχώς τους απογοήτευσαν άλλες αριστερές οργανώσεις, οι οποίες αρνήθηκαν να προχωρήσουν τις απεργίες περαιτέρω ή να οργανωθούν, για να οπλίσουν τους εργάτες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της πλειοψηφίας των μαρξιστών.

Το 1969 η κατασταλτική κυβέρνηση της Ουρουγουάης θέσπισε εργατικούς νόμους με στόχο την κατάρριψη της μαχητικής συνδικαλιστικής οργάνωσης σε όλη τη βιομηχανία επεξεργασίας κρέατος. Ο μεγάλος συνεταιρισμός El Cerro Refrigeration Establishment υποστήριξε τις μεταρρυθμίσεις, επιχειρώντας παράλληλα να διαλύσει τα συνδικάτα. Ως απάντηση, τα συνδικάτα που επηρεάστηκαν σε μεγάλο βαθμό από την Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία της Ουρουγουάης (FAU) δημιούργησαν ένα καμπ έξω από τον συνεταιρισμό, ξεκίνησαν απεργίες σε όλη τη βιομηχανία και κατέλαβαν τους χώρους εργασίας τους. Οι συνεταιρισμοί παρουσιάζονται συχνά ως ένα πιθανό «συμπλήρωμα» στον αγώνα των εργαζομένων. Όμως, το 1969 στην Ουρουγουάη υπονόμευσαν ανοιχτά το εργατικό κίνημα. Έτσι, ενώ η El Cerro Refrigeration υπονόμευε την εργατική αλληλεγγύη, η FAU απάντησε μέσω της Οργάνωσης Εργαζομένων-Σπουδαστών (ROE), για να συγκεντρώσει κεφάλαια, να δημιουργήσει οδοφράγματα και να πολεμήσει την αστυνομία. Η ROE ήταν μια στρατηγική μαζική οργάνωση που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως πραγματικό συμπλήρωμα της ταξικής πάλης, κινητοποίησε κοινωνικούς τομείς εκτός των συνδικάτων, για να βοηθήσει στην κλιμάκωση της ταξικής πάλης. Αυτές οι τακτικές ήταν μέρος μιας μακροπρόθεσμης στρατηγικής για την ανάπτυξη της ταξικής συνείδησης και την οικοδόμηση της αντιπαράθεσης με το κράτος και την προετοιμασία για την ανατροπή του καπιταλισμού.

Η ιστορικά αισιόδοξη θέση ότι οι συνεταιρισμοί θα μπορούσαν να οικοδομήσουν μια εναλλακτική λύση στον καπιταλισμό ή να διαδραματίσουν σημαντικό ρόλο στη μετάβαση είναι ακόμη πιο περιττή σήμερα. Αντίθετα, οι επαναστάτες έχουν την ευθύνη να αναπτύξουν και να δεσμευτούν σε στρατηγικές κατάλληλες για την ανατροπή του κράτους και του κεφαλαίου. Οι συνεταιρισμοί μπορεί να διαδραματίσουν θετικό ρόλο σε κοινότητες όπου το κεφάλαιο δεν παρέχει τα αναγκαία αγαθά ή μπορεί να δημιουργηθούν με την κατάληψη ενός καπιταλιστικού χώρου εργασίας κατά τη διάρκεια μιας περιόδου έντονης ταξικής πάλης. Αυτές είναι απολύτως λογικές καταστάσεις, αλλά οι επαναστάτες θα πρέπει να βρίσκονται μαζί με τη μάζα των εργαζομένων βοηθώντας στην οργάνωση του αγώνα και στην προώθηση του ταξικού πολέμου. Επιπλέον, οι κοοπερατίβες δε θα πρέπει να στοχεύουν στο κράτος να ενσωματώσει τους εργαζόμενους στη διοίκηση. Οι ουσιαστικές κατακτήσεις των εργατών θα είναι το αποτέλεσμα του αγώνα που δίνουν στους χώρους εργασίας, μέσα από μορφές άμεσης δράσης που έρχονται σε ευθεία αντιπαράθεση με το κεφάλαιο. Οι σοσιαλιστές που στρέφονται στην εργασία σε συνεταιρισμούς μπορεί κάλλιστα να είναι σοσιαλιστές στην καρδιά και την πρόθεση, αλλά δεν ακολουθούν επαναστατική στρατηγική.


1. Αυτό γίνεται πιο παράλογο από την πολιτική μιας Λαϊκής Τράπεζας, η οποία θα προσφέρει άτοκα δάνεια σε συνεταιριστικές επιχειρήσεις. Ο Προυντόν, και όχι ο Μαρξ, φαίνεται τελικά ότι «κέριδσε»

Πηγή: Red & Black Notes

russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / news report Wednesday October 11, 2023 22:55 byAssembly   text 3 comments (last - monday april 08, 2024 22:22)

Full original version:
First published on Libcom:

News about the latest militaristic and repressive measures has been flowing in such a stream for weeks that it sometimes interrupts attention to events at the front. There is an increasing impression that the Kremlin and the Office of Zelensky are starting to fight not so much with each other, but with those who do not want to fulfill their “duty to their homeland.” The Ukrainian parliament will soon consider bill No. 10062 on a unified electronic register of conscripts and those liable for military service – modeled on the neighboring chamber, where summons will now be considered served from the moment they appear in it. The Ministry of Defense allowed to draft into the Armed Forces of Ukraine those who are of limited fitness due to hepatitis, cured tuberculosis, asymptomatic HIV, mental problems, etc. Bill No. 9672 proposes to cancel the deferment from the army for recipients of the second higher education, post-graduate students and those who first attended the university after 30 years. Doctors are being stormed with large-scale checks for trading in disability documents. Women from among medical staff and pharmacists will be registered with the military from October 1st, and those who have a military record will have to update their data; after the launch of the e-register, they can be screened out when trying to leave Ukraine. Threats of extradition and punishment to men who went abroad, deceiving the authorities (as the authorities themselves did to them all their lives). The Border Guard Service of Ukraine has already begun to publicly show “educational work” with violators of the western border, forcing them to listen to the anthem and the priest’s sermon, after which they are handed over to the enlistment officers. To detect such citizens in the bushes, the border patrols began using drones with thermal imaging cameras, supposedly so necessary for the front. Then, presumably, they will start to drop grenades or hunting nets on the migrants. In turn, the deputy head of the Russian Guard in Donetsk, former separatist field commander Alexander Khodakovsky called for the creation of barrier detachments for Russian soldiers – because “many are ready to wait from prison for their loved one, who threw away their weapons and refused to fight, just so as not to die.”

Against such an informational background, the story of a Kharkov resident at the military recruitment office of Staryi Sambir in the Lviv region received a huge resonance. This is not the first time that they tried to send into the army those captured trying to escape from the “country of dreams”, this time the mobilizers just did a little less work and video records were transferred to bloggers, instantly exploding social networks with anger. The inmate was kept there from September 12th to 19th, beaten on the head with a pistol, starved, not provided with medical care, threatened with death and that “the police would not look for him.” Even before this video, hardly many people doubted that the cops act in conjunction with the enlistment kidnappers, while the State Bureau of Investigation reported on the 19th that the deputy chief of one of the departments in the Sambir districtal recruitment center and its driver are detained. They face up to 10 years in prison under Part 3 of Art. 406 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code (violation of statutory rules, relationships by military personnel using weapons). The Bureau requested that both be taken into custody without bail; the court in Lviv sent them under round-the-clock house arrest for 2 months. The National Agency on Corruption Prevention has found suspicious property worth 4.4 million hryvnias owned by the chief of the same facility. Of course, even if they are found guilty and imprisoned, it will not change anything systemically – power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The investigation established that the suspects illegally detained at least two men – residents of Kharkov and Krivoy Rog. After being detained by border guards during unauthorized crossing the border with Poland, they were taken to the enlistment office, where the servicemen tried to force them to go through the medical examination. One of these refusers was kept for 10 days, another one for 7 days.

The resident of Krivoy Rog says that his name is Roman Kuzmenko, born November 12, 1985. Our compatriot is 43 years old and he was hospitalized with a concussion; he introduces himself as Vadim Spokoynyi (Ukrainian spelling – Vadym Spokiynyi). “Vadym is an animator. His stage name is Max. The first weeks Vadym was in Kharkiv – he volunteered a lot, helped people, tried to entertain children in bomb shelters so that they would not be so sad and scared. Later, he moved to Staryi Sambir with his acquaintance Dina. They didn't have a home here, so they temporarily lived in a van near the river. I helped them find accommodation. Later, his father also moved in with Vadym, he has a disability, does not walk much, is practically bedridden. His father somehow found the strength to come to the Military Commissariat. But they didn't let him in. They didn't even let me see each other. It's terrible. He is not a criminal and is not in a pre-trial detention center”, his local comrade Sofia Ryzhenko told the LMN newsletter. She does not know whether Vadim has official guardianship over his father. “Can you imagine what it's like to be an animator and work with children? He is very kind, harmless. Well, how can you force a person to sign that he will go to war, if he is afraid of it or cannot?”, the girl asks a rhetorical question. The fact that he, with such a peaceful character, showed an iron will and managed to withstand many days of attempts to break him is what is most shocking in this situation.

Those living in Staryi Sambir note that this is not the first case of such imprisonment of citizens by the enlistment officers. And, as a Kharkov resident named Ivan shared with us on September 20th, hell was going on there long before the full-scale Russian aggression:

“I got into this recruitment center in 2016. I almost got beaten there too. Barely escaped. They even wanted to send me then to the ATO [Anti-Terrorist Operation, the official name for hostilities in Donbass], despite the fact that I had a referral for a surgery in Kharkov. They said I didn't need surgery. I was registered there, went to sign up through the enlistment office, I had documents that I was undergoing surgery, and receipts for payment. Two drunk doctors came (like a medical commission). They said I didn't need surgery. They decided so without practically examining it. They said that the ATO would be just right for me, since I go to the gym and am in good physical shape. I said that I would probably refuse and am informed a little about my rights. They fucked my brain for a very long time and didn’t hand over the documents, and I also communicated in Russian. This really threw them up. Military commissars generally communicated as with cattle. Like you're pissing to go to the ATO, etc., etc. Although they themselves saw this ATO only on television. Something like this, in short.”

The Ukrainian public is more and more asking the question: how does this state with such everyday practices differ from the Russian one? In particular, Yevgenia, the wife of the Russian mobilized Yevgeniy P. from military unit 61899, turned to the Russian liberal pacifists ASTRA. For refusing to go to the assault with injuries, he and other soldiers were sent to the basement in Zaytsevo (a village controlled by the so-called “Lugansk People’s Republic” near the Kharkov region), where they are threatened and forced to continue fighting. The detainee told his wife about this on September 18th by phone, after which contact with him disappeared. In May, in Bakhmut, he received a fragment wound in the leg, due to which he was sent to the hospital. However, Yevgeniy was not given aid there; the fragment was not removed, his wife says. He was sent home for rehabilitation for a month. A month later, the commander changed, the new one sent a unit to Naro-Fominsk near Moscow. The entire company with wounds was locked in the barracks and kept there for a week. The surgeon then concluded that they could all continue to fight despite their injuries. They were taken in the direction of Svatovo and abandoned in the forest without any means of subsistence. “My relatives and I cut off all the hotlines, reached the head of the unit, but our requests and prayers for the salvation of the guys are simply ignored, citing the fact that, they say, there is a war, etc. This is just madness and absurdity, the boys with wounds were thrown just like cannon fodder!”, the woman told this media.

Ukraine is a prison of the people. Russia is a prison of the peoples. That's all the difference.

bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / movimiento anarquista / debate Thursday October 05, 2023 02:24 byAsamblea Anarquista Valparaíso y Federación Anarquista Santiago   text 2 comments (last - tuesday april 16, 2024 16:00)

En el marco de los 50 años del golpe cívico-militar en los territorios dominados por el Estado chileno, realizaremos, en la ciudad de Santiago y en Valparaíso, un foro conversatorio en el que compartiremos nuestras reflexiones sobre lo que significó el golpe para nuestra clase y la organización popular, así como sobre los desafíos y tareas del anarquismo hoy

Los desafíos y tareas del anarquismo

Viernes 30 de septiembre // 18:00 hrs
Lugar: Vicuña Mackenna 636 - TRASOL

Viernes 6 de octubre // 18:00 hrs
Lugar: Calle Clave 437 - FLORA

Asamblea Anarquista Valparaíso
Federación Anarquista Santiago

international / anarchist movement / interview Wednesday October 04, 2023 23:52 byJurnal mapa   text 2 comments (last - saturday april 06, 2024 07:18)

União Libertária, a group of young libertarians in Portugal, came into contact with militants of the Tekosîna Anarsîst (TA, Anarchist Struggle in Kurdish), present in Rojava, in northeastern Syria. This is a militant conversation around the reflections of this voluntary anarchist group around justice, art, religion and what it is to be "revolutionary". TA, in addition to having participated in the difficult fight against the forces of the Islamic State (ISIS), currently also functions as a unit of combat medics, assists in agricultural work and plays an educational role.

1 – We have seen statements about the work of TA outside of the battlefield, from medical support to education. This second one is of great interest to us, could you please clarify a bit on how you proceed with educational campaigns, not only amongst yourselves but also with local communities? Are there any lessons you wish to share about the role (and process) of revolutionary education? How do you see pedagogy as not only a tool, but also a space within the struggles you must face?

Education is what builds the foundations of a new society. It is often our best tool to defend ourselves and our communities. The kurdish liberation movement values education a lot, and this also brought us to reflect on our approach. In rojava it is a common practice to join educations of several months, where militants from different places have no other work than learn and develop. This is not a new practice from rojava, the kurdish movement has been working on their educational methods for decades. Joining some of those educations, we also noticed how much our understanding of education is connected to school, university and other state systems. And how much we should develop our own educational programs, shaped by our own political views and values. In this, the pedagogy of the oppressed of Paulo Freire can give very important perspectives.

Revolutionary education can be everything we do, if we learn from it in an organized way. Closed educations allow us to work deeper on one topic, like learning about the philosophy and political views of Abdullah Ocalan, study the proposals of Makhno or Malatesta about organized anarchism and the different attempts to put it in practice, or learn about first aid and medical care during war situations. But this also has to come with practice, which is often the best education, like when we work in society with our kurdish, arab and other comrades, when we build our organization day to day, or when we work as combat medics in the front lines. Theory brings knowledge and helps to build understanding and confidence, but is practical work what builds our experience.

Some knowledge we carry with us, is scarce here, and is important to collectivize it. We have been running educations of first aid and tactical field care to kurdish, arab and armenian comrades. We also shared our knowledge and experiences among ourselves, sometimes in short seminar formats sometimes in longer closed educations. This helped us to build our capacities and a common frame as organization, practically as well as ideologically. With time, our methods and systems of education are getting more adapted to our needs, reflecting not only of what we want to teach and learn but also how we want to do it. For some comrades it is helpful to read or listen a seminar for several ours, for others is better to do things and learn on practice. We try to keep this in mind but also challenge ourselves, like by encouraging comrades that are more familiar with academic areas to work on the ground, and push for ideological development and theoretical works with those more oriented to field work.

2- In previous statements you have discussed the need for revolutionaries to disengage from individualistic, selfish mindsets, as well as issues of ego when dealing with comrades and organization. How have you within TA managed to deal with such mindsets? We recognize this view, where anarchism and revolutionary struggle continuously straddle a difficult line between lifestyle and commodity, not allowing us to build meaningful relations on the march to liberation. Are there any lessons or warnings from your own activities that can be parted?

That is a very difficult question, because it is one of the main challenges we face. Anarchism has always discussed the contradictions between individual militants and the need revolutionary organizations. We are working to balance those points, because we see very important arguments to be made on both sides. As many anarchists before us, we reached the conclusion that organization is a necessity, not as an aim in itself but as a means to an end. We don’t accept unnecessary hierarchies and we value the individuality of our militants, often referring to the idea that “there is no organization without militants, there is no militant without organization”. With this we also want to point out the importance of individual responsibility towards the organization, as well as collective responsibility of the organization towards the individuals.

Becoming a militant of a revolutionary organization comes with individual and collective contradictions. The main aspects of our personalities have been shaped by the societies we have grown up in. Life in capitalist modernity relies on individualization. In school, in the work place, in the media we consume, we are told that individual freedom is everything that matters. “Your freedom ends where the freedom of other starts” is often the main idea running our societies. It denies collective belonging and it promotes individualist mindset and values. Is therefore no surprise that individualist anarchism manage to thrive in those capitalist societies we come from, because it connects with those individualist values that liberalism promotes. We want to challenge that. We believe our only way out is solidarity and mutual aid, and for this we have to challenge the deeply rooted individualism that we all carry with us.

Individualism can take many forms. Some are more obvious, like selfishness, elitism, or narcissism; but more subtle forms can take more time to notice, like refusing help when needed, not sharing information or knowledge with comrades, not listening or considering others proposals and ideas. We all have traces of individualism, and they are often connected with our ego and the image we have and we project of ourselves. Overcoming this requires that we are able to evaluate ourselves and others as well as our ways of relating. Criticism and self-criticism go hand in hand, we need to be able to acknowledge our shortcomings to meaningfully engage with the shortcomings of others. Admitting to ourselves that there is a difference between how we perceive ourselves/how we want to be perceived and how other perceive us can be painful. However acknowledging that gap opens the door for us to develop. Everyone has this gap, for some it is wider, for some it is more narrow, and to challenge it can create space to grow and learn. Keeping this in mind, we can build better relations that are founded in honesty and trust.

Trust is scarce in our societies. It is much easier to learn to suspect, to be afraid of your neighbor, to step on your co-workers to get upper hand and get a better piece of the cake. Capitalism relies on competition, and lying and selling yourself, on the society of spectacle. There is no place for honesty and trust in a system that is based on performance, on appearance of what you are not, on faking it and believing that one day you will make it. To be honest and transparent with our comrades necessitates vulnerability. We had been told to hide those things, to not let others see our weak points, to present ourself as the all-capable person that can do anything that is needed. All those individualist traits play against us, specially in difficult moments when stress and hardships reveal the things we try to hide.

We have been working on these issues by putting into practice tools like tekmil and platform, which we learned from the kurdish movement. We also explored other methods, and lately we have been deepening our knowledge on conflict resolution, with restorative circles and transformative justice. Transformative justice provides a good approach, connected to our ideological values and oriented towards topics like responsibility and accountability, that should always be the base of our organizing. We learned that organization is a struggle in itself, and that contradictions, conflicts and challenges will always arise in our organizing. In absence of hierarchical structures, how we take decisions and how we solve conflicts is a very important part of our organizing.

3- Maybe related to above, how is inter-personal conflict resolved at large in NES? We have seen several abstract perspectives, but little of actual accounts on the processes of justice and equity, how are such issues dealth with? Do the several autonomous groups have the freedom to deal with them “in-house”? Are all conflict resolutions centralized?

There are currently two justice systems at play in NES. One similar to state justice and one more based on communitarian justice. The communitarian system consists of peasant consensus committees and local councils that are often composed of religious leaders and community elders. These encourage people to take responsibility and agency over their own problems. However this system is not working so well, unfortunately. Because of this many conflicts are still settled through the state-like legal justice system that is half inherited from the Al-Assad regime and half reorganized by the Autonomous Administration. It is an awkward mix that works with the tools at hand in a difficult situation. The union of lawyers played an important role, as well as the effort to write the “social contract” of AANES, some kind of constitution that is revisited every few years in discussions with different political and social organizations.

The reasons that lead the Autonomous Administration to put more efforts to reorganize the general legal system instead of promoting the communitarian justice councils is not so clear to us. We suggest you talk to justice committee of the AANES directly, they will be better able to answer that. Besides these, there are also the women’s autonomous structures such as the women’s houses (mala jin) and women’s law. These have played and are playing an important role in addressing problems around gender as well as finding solutions around family conflict concerning women (marriage, divorce, abuse, etc.).

Councils, committees, communes, and autonomous organizations have some degree of freedom to deal with conflict “in-house”. How exactly it is approached and if people involve the state-like legal system depends on the nature and size of the conflict as well as the people and groups involved. With crimes that have big social impact, like brutal murders or organized treason (giving intelligence to Turkey that is used to assassinate revolutionaries, helping ISIS to plan and carry out attacks), there have been popular trials. Those trials gather different representatives of the social community, especially those more affected by the crime judged, and function as popular jury to decide the penalty.

For our organization and for organizations in europe we think it is important we come to understand the value of transformative justice, and that we build capacity to start offering alternatives to the legal ‘justice’ system, which is a racist ableist punitive lie and deeply connected to nation-state power. The topic on transformative justice has been on the table in leftist circles in europe for a while. We see it is slowly moving into a more practical phase now. Let us start with small practical adjustments, once we start gaining some experiences from the daily life, we can and should supplement them with some reading/study/theory. Conflict resolution cannot be learned from books, its fundaments can only be learned in practice, books will be very helpful to improve us but only if we are already putting it in practice. We will have to make many mistakes, and that is fine. We have a lot to unlearn from the state imposed systems of ‘justice’. We are making an imperfect start by using tools like tekmil, restorative circles and autonomous women’s structures to build on this.

4- What is the current status of art and self-expression within rojava? Has there been the chance and space for people to be able to perform, create, or show artistic creation? How is such received? How has the changing facets of the conflict affected it?

Tevgera Çand û Hûner (Tev-çand, the organization of art and culture) is a coordination of all the art and culture centers, present in every city. Most of those centers have different groups, like dance, music, theater, cinema, paint, literature, sculpture, etc. They mainly promote art connected to kurdish culture, language and identity. Every ethnic group is encouraged to promote its own traditional art and culture while also making space for other forms of art outside folkloric tradition. Tev-çand has a political approach to art, seeing it as a vehicle to share and spread the values of the revolution. A couple of successful examples are Hunergeha Welat - with their youtube channel publishing new songs and videoclips made in rojava - or the Komina Film a Rojava - the cinema commune that produced several movies, shorts, clips. Komina Film a Rojava recently published a series about rojava called “Evina Kurd” (kurdish love).

The local groups often perform in local celebrations, festive days and other cultural events. In the last years some of those groups and artists are gaining experience and getting more professional, and we start to see their art in different theaters, expositions and events. Art is seen as popular and cultural wealth, and there is no process of commodification around it. Theater, cinema and music are performed and shared for free, and we have never seen any cultural event with entrance fee. This is part of the political approach on ethics and aesthetics that is promoted. To keep it short, we can simply point the efforts to connect aesthetics to political and ethical revolutionary values. This approach challenges the standards of beauty that capitalist modernity tries to impose, seeing art as a vehicle of expression of the people, of the society and its values. A lot of art is connected to the resistance against ISIS and turkish fascism, with special focus on women’s resistances and YPJ, but also about the historical roots and struggles of the kurdish people.

In that approach to art we can see a shift that the revolution brought, that maybe started even before rojava. Kurdish cinema from the 20th century is often tragic, about the massacres and the exile that kurdish people suffered. Dengbêj, a traditional music/poetry, is also infused with stories of destroyed villages, murdered families and orphaned children. It is in this new century that kurdish art has started to reflect a new image. One not so focused on kurds just as victims of inhumane tragedies, but also as actors of change. The songs of YPG and YPJ defeating ISIS or the guerrillas fighting in the mountains, the new movies of the resistance in Sur or in Kobane, the big celebrations of NewRoz (kurdish new year) are examples of a rebirth of the kurdish people and their will to resist. They are not just a people whose faith is suffering, they are a stateless nation whose land has been occupied and whose villages burned down. They learned from other anticolonial struggles and from revolutionary movements of national liberation and they will take their destiny in their hands. They will defend their land and their culture, building a future for next generations, with weapons but also with music, with dance, with cinema.

5- What is TA’s view on the role of religion, and how has it affected their capacity to connect and relate to local communities? Have there been challenges, or chanegs in attitude of the militants? In the west we struggle to separate anti-clericalism from base islamophobia nad eurocentrism, what lessons have you gained from your insertion in Kurdish and Arab societies?

Religion is not the problem for us when it is connected to the people and ethics, it is a problem when religion is connected to power and rule. It is this wielding of authority that we are against, as you also touching with anti-clericalism. Some anarchists came here with atheist backgrounds, and when asked about our religion is easy for us to answer we have no religion. But this answer is often understood as if we have no ethics, and also made us reflect how most of us, even if not practitioners, had been raised in a christian culture.

We agree with you that we in the west can do a bad job at separating anti-clericalism from islamophobia and eurocentrism. The society we are in is overwhelmingly muslim (with small minorities of other belief), nearly everyone has belief in the Quran, even if not everyone describes themselves as practicing muslims. This reality grounds our work with people here. We should understand the importance religion holds to the people and local comrades. Knowing a little, or a lot, about islam is very helpful when we discuss with local comrades. Arguing from religion for a revolutionary perspective is a tactic that has proven successful. It is necessary to respect peoples religious conviction, but at the same time we also critique or question comrades when this leads them to take actions that are not in line with the revolutionary values in NES. There are efforts to build a democratic islam, looking at the ethical side of islamic religion and not so much at the Sharia law. This is a necessary process to come to terms with the aftermath of islamist fundamentalism carried out as theocratic fascism by ISIS. Though from the outside it might seem like ISIS is no more, the fight against its ideology very much continues here. In some regions of NES, ISIS ideology is still widespread and it will take time and effort for everyone to move towards a democratic islam.

6- Anarchist and so-called revolutionary movements in Europe have struggled for decades find something which can overcame our own weaknesses and smallness, looking at methods old and new. What is your perspective on this? Do you also agree or feel the movements are limiting themselves, and if so why? Lack of use of insurrectionary violence, lack of structures directing the struggle, lack of resources, lack of conviction?

This is a very important point and question you bring up here. We agree that movements are limiting themselves. We see the issue at the core as a lack of organizations that can create and promote long term aims perspectives, as currently we mostly see affinity based groups with short term thinking.

The wave of insurrectionism in the 90’s, especially in italy, brought a short term struggle perspective that seemed to promote effectivity. In some ways, it worked, however it did so at the cost of undermining organizational capacity. Organization capacity is crucial. By becoming an organization, we as TA, now have the ability to accumulate experience, we do not constantly have to start anew. We can also build lasting projects and relations, we can deepen our understanding and learning of other organizations that have struggled and are struggling. Not only on an individual level, but on an organizational one. Meaning that such knowledge and experiences cease to become merely tied to one person or one cell or affinity group, but that the whole organization takes ownership of it. This greatly grows our capacity as an organization.

To develop as a revolutionary organization is not easy, we already talked about this. We have to break with the liberal individualist mindset that is so deeply ingrained with capitalist socialization. Our societies are organized around those capitalist values, and to change it we have to develop our own values and social institutions, to anticipate the society we want. The things you mention lacking in anarchist movements (structures to direct the struggle, resources, conviction, action) can often be connected to the lack of organization. If we find ourselves isolated, as individuals or in small groups, our capacity to influence and change the society around us diminish. As we can learn many things in rojava, there are also many lessons we can take from the anarchist organizations in latin america. The ideas of “especifismo” (english: specifism), a theoretical frame oriented to develop specific anarchist organizations, are the result of decades of struggle. We can track them back to platformist proposal of Peter Arshinov and Nestor Maknho, but developed in practice by the Federacion Anarquista de Uruguay (FAU). As portugese anarchists, you have easy access to the materials and texts developed by brazilian anarchist organizations.

7- There was critique recently of the focus and resources given by western leftists towards nascent anarchist movements in Ukraine, who, without true autonomous structures and being inserted in statist armies, have received generous support and funds, while non-white movements have struggled for a fraction of this support. Do you agree with this critique?

We assume you are referring to the article “Anarchist who Fought in rojava: Response to ‘No War But Class War’ Debate”, that can be found on Abolition Media. We agree with the article that the amount of resources sent to Ukraine from western leftist is very disproportional with the amount of material support comrades in NES have gotten, especially given that the revolution here is so explicitly rooted in libertarian revolutionary ideology and praxis, where this is more debatable for Ukraine as the article pointed out. “Solidarity is something you can hold in your hands”, a slogan popularized by the anti-imperialist group KAK, active in Denmark in the 70s, is a statement we can very much find ourselves in. While NES has gotten an alright amount of solidarity pictures, awareness campaigns, diplomatics campaigns, etc. on the side of material, financial or other support that we can “hold in our hands” the western left has absolutely not given it serious effort.

That being said, the war in Ukraine has been going on for a bit over a year now, the war in rojava for over 10 years. Of course these timescales also have an effect. Ukraine is on the news and we aren’t, we won’t be either, until a new invasion, and even then we will only receive a fraction of the media attention that Ukraine is getting. When we look broader than Ukraine and rojava, we ask: who has been looking at the genocidal warfare in Tigray or the recent war unfolding in Sudan? Who has been organizing material support for those conflicts? The Tigray peoples self-defense forces have a long revolutionary tradition, with a project similar to the ideas of democratic confederalism. In Sudan we have recently see a military escalation after big mobilizations and uprisings shook the country, that had a remarkable anarchist organized movement not common to find in most of African countries. But few articles are written about it, and even less anarchist book-fairs discussions about those conflicts. It is not fair either that those movements received little to no media coverage, let alone material support. This is part of the colonialism that we are trying to fight against. For us this is also a reason to stay with rojava, where values of anticolonialism are very much alive.

Coming back to Ukraine, Anarchists have been struggling since the beginning of the recent conflict, they were there at Maidan square and tried to organize form there. Probably this is not the place to discuss how much this movement is rooted in the historical anarchist movement in Ukraine, with the Black Liberation Peasants Army and the Makhnovist revolution, but nowadays the presence of anarchists is crucial to question the nationalist narrative of the far-right, that has been a dominating presence in the protest in Ukraine from the start. We have a responsibility as anarchists to take our place in such times, we cannot leave all the space to the far-right, because if we do they will take it. Now the current situation in Ukraine is not a revolution aligned with our principles, but it is our task to push our principles to the forefront and make them known. We can quote Malatesta when saying that “We are in any case one of the forces acting in the society, and history will advance, as always, in the directions resultant of all the forces”.

Historically war and revolution have an important connection. War environments see state authority stumble and authority diffuse in some places. The state isn’t always there anymore to provide people with infrastructure and resources. This means there are often windows of opportunity to assist in the self organization and management of the people, initially primarily along lines of mutual aid and solidarity. This is a situation in which bringing our ideology and applying it in practice with the people can be a useful way of strengthening our tendency, as Malatesta says.

We support our anarchist comrades fighting in Ukraine, we have an approach of critical solidarity to the people of Ukraine and aim to engage the contradictions that it brings up and not devolve into a binary and dogmatic approach. We would also like to draw your attention to comrade Leshiy and comrade Ciya, they have both spend time in NES and fell on the Ukrainian front lines together with other anarchist comrades in Ukrainan front lines. We grieve this loss, and aim to learn from their lives and decisions, they also show us a way of nuanced analysis and consideration that has space for the contradictions that inevitably come up when we get our hands dirty in revolution. We agreed with the comrade who wrote the article that it is very easy to be purist and judgmental about decisions made in Ukraine and rojava from a comfortable armchair. Participating in an actual revolution or armed conflict will quickly make it clear that there are often no “clean” or clear-cut solutions and being a revolutionary in action, not just in words, means gaining a deep understanding of nuanced analysis and contradictions.

8 - How can we assist you in TA; materially or otherwise?

The main points in which we can see your assistance to be help us are; a) ideological development b) engaged network c) resist repression d) militants e) resources

a) Ideological development of anarchist struggle is the basis for us to move forward. We see that we have come to a point where we realize as european anarchists that affinity based organizing alone is not sufficient. We need anarchist organization or structures that keep us together not just based on personal affinity, but in an organized way, to be able to think long term and develop a wider strategy. By further developing anarchist ideology and praxis in our current context, we strengthen each other.

b) Engaged networks are a foundation to exchange discussion, projects, resources and experiences. We see this in the form of building long term relations with solid organizations, and such exchange can take place through visits and exchange of militants as well as other forms of communication. Related to the point about ideological development, this includes reading and discussing each other statements and letters, learning from each other experience and giving feedback, proposals and critique on them.

c) Networks also leads into resisting repression. In the past years, militants who have been to rojava and the kurdish movement in general have been increasingly criminalized. Quite a few comrades are spending time in prison or are in other kinds of legal problems. We need anarchists everywhere to push back against this criminalization.

d) We need more militants to join us in rojava to fight and struggle here. There is also opportunity for comrades are already organized in europe to join us here while remaining connected to their european organization. We would like this actually. We see this as a potential way to strengthen ties between our organization and anarchist organizations in europe.

e) On the directly material side, we need money. Since exactly what materials we need changes from time to time, sending materials directly can be a little tricky, though we can talk about this if there is a desire to do something like that. With money directly we can allocate it to the most pressing needs and make adjustments when necessary in this every changing situation we are in.

image Militants of TA planting an olive tree in a field 0.39 Mb image Making ready some basic DIY IFAKs (individual First Aid Kit) for SDF forces 0.2 Mb image A view from next to qada azadî (freedom square) in Kobane, with a sculpture, the flag of Rojava and the eagle sculpture 0.14 Mb image A commemoration of şehids in Til Temir, with mother carring pictures of their şehid sons and daughters 0.24 Mb image Cooking a tea pot in the fire to make some tea. 0.33 Mb image A newly made park in front of the wheat silos at the entrance of Hasakah city 0.17 Mb image Carring the body of Şehid Tekoşer to the borderof semalka, among hunderds of people who gathered to give a goodbye 0.22 Mb image A cat resting next to basic equipment 0.12 Mb

international / anarchist movement / review Tuesday October 03, 2023 07:13 byWayne Price   text 3 comments (last - friday april 05, 2024 17:34)

Review of "Revolutionary Affinities: Toward a Marxist-Anarchist Solidarity," by Michael Lowy & Oliver Besancenot. Two writers from Trotskyist backgrounds discuss the overlap and interaction between anarchism and Marxism.

Michael Lowy and Oliver Besancenot, two Marxists from the Trotskyist tradition, have made an effort to discuss possible convergences and interactions between Marxism and anarchism. (The little book has been well translated from the French by David Campbell, an anarchist who did most of the work while in jail in New York City.)

At first it might seem absurd to seek overlaps between these two schools of socialism. Anarchism stands for freedom and self-management, but in spite of some achievements its movement has failed to successfully create anarchism in any country. Meanwhile whatever Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels originally intended, Marxism became the ideology of repressive, mass-murdering, state-capitalisms (that is, Stalinism). Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, authoritarian Marxist governments persist in North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and especially in the great nation of China. Marxism and anarchism would seem to have little in common. Yet we live in the looming catastrophes of industrial capitalism. People are drawn to its radical alternatives. In this context, it is the failures of each which has drawn some anarchists and Marxists to dialogue, to learn the strengths of the alternate trend. (Although, for all their failures, anarchists never murdered tens of millions of workers, peasants, and others.)

Along with anarchism’s vision of freedom, there is a rising interest in Marxism, particularly in its analysis of how capitalism works and what might be done to end it. Some radicals focus on the humanistic, working class, and ecological aspects of Marx’s Marxism, rather than its statist, centralist, and determinist aspects. This looks to libertarian-democratic and “ultra-left” trends in Marxism, such as William Morris, the council communists, Luxemburgists, autonomists, the Johnson-Forrest Tendency, Socialisme ou Barbarie, and unorthodox and dissident Trotskyists. Unlike Stalinism, these trends in Marxism might be partners in a dialogue with revolutionary anarchists. (See Price 2017.)


The authors claim to be libertarian Marxists, in opposition to both Stalinism and to social democracy (reformist “democratic socialism”). They want to see what they can learn from anarchism—and what revolutionary anarchism can learn from their view of Marxism. I am all for a Marxist-anarchist dialogue and have written some material seeking to advance it (e.g., Price 2022).

A lot depends on what one means by “Marxism” (as well as “anarchism”). The authors are admirers of Che Guevara. They have written books about him and his “revolutionary legacy” (Lowy 2007; Besancenot & Lowy 2009). In the text, they claim that the struggle of the Mexican Zapatistas show “traces of the revolutionary ethic that lead directly back to Che.” (p. 76) They do not note that the founders of the Zapatistas had abandoned the elitist guerrilla strategy of Che. They further declare that “Marx’s writings…form the political basis of the revolutionary humanism of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara.” (p. 124)

Actually Che Guevara was an admirer of Joseph Stalin. Che played a major role in turning the Cuban revolution into a one-party, one-man, dictatorship, with a state-capitalist economy, allied with Soviet Russian imperialism. Within the upper circles of the Castroite regime, Che was a strong proponent of increasing centralization and of repression of the workers. He sincerely sought to spread the revolution (as he understood the revolution), but his efforts were failures both in Africa and in Bolivia. While he wrote some high-falutin’ philosophical language about socialism, his actual conception was of a totalitarian society. (See Price 2016.)

It may seem unfair to point to the authors’ admiration of Guevara, which is only briefly referred to twice in the text. Yet it is difficult to integrate anarchism with advocacy of a Stalinist-type dictatorship, however well-meaning you might be. (Of course, many of the Trotskyist groupings have been admirers of Fidel Castro and Che; but these don’t advocate “solidarity” with anarchism.) Besancenot and Lowy may misinterpret Che as a “revolutionary humanist,” but how can they ignore his support of the Cuban dictatorship? And then seek a dialogue with anarchism?

Positive Aspects of the Book

And yet, despite this confusing contradiction, some of this book is worthwhile. Besancenot and Lowy are concerned to show “another side of history…that of the alliances and active solidarity between anarchists and Marxists.” (p. 1)

They have brief sections on events in revolutionary history when anarchists and Marxists worked together. This includes the First International, in which anarchists cooperated with Marx for years—until Marx organized the expulsion of Michael Bakunin and forced a split with the anarchists. They cover the U.S. Haymarket Martyrs of 1886. These were anarchists who came out of a Marxist background and who still used the Marxist analysis of capitalism.

They briefly cover the development of anarcho-syndicalism, which shared a revolutionary working class orientation with Marxism. They discuss the Spanish Revolution of the thirties. That revolution was betrayed by most of the Marxist and anarchist leaders, both of which joined the capitalist government together with liberal parties. Their partner, the Communist Party, tried to set up a totalitarian state. A minority of revolutionary anarchists and Marxists did try to advance the revolution, but were overwhelmed. There are brief sections (they can hardly be called “chapters”) on the May-June ’68 almost-revolution in France, on the international demonstrations against “globalization,” and on the Occupy movement.

The little book also has nine brief biographical sections on significant revolutionaries. This includes the Marxist Rosa Luxemburg. She had little use for anarchism, but her vision of revolutionary socialist democracy-from-below was compatible with anarchism. Similarly, they discuss Buenaventura Durruti. As an anarchist, he played an important role in the Spanish Revolution. He had little use for Marxism but has been respected by Marxists. The same may be said of the famous anarchist Emma Goldman. In Russia, she originally supported the Revolution and was willing to work with the Leninists—until their authoritarianism drove her into opposition.

Their little biographies include “A Few Libertarian Marxist Thinkers.” Of the three they cite, the most interesting may be Daniel Guerin. His books on anarchism are widely read. In France during World War II, he cooperated with the Trotskyist underground. Working with syndicalists, anarchists, and Trotskyists, he was a prominent opponent of French imperialism in Algeria and an early Gay liberationist. Admiring J.P. Proudhon and Bakunin, but also Luxemburg, he sought a “synthesis” of revolutionary anarchism and libertarian Marxism. (See Guerin 2017)

The Russian Revolution

The part covering the 1917 Russian Revolution is titled, “Points of Conflict,” including a section, “The Split Between Red and Black.” This is where the book’s difficulties show most clearly.

“Initially, there was a convergence between many anarchists—not only Russian but also from around the world—and the Marxist revolutionaries. Soon after, the convergence had become a dramatic clash between the two.…” (p. 80)

The “October” (Soviet) Revolution was organized by the Communists in alliance with the Left Socialist Revolutionaries (peasant-populists) and with anarchists. The initial government was a coalition of the Communists and Left SRs, generally supported by anarchists in the soviets. (“Soviet” means “council.” It originally referred to the popularly elected councils which were rooted in factory committees, village assemblies, and military units.)

But by 1920, the Leninists had banned all alternate parties, including those which had fought on their side in the Russian Civil War. These included the Left SRs and the Left Mensheviks. Anarchists were arrested, jailed, and shot. Not long after, even opposition caucuses in the one legal party were outlawed.

Essentially, the writers favor the rule of the soviets, supported by the revolutionary parties including the Communists—but criticize what happened instead: the rule of the Communist Party, with supposed support by the soviets. This went together with economic changes, “prioritizing centralized nationalization over the local collectivization of the means of production….” (p. 87) They mildly comment, “This choice, like so many others, is questionable.” (same) This is quite the understatement.

Despite this (soft) criticism of the Leninists, Besancenot and Lowy insist that the problem does not lie with Marx. “It is pointless, however, to seek a manufacturing defect in Marxism…on the question of whether to abolish the state immediately or not.” (p. 87) Similarly, they oppose “…drawing a connection between the Lenin years and the Stalin years.” (p. 89) Granted that Marx would have been horrified by what Stalin made out of Marxism—and that V.I. Lenin was no Stalin. Lenin did not aim for a totalitarian state, nor want one. This was unlike Mao Tse-tung, say, who already had Stalinist Russia as a model and goal—as did Che and Fidel.

Yet it is a bit much to deny that Marx’s strategy of working through the state was not a cause of Lenin’s building a party-state, one which laid the basis for Stalinist state-capitalism. And, like Marx, Lenin believed that he and his party knew the truth better than anyone else. This justified the one-party party-state. Believing that his party—and only his party—knew the full truth—and since only his party spoke for the proletariat—Lenin felt justified in suppressing all other points of view, including the anarchists.

In 1921, the sailors at the Kronstadt naval base rebelled. The Kronstadt fortress overlooked the capitol at Petrograd. Influenced by anarchists, the rebels demanded an end to the political monopoly of the Communists, recognition of other left political tendencies, and free elections to the soviets, as well as economic reforms. Emma Goldman urged negotiation with the rebels. Instead, the Communists crushed them militarily, and then shot the captured sailors in batches. To anarchists this was a counterrevolutionary crime. It was comparable to the 1956 crushing of the Hungarian revolution.

The two authors regard this opinion as “one-sided.” “In our view, the conflict between Kronstadt and the Bolshevik government was…a tragic and fraternal confrontation between two revolutionary currents. The responsibility for this tragedy is shared, but falls primarily on those who held power.” (p. 95) “The crushing of the sailors of Kronstadt was not a ‘tragic necessity,’ but an error and a wrong.” (p. 97)

In other words, the anarchist-influenced rebel sailors are partially to blame (they dared to demand socialist democracy) even if the “primary” fault lies with the Communist regime (which chose to massacre the sailors). This choice was a bad mistake, not a counterrevolutionary crime (no one is perfect). Still, both sides were “revolutionary currents.”

It has been argued that the Russian Communists dared not permit several political tendencies to compete in free elections. Given the poverty and destruction which followed World War I and the Civil War, the workers and peasants were unhappy with the Communists. They would likely have voted them out, supposedly with disastrous consequences. The authors quote the Trotskyist (and ex-anarchist) Victor Serge: “If the Bolshevik dictatorship fell, it was only a short step to chaos, and through chaos to a peasant uprising, the massacre of the Communists…and, in the end…another dictatorship, this time anti-proletarian.” (p. 97) They agree with this view. “A Bolshevik defeat would have opened the path to counterrevolution.” (same)

Whether this is true or not, the Bolshevik victory opened the path to (internal) counterrevolution. The one-party Communist dictatorship (assuming it ever was a “proletarian dictatorship”) led to the “anti-proletarian” dictatorship of Stalin and the Stalinist bureaucracy. Along with the super-exploitation of the workers and peasants, it engaged in “the massacre of the Communists” in the purge trials of the ‘thirties—not to mention the massacre of millions of workers and peasants. Somewhat contradicting themselves, Lowy and Besancenot agree. For “the apparatchiks in the Kremlin…the crushing of the marines at Kronstadt was a service…to their ascension to power, a power that from then on could not be contested.” (p. 100) A somewhat similar view is given of the Ukrainian independent revolutionary army organized by the anarchist Nestor Makhno—allied with, and then betrayed by, the Communists.

Policy Issues

The final part of the book is titled “Policy Issues.” It covers more theoretical, strategic, and programmatic topics. Its first section is on the “Individual and [the] Collective.” The authors declare, “the anarchist movement has held the flag of individual emancipation much higher than the Marxist family.” (p. 122)

They then go on to criticize the anarchists for being too much individualistic. They cite Max Stirner, the early-19th century German philosopher of extreme egoist-individualism. Actually Stirner had no influence in the development of anarchist theory or movement, so citing him is irrelevant. Even so, the authors admit, “he foresaw the threat that the specter of the state could potentially hang over the project of individual rights in Germany.” (p. 123) They note that Guerin referred positively to Stirner. As a gay man, Guerin liked Stirner’s opposition to moralism and puritanism, without accepting his extreme individualism.

Similarly, the writers claim that “the old tenets of anarchism [are] poorly suited to such a level of overarching political organization” as was needed in the Ukraine during the Russian Revolution. (p. 103) Actually the anarchist-led Makhnovist movement did a good job of organizing in the Ukraine, in the brief time allowed it. This was despite the need to fight off the Austrian, Polish, Ukrainian nationalist, White counterrevolutionary, and Russian Communist armies.

In any case, Michael Bakunin, among the first revolutionary anarchist-socialists, had a view of liberated individuality as social, productive, and interactive. (So did Marx, especially expressed in his earliest writings.) They summarize, “If it is essential to ‘re-individualize’ the communist project, it is just as necessary to ‘collectivize’ anarchist ideas.” (p. 125) They believe “a revolutionary humanist path remains open,” which they think (bizarrely) is exemplified by “Che Guevara”! (same)

Besancenot and Lowy have a section titled “Making Revolution without Taking Power?” In effect they argue that it is wrong for a revolution to establish a new state (to take state power) but necessary to establish the self-organization of the workers and oppressed (to empower the people). Their examples are the 1871 Paris Commune and the early soviets. They call the Commune “a new form of power that was no longer a state, in the conventional sense, but was nonetheless a government, democratically elected….” (p. 131) Without quibbling over terms (Kropotkin sometimes made the same distinction between “state” and “government”), anarchists can mostly agree, I think.

In a section on “Autonomy and Federalism,” the writers say that their vision of “Communism…intends to entrust as many powers as possible to the base and foster local initiatives.” (p. 132) This is the anarchist conception of decentralized federalism. “From the idea of federalism developed by the anarchists, we can retain the focus on power to the base and voluntary solidarity between collectives.” (p. 135)

There is a section on “Democratic Economic Planning and Self-Management.” Their proposal ”does not correspond in the least to what is often described as ‘central economic planning,’ for the economic and social decisions are not made by any kind of ‘center,’ but determined democratically by the populations concerned.” (p. 139) Like Michael Albert’s “participatory economy” or “Parecon,” their “democratic socialist economic planning…[includes] opposition to the capitalist market and to bureaucratic economic planning, confidence in workers’ self-organization, and anti-authoritarianism.” (p. 140) However, they have some valid criticisms of the Parecon program. They also give credit to Anton Pannekoek of the “council communists”/ libertarian Marxists “for opting for the socialization of the means of production under the control of the producers themselves, rather than for their nationalization from above.” (p. 150)

The theme of decentralist federalism is continued in “Direct and Representative Democracy.” In this section, the authors recognize that anarchists and Marxists have had important differences on these topics. But they claim that “some significant convergences can still be found. For example, both are favorable to forms of direct democracy in social struggles: general assemblies, self-organized strikes and pickets, etc.” (p. 142)

This may be true. But it covers-over an important difference. Anarchists can accept election of delegates to higher federal councils, but they insist that the base assemblies must have face-to-face direct democracy. Marx and Engels, even in their most radically democratic writings (for example, on the Paris Commune) advocated an extremely democratic form of representative democracy. They had no conception of basing this in face-to-face direct democracy. This is the anarchist tradition.

There is also a very brief discussion of whether revolutionary socialists should run and/or vote in bourgeois elections. They accept the view of both traditions that socialism cannot be achieved through elections. However, they still believe that it may be useful to run and vote, for various reasons. “Our point of view in this debate is closer to the Marxist tradition” than to the anarchist tradition of anti-electoralism. (p. 143) They do not mention that council communists and other “ultra-left” libertarian Marxists have been opposed to participation in elections. Anarchists would argue that history has demonstrated the failures of an electoralist/parliamentary strategy.

In “Union and Party,” Besancenot and Lowy summarize the lessons of the Russian Revolution and other revolutions and near-revolutions. They argue that the struggle needs radical parties and organizations (including anarchist federations) as well as mass organizations, such as labor unions and also popular councils. Parties are formed on agreements about particular programs. They are necessary to fight for a revolutionary program against reformists, liberals, conservatives, and fascists (for these will certainly have their parties). There is a historical tendency among anarchists of revolutionary federations. This includes Bakunin’s “Brotherhoods,” Makhno and others’ advocacy of the “Platform,” the Spanish FAI, and the current especifismo of Latin Americans.

The mass organizations provide “the framework of regular and sovereign general assemblies, open to all workers who want to mobilize…[in] the natural organ of the struggle….They can also…elect delegates, also dismissible, to participate in a coordination where the delegates from different assemblies meet to unify their activities….The power to make decisions belongs to the base…. This democratic option for organization prefigures today the way society could function tomorrow.” (p. 151)

A number of important topics are not covered in this book. These include feminism and the dominance of straight males. Also issues of white supremacy and racism, colonialism, imperialism, and national self-determination. Economic developments of world capitalism are not discussed. The writers themselves mention that they have not covered education of children, nor the vital issue of opposing fascism.

But there is consideration of the very important topic of environmentalism. This is in the section, “Ecosocialism and Anarchist Ecology.” The authors base much of their ecosocialism on the anarchist writings of Murray Bookchin, although they note that Bookchin also used concepts from Marx. Bookchin analyzed capitalist commodification, competition, and, above all, its drive to accumulate, as destroying the ecology. Bookchin wrote about the need for a new, noncapitalist, society, decentralized and directly democratic, with a liberatory transformation of technology. “…We can only admire Murray Bookchin’s coherence and clear-sightedness.” (p. 154)

They make some criticisms of Bookchin. They deny his view that there is a “post-scarcity” world. While agreeing with Bookchin on the need for economic, technological, and political decentralization, they insist on federalist coordination and planning on regional, continental, and world levels. Considering their proletarian perspective, it is odd that they do not express disagreement with Bookchin’s rejection of the major role of the working class in a revolution. Also, surprisingly, there is no reference to research about ecological themes in Marx’s works by ecological Marxist theorists. This includes John Bellamy Foster and others. (See Foster 2009.)

Revolutionary Conclusion

Besancenot and Lowy conclude with “Toward a Libertarian Marxism.” They state that “Our point of departure…is Marxism.” (p. 158) That is where they come from. They do not believe that there can be a final definition of “libertarian Marxism.” They do believe that “Marxists have much to learn from…the anarchists.” (p. 158)

Their aim, they declare, is not to create a better Marxism, with tips from anarchism. (Similarly, my goal is not to replace anarchism with a nicer version of Marxism.) Instead, “The future emancipatory battles of our century will also see this convergence, in both action and thought, of the two great revolutionary currents of the past, of the present, and of the future—Marxism and anarchism, the red flag and the black flag.” (p. 159)

The basis of this convergence is that both revolutionary class-struggle anarchism and libertarian (autonomist) Marxism share a goal. This is an international revolution by the working class and its allies among all oppressed—to overthrow the state, capitalism, and all oppressions, and to replace them with the self-organization of the workers and oppressed.

The issue is not an immediate merger of anarchism and Marxism. This is especially true when there is so much variation within each school. As I pointed out in the beginning, Lowy and Besancenot and many others see an authoritarian such as Che Guevara as within their “libertarian” version of Marxism. They may find the Communist suppression of the Kronstadt rebels as justifiable, or perhaps a tragic if understandable error. Such views must limit their dialogue with anarchism. As a revolutionary anarchist, I still find matters of interest in this book. But its limitations are also real.


Besancenot, Oliver, & Lowy, Michael (2009). Che Guevara: His Revolutionary Legacy. NY: Monthly Review Press.

Foster, John Bellamy (2009). The Ecological Revolution; Making Peace with the Planet. NY: Monthly Review Press.

Guerin, Daniel (2017). For a Libertarian Communism. (Ed.: David Berry; Trans.: Mitchell Abidor) Oakland CA: PM Press.

Lowy, Michael (2007). The Marxism of Che Guevara: Philosophy, Economics, Revolutionary Warfare. Rowman and Littlefield.

Lowy, Michael, & Besancenot, Oliver (2023; originally in French, 2014). Revolutionary Affinities: Toward a Marxist-Anarchist Solidarity. (Trans.: David Campbell). Oakland CA: PM Press.

Price, Wayne (2016). “The Authoritarian Vision of Che Guevara; Review of Samuel Farber, The Politics of Che Guevara”

Price, Wayne (2017). “What is Libertarian Socialism? An Anarchist-Marxist Dialogue; Review of A. Prichard, R. Kinna, S. Pinta, & D. Berry (Eds.). Libertarian Socialism; Politics in Black and Red”

Price, Wayne (2022). “An Anarchist Guide to The Communist Manifesto of Marx & Engels.”

*written for


Sat 20 Apr, 08:32

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Support the comrades! imageUpdate on the Campaign for the Sudanese Anarchists Apr 18 08:45 by International Anarchist Organisations 0 comments

In August 2023, we, anarchist organisations from five continents, launched an international solidarity campaign. Its aim was and is to support Sudanese anarchists fleeing war and repression in their country and to ensure that they arrive safely in a destination country of their choice. Six months have now passed since our first call for solidarity. In this short text, we would like to report on the current situation and the continuation of our campaign.

image.png imageCarta de Opinión Marzo 2024 Mar 09 00:40 by Federación Anarquista Santiago 6 comments

(...) la destrucción de lo que nos oprime no vendrá de una de las instituciones que sostiene el sistema de dominación, ningún tipo de Estado ni de proyectos que pacten con él podrán aterrizar cambios significativos en la autonomía de nuestras cuerpas, derechos sociales para las de abajo o construcción de espacios seguros. El caso de Argentina es ejemplificador de aquello, de qué sirve tener un Ministerio de las Mujeres, Géneros y Diversidad o decretar el uso del lenguaje inclusivo en todos los documentos de las instituciones estatales si basta con un cambio de gobierno para desmotar estas medidas con los mismos instrumentos con los que se “ganaron”. Como lo mencionamos en nuestra matriz de análisis, el Estado es una institución central para el actual sistema de dominación, de ahí que las medidas de corto plazo que surgen desde él siempre tenderán a reforzar su legitimidad. Mientras no sean los movimientos sociales, en el marco de la lucha de clases, los que logren conquistas sociales y políticas, prefiguren la sociedad libre y den la batalla ideológica que se contraponga al modelo actual, ningún cambio será duradero ni podrá movilizar y articular a las de abajo por su defensa. En síntesis, no será garantía ni certeza de nada.

61z6jtrb0ml.jpg imageMalatesta’s Revolutionary Anarchism in British Exile Feb 28 08:50 by Wayne Price 2 comments

A review of the writings and speeches of Errico Malatesta, the great Italian anarchist and comrade of Bakunin and Kropotkin. Material is taken from the 13 years he spent in London exile. His views remain relevant--and controversial among anarchists.

carta_de_opinin_general.png imageCarta de Opinión Enero 2024 Jan 29 23:40 by Federación Anarquista Santiago 4 comments

En el plano internacional, el genocidio sobre el pueblo de palestina continúa; el Estado de Israel con el apoyo de EEUU, la Unión Europea y el mundo occidental en general, llevan meses realizando una política sistemática de aniquilación de la población de Gaza. Por nuestra parte no nos extraviamos en laberintos epistémicos y nos solidarizamos con la resistencia palestina en Gaza y Cisjordania. Sin embargo, no hay que mirar solamente al sionismo y su política de muerte, en Wallmapu se vive una guerra sucia sin la extensión y crudeza de Gaza, pero con el mismo objetivo: la erradicación de quienes se oponen a los opresores. En el territorio ancestral mapuche, el gobierno progresista ha sostenido una militarización sin precedentes, buscando desarticular el movimiento autónomo mapuche por medio del terrorismo de Estado. A día de hoy existen más de 60 presxs políticxs mapuche, las comunidades son acosadas constantemente e incluso desalojadas de sus tierras por la “Ley Anti Toma”, a su vez, comunerxs encarceladxs mantienen una larga huelga de hambre, que ya se ha extendido por más de 70 días exigiendo la nulidad del juicio racista que les ha condenado a extensas penas.

whatsapp_image_20231205_at_10.16.jpeg imageEncuentros Ácratas: Miradas anarquistas sobre el libertarianismo de derecha. Dec 05 23:59 by ViaLibre 1 comments

Miradas anarquistas sobre el libertarianismo de derecha.

textL’Intifada depuis la France Dec 01 03:38 by Anonyme 0 comments

Ce texte est une traduction et une adaptation collectives d'un texte originellement écrit sur Puget Sound Anarchists à l'attention des anarchistes nord-américain/e/s. La section "cibles" a été adaptée par nos soins à la situation européenne et plus particulièrement française.
Ce texte se propose d'apporter des solutions à la passivité dans laquelle nombre de camarades se sont enfermé/e/s face à l'horreur des crimes d'Israël, leur permettant des sorties par le haut et qui reposent sur des principes horizontaux et anti-autoritaires, sur des modes d'action à notre portée géographique.

octoberrevolution.jpeg imageAn Anarchist View of Trotsky’s "Transitional Program" Nov 22 05:26 by Wayne Price 6 comments

Trotsky's "Transitional Program" has both strengths and weaknesses from the viewpoint of revolutionary anarchist-socialism. It is an important document of historical socialism, although deeply flawed.

download.jpg imageThe Joy of Alex Comfort Nov 21 17:47 by Wayne Price 4 comments

In many ways Comfort reminds me of another anarchist-pacifist, as well as poet and novelist, Paul Goodman (although Goodman seems to have been one of the few influential anarchists whose path did not cross with Comfort). Goodman wrote that he had been criticized for “spread[ing] himself thin on a wide variety of subjects, on sociology and psychology, urbanism and technology, education, literature, esthetics, and ethics….It is false that I write about many subjects. I have only one, the human beings I know in their [human]-made scene.” (1962; p. xiii) As this book shows, the same could be said of Alex Comfort.

resist_genocide.jpg imageResist Genocide Oct 14 20:31 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 10 comments

resist_genocide_1.jpg imageRésister au génocide Oct 14 20:28 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 5 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

coops.jpeg imageΚοοπερατίβες ή τ^... Oct 12 06:55 by Tommy Lawson 1 comments

Επιπλέον, οι κοοπερατίβες δε θα πρέπει να στοχεύουν στο κράτος να ενσωματώσει τους εργαζόμενους στη διοίκηση. Οι ουσιαστικές κατακτήσεις των εργατών θα είναι το αποτέλεσμα του αγώνα που δίνουν στους χώρους εργασίας, μέσα από μορφές άμεσης δράσης που έρχονται σε ευθεία αντιπαράθεση με το κεφάλαιο. Οι σοσιαλιστές που στρέφονται στην εργασία σε συνεταιρισμούς μπορεί κάλλιστα να είναι σοσιαλιστές στην καρδιά και την πρόθεση, αλλά δεν ακολουθούν επαναστατική στρατηγική.

10801079108610731088107210781077108510801077_20230924_162632077min.png imageA volunteer from Kharkov was tortured by the military after trying to leave Ukraine Oct 11 22:55 by Assembly 3 comments

Full original version:
First published on Libcom:

380713793_699111572256482_5298125431710198778_n.jpg imageFORO CONVERSATORIO: A 50 AÑOS DEL GOLPE CÍVICO MILITAR Los desafíos y tareas del anarquism... Oct 05 02:24 by Asamblea Anarquista Valparaíso y Federación Anarquista Santiago 2 comments

En el marco de los 50 años del golpe cívico-militar en los territorios dominados por el Estado chileno, realizaremos, en la ciudad de Santiago y en Valparaíso, un foro conversatorio en el que compartiremos nuestras reflexiones sobre lo que significó el golpe para nuestra clase y la organización popular, así como sobre los desafíos y tareas del anarquismo hoy

1.jpeg imageAnarchists in Rojava: Revolution is a struggle in itself Oct 04 23:52 by Jurnal mapa 2 comments

União Libertária, a group of young libertarians in Portugal, came into contact with militants of the Tekosîna Anarsîst (TA, Anarchist Struggle in Kurdish), present in Rojava, in northeastern Syria. This is a militant conversation around the reflections of this voluntary anarchist group around justice, art, religion and what it is to be "revolutionary". TA, in addition to having participated in the difficult fight against the forces of the Islamic State (ISIS), currently also functions as a unit of combat medics, assists in agricultural work and plays an educational role.

61thrfbmy8l.jpg imageAn Attempted Marxist-Anarchist Dialogue Oct 03 07:13 by Wayne Price 3 comments

Review of "Revolutionary Affinities: Toward a Marxist-Anarchist Solidarity," by Michael Lowy & Oliver Besancenot. Two writers from Trotskyist backgrounds discuss the overlap and interaction between anarchism and Marxism.

tea_paros_nacionales.jpeg imageTaller de Estudios Anarquistas: La experiencia de los paros nacionales en Colombia Sep 12 08:38 by ViaLibre 13 comments

Del 14 de septiembre al 5 de octubre

377428561_843860310647981_2410053042863431509_n_1.jpg imageComunicado Público a 50 años del Golpe Cívico-Militar Sep 12 05:10 by Asamblea Anarquista de Valparaíso y Federación Anarquista de Santiago 2 comments

El terror fue desatado sistemáticamente desde el Estado y cayó la noche sobre la alegría de los pueblos. La contra revolución capitalista se abrió paso brutalmente con una imparable avanzada de muerte, tortura, violencia sexual y desaparición forzada, a la vez que llevaba a cabo la misión estratégica de desarticular todas las expresiones comunitarias en donde la vida fuera resuelta de manera solidaria, colectiva y en autogestión. La dictadura cívico-militar se desplegó tácticamente en múltiples dimensiones para sembrar el miedo en la sociedad, con el fin de desmantelar la fuerza social organizada que había hecho posible la experiencia socialista en la región chilena. Estos procesos de desmantelamiento político, social y emocional de gran parte de la clase organizada han provocado una herida colectiva, profunda y traumática, herida que la impunidad y los pactos de silencio institucionales mantienen abierta hasta el día de hoy y que ha traído múltiples consecuencias en la experiencia vital colectiva de todxs quienes hemos crecido en estos territorios los últimos 50 años y más.

images.jpg imageA Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War Aug 31 03:36 by Wayne Price 9 comments

A talk on the Ukrainian-Russian war, from an anarchist perspective. I reviewed my reasons for being in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. But revolutionary anarchists should give no political support to the Ukrainian government nor to the U.S. imperialists who help it.

sudan_soli_tu_copy.png imageSürgündeki Sudanlı anarşistleri destekleyin Aug 30 15:53 by Çeşitli anarşist örgütler 4 comments

Sürgün olmak asla kolay bir karar değildir. Asla bir seçim değildir. Kaynaklar olmadan, gerçek bir çileye dönüşebilir. Dayanışma, bu zor zamanların üstesinden gelmenin anahtarıdır.

[لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português]

text망명중인 수단 아나키스트... Aug 29 05:56 by Various anarchist organisations 0 comments

우리의 아나키스트 동지들은 여전히 수단에 남아 있으며 그곳에서 은밀하게 선전 활동을 계속하고자 합니다. 우리는 전쟁 전과 전쟁 초기에도 동지들에 대하여 재정적으로 지원을 제공했습니다. 하지만 상황이 더욱 악화되면서, 수단 내부에서의 사회적 활동이나 정치활동은 불가능한 것이 되었습니다. ‘신속지원군’에게 고향을 약탈당한 일부 회원들은 RSF에 가능한 한 빨리 수단을 떠나기로 결정했습니다. 다른 사람들은 아직 수단에서의 활동을 더 이어가기로 결정했으며 우리도 그들을 돕기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. [عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Português] [Türkçe]

textΥποστηρίξτε τους... Aug 29 05:45 by Διεθνές κάλεσμα 0 comments

Οι αναρχικοί σύντροφοί μας βρίσκονται ακόμα στο Σουδάν και ήλπιζαν να μπορέσουν να συνεχίσουν τις αγωνιστικές τους δραστηριότητες εκεί κρυφά. Παρέχαμε οικονομική βοήθεια πριν από τον πόλεμο και ακόμη και στην αρχή του. Αλλά η κατάσταση έχει γίνει αφόρητη και δεν επιτρέπει πλέον καμία κοινωνική ή πολιτική δραστηριότητα. Κάποια μέλη της ομάδας αποφάσισαν να εγκαταλείψουν τη χώρα το συντομότερο δυνατό μετά τη λεηλασία του σπιτιού τους από τις ΔΤY. Άλλα αποφάσισαν να παραμείνουν προς το παρόν και προσπαθούμε να τα βοηθήσουμε και αυτά.
[عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

mihail_gerdzhikov.jpg imageΗ Κομμούνα της Στ ... Aug 28 20:23 by Γιάβορ Ταρίνσκι 0 comments

Η Κομμούνα της Στράντζας υπήρξε ένα βραχύβιο πείραμα, με ξεκάθαρα ελευθεριακά χαρακτηριστικά, στο εν λόγω βουνό που βρίσκεται στη σημερινή νοτιοανατολική Βουλγαρία και στο ευρωπαϊκό τμήμα της Τουρκίας. Η δημιουργία της ανακηρύχθηκε στα μέσα Αυγούστου του 1903, εν μέσω της εξέγερσης του Ίλιντεν –ενός αυτονομιστικού αγροτικού ξεσηκωμού ενάντια στην οθωμανική διοίκηση και υπέρ μιας αυτόνομης πολυεθνικής Μακεδονίας–, από αντάρτες της Εσωτερικής Μακεδονικής Αδριανουπολίτικης Επαναστατικής Οργάνωσης, της οποίας τότε διοικητής είναι ο μεγάλος και σπουδαίος αναρχικός Μιχαήλ Γκερντζίκοφ.

دعم اللاسلطويين السودانيين في المنفى imageدعم اللاسلطوي¡... Aug 27 18:27 by اللاسلطويين 1 comments

لا يزال رفاقنا الاناركيين في السودان يأملون أن يتمكنوا من مواصلة أنشطتهم بي ادوات التعبير السلمية المجربة والغير مجربة هناك سراً. لقد قدمنا ​​مساعدات مالية قبل الحرب وحتى في بدايتها. لكن الوضع أصبح غير محتمل ولم يعد يسمح بأي نشاط اجتماعي أو سياسي. وقرر بعض أعضاء المجموعة مغادرة البلاد في أسرع وقت ممكن بعد أن تعرضت منازلهم للنهب والتدمير والإرهاب المستمر من قبل قوات الدعم السريع. وقد قرر آخرون البقاء في الوقت الحالي، ونحن نحاول مساعدتهم أيضًا [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

textSosteniamo le anarchiche e anarchici sudanesi in esilio Aug 26 02:19 by Varie organizzazioni anarchiche 3 comments

Le nostre compagne e i nostri compagni anarchici sono ancora in Sudan e speravano di poter continuare le loro attività di agitazione in modo clandestino. Abbiamo fornito aiuti finanziari prima della guerra e anche all'inizio. Ma la situazione è diventata insostenibile e non consente più alcuna attività sociale o politica. Alcuni membri del gruppo hanno deciso di lasciare il Paese il più rapidamente possibile dopo che la loro casa è stata saccheggiata dall'RSF. Altri hanno deciso di rimanere per il momento, e stiamo cercando di aiutare anche loro. [لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

portugais.jpeg imageApoie anarquistas sudaneses no exílio Aug 23 23:32 by Várias organizações anarquistas 0 comments

Nossas companheiras anarquistas ainda estão no Sudão e esperam conseguir dar continuidade às suas atividades de agitação clandestina. Nós garantimos apoio financeiro antes da guerra e também no início dela, mas a situação se tornou insustentável e não nos permite mais qualquer atividade política ou social. Alguns dos membros do grupo decidiram deixar o país o mais rápido possível depois de sua casa ter sido devastada pelo RSF. Outros decidiram ficar por enquanto e nós estamos tentando ajudar eles também. [لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Türkçe]

tucuman.jpg imageΑργεντινή: Το κλε ... Aug 23 21:22 by Organización Anarquista de Tucumán 2 comments

Την ημέρα αυτή διεκδικούμε τις εμπειρίες του αγώνα και της μαχητικότητας του λαού μας, κρατώντας την ταυτότητά μας ως γυναίκες και άντρες του Tucuman που, ακόμα και στις πιο δύσκολες στιγμές έχουμε μάθει να αντιστεκόμαστε και να κρατάμε ψηλά την ελπίδα για την οικοδόμηση ενός πιο δίκαιου κόσμου!

internationalcampaignsudan.jpeg imageSupport Sudanese anarchists in exile Aug 23 18:19 by International anarchist organisations 30 comments

Our anarchist comrades are still in Sudan and were hoping to be able to continue their agitation activities there clandestinely. We provided financial aid before the war and even at the beginning. But the situation has become untenable and no longer allows for any social or political activity. Some members of the group decided to leave the country as quickly as possible after their house was ransacked by the RSF. Others have decided to stay for the time being, and we are trying to help them too.
[عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

espanol.jpeg imageApoyo a los anarquistas sudaneses en el exilio Aug 23 18:15 by Diversas organizaciones anarquistas 0 comments

Nuestros/as compañeros/as libertarios/as están todavía en Sudán, esperando poder continuar allí sus actividades de agitación clandestinas. Les hemos proporcionado ayuda financiera tanto antes de la guerra como poco después de su comienzo. Pero la situación se ha vuelto insostenible y ya no permite la organización de ninguna actividad social o política. A raíz de que su casa fuera saqueada por las Fuerzas de Apoyo Rápido, algunos miembros del grupo decidieron abandonar el país lo antes posible. Otros/as han decidido quedarse por el momento, y también estamos intentando ayudarles.
[لغۃ العربیۃ] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

deutsch.jpeg imageUnterstützt sudanesische Anarchist:innen im Exil! Aug 23 17:45 by Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen 1 comments

Unsere anarchistischen Genoss:innen sind immer noch im Sudan und hoffen, dass sie ihre Agitationsaktivitäten dort im Geheimen fortsetzen können. Wir haben vor dem Krieg und sogar zu Beginn des Krieges finanzielle Hilfe geleistet. Aber die Situation ist unhaltbar geworden und lässt keine sozialen oder politischen Aktivitäten mehr zu. Einige Mitglieder der Gruppe beschlossen, das Land so schnell wie möglich zu verlassen, nachdem ihr Haus von der RSF geplündert worden war. Andere haben beschlossen, vorerst zu bleiben, und wir versuchen, auch ihnen zu helfen.
[لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

Appel anarchiste de solidarité internationale avec nos camarades soudanais en exil imageSoutenir l’exil des anarchistes soudanais·es Aug 23 03:53 by Diverses organisations anarchistes 2 comments

Nos camarades libertaires sont toujours au Soudan et espéraient pouvoir y continuer clandestinement leurs activités d’agitation. Nous avons fourni de l’aide financière avant la guerre et même au début. Mais la situation est devenue intenable et ne permet plus de mener aucune activité sociale ou politique. Certains membres du groupe ont décidé de quitter le pays au plus vite après la mise à sac de leur maison par les FSR. D'autres ont fait le choix de rester pour le moment et nous essayons de les aider également. [لغۃ العربیۃ] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [English] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

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